The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Really, you think Capcom themselves are above guest characters? They got plenty of out of place shit in the costumes and those are mostly their own franchises. I mean for Gill’s sake, look at this shit

SFV doesn’t have a guest because Capcom already burned a bunch of bridges with SNK (CvS2 marketing/profits), Namco, and even freaking Marvel/Disney. Your mysticism of Capcom caring about anything beyond short term profits, much less any kind of creative/artistic integrity with SFV just doesn’t hold up. You can certainly make the argument that SFV is better off for not doing guests, but being too inept to hold the trust of anyone other than nostalgia buyers or self-masturbatory pseudo-fans of the franchise is hardly what can be called “strength”.


cestus trying to desperately change his stance after pointing it as wrong, but still he can’t ignore and deny it WHY?

because his other previous post are still trying to link the butterfly to Kolin and Gill along strongly, and also it shows how the others respond on his previous claims in earlier post before this edited post that he tries to dodge the recent claims. It just show desperate he is to be dishonesty and can’t stand on his own opinions…

another cestus claims

False, It’s a popular mythology around the world that they link butterfly to human soul from greek, egytians, romans and etc

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Costumes aren’t characters. The correlation is nonsensical. So is the notion that Capcom needs third parties to have guest characters. Capcom has a huge catalog of their own characters that they could have used. The lack of guest characters in SFV is by choice. You can agree or disagree with that choice, I personally think guest characters are crutch for games not strong enough to stand on their own. A virtual slap in the face t actual fans of the franchise. A general waste of that could be used on characters that are actually from the franchise. I’ll say what I always say. Crossover games are there for a reason. If you want guest characters, that is the place.


IMO good guest characters are characters that are a natural fit in that game’s world and/or fit thematically with the genre. So;

Good guest characters: Terry in FEXL, Geese and Akuma in T7

Bad guest characters: Negan in T7, Every NRS guest

SF doesn’t need guests sure, but if Capcom aren’t stupid and try and get some movie or comic character but go for another fighting game character then yeah it could be cool. For me though I just don’t want it to feel like it’s taking a spot from another character, which most guests do. If they were to hypothetically add say, Terry, to SF5 I’d rather it happen near the end of the game’s life when a large portion of the SF cast is already present in the roster as opposed to early on when there’s still a lot of characters missing.

Basically, if done right it can be awesome but if they fuck it up it’d be a disaster and the line between fucking it up and getting it right is mighty fine imo.


Curse is laying down some truth.

Capcom has repeatedly burned bridges. I’m not a huge fan of guest characters…but if Terry Bogard was in SF5 instead of being in Fighting EX Layer, I’d never stop playing SF5

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Guest characters? I okay with pseudo guest characters like Zeku, Abigail(Abobo) and Poison(Linda)

Pseudo characters?

I mentioned it here

Even we had Kage having Asura is a costume. I believe I had mentioned this way back.

I would still consider Asura’s decendant

Something like Athena in KOF and Hayate in Fighting EX Layer are both decendant of deities and heavenly beings.

A male descendant of Asura not a reincarnation. Since we had Asura already as an alternate it’s unlikely to happen anyway.


Yet I’ll explain how it would work and fit in SF.

It doesn’t need also a world that needs to merge with the current events because the events would be set from far far centuries ago. All he needs to be is to be an ordinary persons that had awaken dormant power which the cause is from moons in ASF or it can be also because it was triggered by either soul power or psycho power.

He harness that power through his fist but like Hell teacher Nube that he needs to cover it, when in conflict.


But he still do transform to multiple hands when v-trigger activation like Asura.


So with that origin he doesn’t need a heavy background of involvement in the past or something like another victim of super secret organization victim as a character motivation that just recently appeared which is a common cliche in SF and other fighting games…

He doesn’t need to be a repetition of younger Ryu’s inner struggle stories. It’s better that he is someone accustomed with the power within him.

His special moves can be inspired already with the Ryu cameo in Asura Wrath

and here is…

The another one would be


Why him? Why Kevin Striker? Because his also from a far far a way future that would never conflict the past and possible major events in SF. He doesn’t need to merge the event in his time to SF or his origin game because it’s from a very far future. Yet he also need to suffer an Amnesia like Two-P, because that’s an important part of the narrative for displaced character from the future.

