The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I remember reading that he based some characters off Hong-Kong celebrity Aaron Kwok.

There’s also the “George Clooney” face meme but that’s not related.

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Actually, it’s a certain, not his. It’s unspecified and it could be any country. It’s not important.

Not an old form, nor could it be confused with a bird; it’s simply written in katakana, and as such it could be confused with a foreign name. Anyway, it’s the Jaguar Kick that Vega stole and remade into his Scissor Kick.

That’s actually a more direct banter between Ken and Eliza.
23: You will take responsibility for that, won’t you?
24: Whoopsie!¹
The old gag that “you touched the woman, so you must marry her”. Old as dirt, seen even in Dragon Ball (remember Chichi and Goku?). Here, it’s heavily implied Ken impregnated Eliza, so… Shotgun wedding, my dear Ken! :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s a far more judgemental statement, actually: it’s Ryu saying to Ken “you waste your time getting infatuated with women” (rather than training and sparring with me, it’s the implied meaning…)

“Northern territories” are the Southern Kuril Islands. There’s an old dispute between Japan and Russia regarding the four southernmost islands Iturup, Kunashir, Shikotan and Habomai. What’s really hilarious is picturing RYU fussing about the issue, as if anything else than training and fighting ever actually mattered to him. This apparently forced political stance doesn’t surprise me, though, as it shows the influence of the typical protagonists of THAT AUTHOR (@bakfromon and @LOVECYCLONE know whom I’m talking about), absolutely not shy to shoehorn his political opinions into his own mangas. We’ll get to him, don’t worry. Of course, it’s not to be taken seriously HERE.

“He bought UP all the spices”. Basically Vega hates Dhalsim because Dhalsim wanted all the curry for himself and monopolised the spices (LOL).

“killing bulls”. It’s a reference to Ikki Kajiwara’s Karate Baka Ichidai, where the protagonist Mas Ōyama was regularly fighting bulls; but when he tried to boast that to the cunning promoter Todd Wakamatsu, Todd retorted that it was nothing new, as the former world heavyweight boxing champion Jack Johnson already fought and KILLED A BULL WITH A SINGLE PUNCH WHILE IN SPAIN. Basically Kajiwara created a tall tale about Johnson, where the former champ, despised and impoverished because he was black (true), fled to Spain (true) and was forced to do various gigs to survive, even bullfighting (still true). Once a bull disarmed him, so Johnson fought him barehanded… and won (totally made up). And here we have the birth of the “boxer who kills bulls with a punch” story. And maybe even the idea of the torero costume for Claw…

It should be noted that Kajiwara’s exaggerated stories about wrestlers and martial artists were, and sometimes STILL ARE, widely believed in Japan. It’s not surprising that Street Fighter just took the same stories and exaggerated them further.

LOL. That’s most likely a reference to Zangief’s Bite grab (medium distance f + HP), that when done on Chun-Li resembled more Zangief scrubbing his bearded chin on Chun-Li’s head than a bite:
Schermata 2020-05-01 alle 15.55.55

Sabu, Guile’s dog.

He despises him. Another funny political stance, Honda hating Guile because Japan couldn’t fish whales anymore because of US meddling. Always funny to blame the entire population of a country for something its government or a single group did.

¹ がちょーん Gachōn was an old nonsensical gag of comedian Kei Tani, where he uttered the (made-up) onomatopoeia “gachōn” while retreating his hand that had seemingly grabbed something it shouldn’t have grabbed. The motion is demonstrated here, completely out of context:

Obviously, it’s a word without a proper translation, that should vary depending on the situation. It also shows the chart was made in the first Nineties, as it’s unlikely any Japanese younger than 50 would remember that gag.


Ken: “Well. Sense there may be an EVO2020, I think we all know who the true winner of this tournament will be! I have mastered a power that goes far beyond anything related to the Satsui no Hadou, Mushin, Psycho Power, Soul Power, Bushin-Ryu, Orochi-Blood, Devil Gene, DOATEC Alpha Projects, Soul Calibur, Soul Edge, and beyond!”