He has already tons of attacks and moves that can be used as his special moves

  • Sonic Bullet - a projectile attack
  • Back Flip Shield -

He can be accidentally transported in the wrong time from a huge future mechanism stays in the future not something that he caries the technology with him to avoid any possible conflict in the story like bringing time travel as an issue in SF.

He still remains with the same origin and background without also needing to change because everything from him and his time is from a far far away also, so like the Asura decendant they are not heavily tied to their origin game but rather those were just separate events that can never ever conflict whatever in SF timeline is possible to reach.

The question is now WHY? It is because it’s from a past and future that cannot be a present time to any previous existing SF characters,

We can have some time Time Cop, and the One vibes here

We can also add Two-P in the mix to add flavor in Kevin Striker’s character. Like they remember each other as friends or rivals but still had amnesia for major events in the future, so they had no idea had in history or what would happen to SF characters in the future.


Which makes now remember the Demolition Man where Sylvester Stallone is against Wesley Snipes that both are displaced individuals in a very different environment.

But instead would end up as friends,rather than rivals like in Double Team.

This character as pseudo guest characters are still okay with me because they were originally easter eggs in some way in previous SF games. that they either crossover or an SF character di a crossover and camero in their game.

Yet those kind pseudo guest characters with those kind of writing look complicated at first but I mean could still add more. For example

How do I put Cyberbots character to be a guest character for street fighter V?

Like I would pick SUPER-8 from Cyberbots?


Why Super-8 and not Blodia?

  • because Devilot is so popular
  • because the name saotome is also license to another anime franchise to avoid confusion
  • but were not putting Devilot(She already existed as ALT) as a character but instead her great great ancestor it can be a he not a she.

Then will implement it like how Neo Geo Battle Coliseum did with Cyber Woo from King of the Monsters.


This was how Cyber WOO in KOM game which they were supposed to be mecha giants

How SNK miniaturize the character to spar with other popular characters of them from their other franchise/IP.

Yet Capcom can implement a mini Super-8 piloted in how Tron Bonne pilot her mecha.

Yet who is the perfect guest character?

If Guest characters you ask? This is the PERFECT guest character.



  • His not tied to anyone or particular group, SO no conflict in future reference
  • He can just appear from somewhere else like Necali
  • He is appreciated and welcome to SF
  • He is a flexible character
  • Tekken did incorporate Akuma in their story but Garuda can do better.
  • His presence doesn’t conflict with those with the Shadaloo and Secret Society Saga

Yet for me it is still better to have more background characters that are fighters and trained fighters to be turned as being playable than a guest character.

Man if people would say Capcom need money for guest characters and it’s not canon anyway, It’s like just saying, might as well straight up add zero, megaman, dante, vergil, nero, some darkstalkers or whatever resident evil character. If you just believe guest character is about $$$ and the story is gonna be non-canon anyway. Just go with a Capcom All-Star Fighter anyway.

YES, i think SFV team for SFV proven themselves to be above Guest bullshit when it comes to standard cast.
It’s like a fact as we speak.
Maybe in few weeks Season V will do the bullshit, but as now things are like this.
Aas Darc pointed out

Wich is exactly the point
Capcom has been indeed on the bullshit side with alt costumes (and i criticized that A LOT), but is not what i was pointing at

As a FACT, SFV DID NOT (till now) used any slot for Guest characters, in a age when high % of fight games did. A specific trait i admire and praise

This was entirely my point.
It seem you’re willing to jump into some sfv hater vs sfv defender bullshit, but you can’t with me

I’ve been and still i am highly critical of many sfv decisions, and after decades i may even abandon the franchise (if SF6 goes full prostitute and embrace “realism” as art style to get western $$$)

If you say lol they no guest because SFV sucks, then i point it still sold millions and still important franchise.
Not to point some SFV success (i’m neither capcom investor, nor die hard internet defender), but to say SFV could have got a guest if wanted one, easily. An they chosen to not

You seem in the mood to just shit on capcom for SFV, we talk about choice to have (or not) Guest characters and your first reply is “but netcode!” lol