I cant believe zangief had that bite grab lol. He must be looking back at with a huge facepalm


Man! That was awesome! Thanks!

I see. so the correct line is “11: A plane crashes (to “wipe out ” a minister/cabinet member from a certain country)”

Yeah, Vega’s first hit sprite resemble a lot one of Adon’s kick in SFI (I don’t think it had a name at the time).
Double Knee

Lol! I never thought it could be like that!

Huuum… I sense jealousy coming from you, Ryu? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I see. I really thought the other way round, that Vega bought all the spices for himself and couldn’t eat any of it for half a year. But it makes sense, since there’s an affirmation that Dhalsim loves curry rice.
So the correct line is: “36: Due to the fact he bought up all the spicy condiments, was unable to eat curry rice for half a year”

“37: Although his deadly technique was associated with killing bulls, it killed his father”
Thanks for the explanation from where that came from.

I’ve seen it romanized as Safu. But CFN and Vasili also had it translated as Sub.

Yeah, that happens a lot.
Correct line is: “72: He despises him, because he no longer can put whale meat in the chanko”

If everything is correct, I’ll update the post.

BTW, I have 2 questions:
1: What’s up with the colored arrows (green and purple)?
2: Are the names of Honda’s students correct (73, 74, 75, 76)?

Thanks a lot for everything.
I might post the Complete File chart tomorrow.


Actually, YOUR interpretation makes the most sense. Since when does Dhalsim have the MONEY to BUY UP something? Since there’s not an explicit subject in the sentence, you have to deduce it, and the arrow confused me. But no, it’s Dhalsim that resents Vega because VEGA monopolised the spice market (lol). Lots of silly motivations for fighting; it’s not surprising they left out most of them later…

That was a direct reference to “Classy” Freddie Blassie, widely known in Japan for his habit to fiercely bite his opponents in the forehead. Blassie appeared in various mangas and cartoons as well, most notably in Kajiwara’s Tiger Mask.

So Capcom gave Zangief three HEEL moves: the bite and Von Erich’s stomach (medium distance d + MP or HP) and iron claw (medium distance f + MP). That’s why even the Japanese were at first confused if he was meant as a good or bad character. Of course, since in pro wrestling and even more in street fighting literally anything goes, one or two “not nice” moves shouldn’t be a problem…

1: Honestly, it’s not clear. Maybe only to better distinguish between them?
2: Yes, I already romanised them as Nishinofuji and Marunoumi, but it’s a matter of preference. It should be noted that even Ryoredcyclone pointed out that 龍山 Tatsuyama was sometimes 鳩山 Hatoyama instead.


I guess that’s where Rog one-punch killing Sim’s elephant come from lol, they gone for the upgrade :smiley:


Looks like Urien finally got rid of Gill


Good riddance!!


Urien: “Oh, you pathetic rats. LOOK AT ME… when I am talking to you.”

Urien catches a random SRK user and holds him up by the neck

Urien: “You shall never mention the name Gill again in my presence. You talk among your little friends as if Gill is going to save you from my wrath! But, listen well, you worthless rat… I am your lord and your god and you will FEAR ME! As a matter of fact, I shall cease your credit card, force you to write bad checks, obliterate your credit score, and reduce you to the pile of excrement that you are!!”


Urien: “…!!!”

Urien proceeds to headbutt the dude 16 times

Urien: “Oh, I am certainly thick-headed. Just headstrong enough to TEAR YOU APART! THOU MUST SUFFER AT THE MIGHT OF THE LORD GOD EMPEROR URIEN!!!”

Here it is, the Street Fighter II - Complete File relations chart translated.

NOTE: Post edited after @Midgardsorm corrections and notes.

1: Street Fighter II - Relationship chart between all characters
2: Training rivals (Footnote 1)
3: Footnote 1: Ryu gets a little angry at Ken, because “he gets infatuated with women”
4: Brother-in-law (Footnote 2)
5: Footnote 2: Obviously, they fight each other without knowing it
6: Girlfriend
7: Sister
8: Married couple
9: Parents and daughter
10: Pet
10a: Friend
11: Comrade in arms
12: Destined rivals
13: Mutual feeling that one must defeat the other
14: Disciple
15: Subordinate (Footnote 3)
16: Footnote 3: Lately, Sagat has not approved the foul play methods adopted by Vega, and there is an harsh atmosphere between the two
17: Hates his gloomy personality
18: Avenging his great friend
19: Killed him in order to keep his mouth shut
20: Is there a connection behind his unknown whereabouts?
21: Father (Narcotics Department investigator)
22: Avenging her father’s murder?
23: Father and daughter
24: Envy her beauty (Footnote 4)
25: Footnote 4: Chun-Li ignores him.
26: Hyakuretsu’s rival
27: Had his kick plagiarized sometime ago
28: Ideological enemies (Footnote 5)
29: Footnote 5: The president has a cooperative relationship with Zangief; that’s because, Shadaloo is an hindrance to the president’s peace policy
30: Subordinate
31: Claw rivals1
32: President
32a: A veteran at the Wrestling Club
33: Subordinates
34: The huge criminal organization Shadaloo
35: Long ago, crashed an airplane (Footnote 6)
36: Footnote 6: On the same plane, there was a minister from a certain country, and as a Shadaloo strategy, the plane was brought down
37: Avenging his dear elephant (Footnote 7)
38: Footnote 7: A while ago, he killed Dhalsim’s parent elephant using a sure-killing technique.2
39: Won’t forgive bad guys
40: Hates the wire-netting (Footnote 8)
41: Footnote 8: Once, Blanka got trapped in a wire-netted cage
42: Previously plagiarized the Super Zutsuki
43: Hates violent subjects
44: Vega (boss)
45: Hates the f****** snob
46: Disciples
47: Nishi-no-Fuji
48: Maru-no-Umi
49: Yasuhanada
50: Tatsuyama
51: Pen pal
52: Mother and son
53: Friend and means of transport
54: Father and son
55: Kabuki make up rival

1: This is interesting because it could be a play with the first chart. In that, there was written カキゾメ kakizome in katakana. That’s indeed the practice of writing the first character calligraphy art of the New Year, but other than 激 geki (“violent”) being the aforementioned character it doesn’t make much sense. Here, there’s written カギヅメ kagizume , “CLAW”. It could be a wordplay with the first chart… Or they wrote “claw” wrong in the first.
2: 親象 Oyazō is “parent elephant” (not “elephant friend”). It’s left unspecified if Bison killed Kodal’s father, or his mother, or BOTH his parents, as the word could even be plural. Kodal is Dhalsim’s elephant and mount. We see Kodal in Dhalsim’s ending, so Bison couldn’t have killed him .

Thanks a lot!


Urien Remix.

How Urien killed Gill (to make things quicker, fast forward to the boss fight sequence in the TAS). Credits to Crystal Cube 99.

I think Dhalsim’s family really should be explored a bit more, as it just raises so many questions. His wife always seemed really young but she’s seen so rarely they might retcon it. How does his son feel about having one of the more powerful characters in the SF series (hot take: Dhalsim is Ryu/Ken level ignoring plot armor) as a father? Does he use his powers for day-to-day stuff like getting things off of shelves?


She was stated as being 17 during SF2. Which is a bit disturbing when Dhalsim was 39. She still looks a bit young in her CFN profile. That said, given the sliding timeline this could no longer be the case.

Slightly unrelated.

I notice that Dhalsim has a tendency of popping up in tier lists as high-tier or a strong mid-tier character in most of his earlier appearances…

We gonna have to start calling him Yoga Allen or Yoga Kelly…nah Yoga Allen is a better fit.

@Darc_Requiem it gets worse. I search it up just to make sure and Sally was 17 when she gave birth to Datta so she could’ve been younger when she married him.

Wow…never figured the enlightened street fighter would be getting his Woody Allen on.

I mean, they’re Indian. As written by Japanese people.

I didn’t notice this before, but “Haggar impressions” is a skill?! That’s amazing, hah, man I love her even more now.