You seen my “stay strong SFV”, wich was completely regarding this specific choice (in the day shamsho announced second guest in a row), and you took it as oh no capcom shill said SFV stronk, i must say SFV sucks

Go ahead with the research, i’m sure in the vast internet you can find a proper opponents for this level of discussion lol

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Of course if SFV got Terry or Geese like Arika and TK7 did will have been cool AF and worth a slot.
SFV have his own fair share of slots used for mediocre/bad entries, and a totally SF-fitting legend like Terry could have occupied it far better

Problem is there’s no guarantee they will pick a good Guest, it’s like russian roulette lol
Watch other fight games, you can find lot of great picks, next to lot of deep crap decisions… i take the very very worst SF character over a Negan in SFV

Of course, if we got some sort of magic rule that guarantee us good Guest, why not… there are like hundreds fight game characters that potentially can fit SF, and of these a considerable number could be very good pick

As i know you got taste, i’m sure you can do a not-troll list of 10 Guest you will like see in SFV and i will probably agreet with 10 out 10
Let’s try if you want could be interessing

But that magic rule does’nt exist, so till they add the “must be Cestus-approved” rule i prefer SFV “conservative” approach as the risk seem to me much higher than the reward

Street Fighter had a guest character once.

Still think this is a dope design, they could use it for a new character in a future game


Ingrid was another thing again, guest-artist character

If we want take guest-artist stuff Capcom and also SF lore (even if they almost never appeared in SF outside a stage cameo) have good number of them as Slam Masters cast, wich aside Mike Haggar was all like that

A thing that suprised me is that they managed to get a deal to still use her (SFV Karin’s costume), while touch anything of Slam Masters cast seems something close to impossible lol, a bit sad

We can still hope for Haggar someday in a SF title.

But we more background character in SF story is more better to me.

Capcom is a genius for implementing Zeku with Strider like references. I wouldn’t trade Zeku for any Terry Bogard or Geese to be in SF. Even that I like Terry.

Aged master are the best


Not another of those skinny boys that sometimes had white hair that cestus usually want, look how he all of a sudden change and now shilling for my interest which is Haggar and Slammasters haha… he right now constantly mentioning Slam master and Haggar lol

after pointing and calling him out haha

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Having read Shonan Junai Gumi (GTO prequel) Ive come to like the bosozoku culture. Nagisa/Shinomi are now some of my fav anime/manga characters. Would love a girl like this in SF

No guest Characters (from other companies) in SF, please.


Cestus I was responding to ES Curse’s post. Not yours :wink:


Yes, i know :smiley:
If you read the part above in same post i was replying to him too, and i just used that quote from you (wich was correct and i agree with) saying “as Darc pointed out” to reply to him that costumes=/=characters lol :smiley:

The whole thing gone like

No stupid guest, good
But netcode!
Still no stupid guest, good
But costumes!
Still no stupid guest, good

@ES_Curse to me it’s ok like that, you ever seem to me a regular guy, misunderstood “stay strong SFV” seem to just have triggered the fuck out of you lol
No bad blood, to me it’s solved :smiley: (and i agree, these redbull costumes are probably the worst crime of the whole costumes collection, and was’nt easy challenge lol)

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Nothing against the idea itself of that archetype at all, we go into Rival Schools kind of little crime imagery that will not outrage me anymore since SFA with Sakura already lowered the level to be a Street Fighter

But still i don’t want muh potential new italian slot to be wasted like that
Keep just Rose and eventually -if they can come up with some actual good male design- a new char

Glad they gone with Menat, she also enriched SF with first Egypt rep

If they’re adding a KOF character, let it be either Kasumi or Goro.

They’re the ones that fit the most in the Street Fighter style, IMO.

Yes the good marketing would be to put in characters that are historically super unpopular even in their own franchises.

That would definitely be the GOOD choice to add to SF as a guest character

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I’m just thinking about the integrity of the game and its aesthetics.

Putting Iori Yagami or some shit would probably sell more games, but his style simply doesn’t fit with Street Fighter, he would stick out like a sore thumb.

Goro, Kasumi and Kim have freaking great gameplay (I don’t care that someone says Goro and Kasumi are “unpopular”), and their style wouldn’t clash with the rest of the Street Fighter characters.