The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

This is actually accurate to Gandhi.

Look him up.

Dude was a creepy pedo

Never forget Capcom shilling C.Viper and Juri having them beat up Cammy and Chun-Li. And now that the money is spent, C.Viper isn’t in SFV and Juri is an irrelevant sideshow who kept her mouth shut when Urien entered the same room as her.

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Oh my that Juri in bottom right


Sure, his wife was 14 when he married her, but he was 13 himself.

Or do you mean how Ghandi would have young naked women sleep beside him, including his own teenage grandnieces, to continually test his celibacy?


Where are her pants?

@Skort ran off with them.

Yes I mean the incestual pedophilia thing when I mention he was a pedophile

It’s hilarious how you manage to misunderstand Ganghi’s ascetic practices, meant specifically to reinforce celibacy, with goddamn incestual pedophilia because they sound weird and lurid to modern Western sensibilities.

One has to make an effort to be this ignorant.


Yeah, no I’m not giving any credence to “cultural differences” for someone laying in bed naked with their underage naked neice to “resist sexual temptations”

Full stop. I’m not doing that any sooner than I’m going to give credence to “cultural differences” if some culture wants to marry and fuck 9 year olds.

You know how you resist sexual temptation involving underage girls? You don’t have sexual urges towards underage girls. Case closed.

It’s not some mystical Eastern ascetic practice woo woo woo gotta respect it. It’s fucking disgusting. Guess what? You might not know this about me, but I grew up with my best friend being half-Indian. His dad came over from India when he was in his 20’s. He’s a really close family friend. Surprise surprise…he’s the one that told me about Gandhi being a creeper.

Oh let me guess…the man that was born in and grew up in India for 2 decades has “modern Western sensibilities”?

If “modern Western sensibilities” includes not getting into bed naked with your underage niece to see if you can resist her sexually…well I guess guilty as fucking charged.

Yeah if you’re okay with the shit in this paragraph just block me right now. He was no different from any other number of cult leaders who use their power and influence over others. It’s the same exact stuff.


Ignoring everything else, tthere is something rather dubious to his logic.

Consider the consequence if he ever failed, he’d either attempt or outright succeed in having sex with one of his loving and very trusting teenage grandnieces.

On another dubious matter, was not having sex with your teenage grandniece supposed to be a challenge? If it wasn’t, then why bother with such a non-test? If it was, then what does it say about you that you’ve been questioning whether you are sexually attracted to your trusting teenage grandnieces?


“I’m ignorant and refuse to conceive the idea that different cultural values might have existed in different times and places, and I’m proud of it!”

The American way, indeed.

Unfortunately for many people that’s not something you decide, just like you don’t decide whether you want to be heterosexual or homosexual. Pedophiles don’t just decide to be assholes to kids and go fuck them, you know?

Nah, blocking is for bitches. Feel free to block me if your pearl clutching nonsense demands it.

LMAO The irony of this statement considering, y’know, I just clarified this info came to me from an Indian man. Whatever though, you’re right. Back in the first half of the 1900’s it was TOTALLY NORMAL what Gandhi was doing in India…oh wait, no it wasn’t and it’s you being ignorant of what their culture is like.

BTW, by this logic every cultural practice in the history of the world is perfectly valid and defensible including child murder, torture, genocide, rape and everything else conceivable.

Cultural moral relativism is cancerous and evil. It’s also intellectually bankrupt because, guess what? If my “culture” is to disagree with you and say you’re wrong, you’d be required to not only accept my point of view but defend it. It’s a brain-dead thought process.

Bro, we’re at the point where you’re now straight-up defending pedophiles in this thread as “they can’t help it!” and equating it to homosexuality?

Jesus Christ.

Do you have something you want to let us know, man?

Guess what is the LAST THING a pedophile that doesn’t want to harm children should do? Climb in bed with both of them naked and have them give him enemas to “resist his sexual urges”.

“Hey I don’t like an adult man laying in bed naked with underage girls and touching them on their bodies” = pearl clutching nonsense


Sure, man.

Sure. I’m really Helen Lovejoy over here.


“Only an ignorant American would be so ridiculous as to condemn cultural pedophilia!”

The fact that you think the spirit of what you said would anger an American instead of potentially angering any functional adult that ISN’T American is flat-out fucking hilarious. I can just imagine any number of people from all over the world raising a hand and being like “Uhhhh…I’m also against molesting kids…”

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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It’s extremely classy of you to try to paint me as an homophobe and maybe worse, but yes: I think that our social issue with pedophilia would improve if we tried less to demonize pedophiles and treat them like monsters to be lynched and instead tried more to help them dealing with the unfortunate condition they were born with that leads them to grievously harm kids because of their natural inclinations.

I guess I’m a monster too for thinking that.
The rest isn’t worth to reply to.

Jesus Christ indeed.

You’ve painted yourself as whatever people think about you based on your comments, dude, which include DIRECTLY equating pedophilia to heterosexuality and homosexuality. People can take from that what they will.

“I’ve revealed I know nothing about Gandhi or the culture of India at the time, which actually did not react kindly to reports of what was going on with Gandhi sexually so instead I’ll just say it’s not worth replying too because I’m a morally consistent and intellectually honest person”

Cool story, bro.

About your other shit…

Lotsa people live without sex. Lots. Gay and straight alike.

If pedophiles can’t do the same and have to hurt a kid, their bodies could get stacked to the sky for all I care.

I have exactly the same issues with a non-practicing serial killer as I do with a non-practicing pedophile: none. No harm, no foul.

Hell, they can look at as much underage hentai (y’know, the DRAWN stuff) as they want and I won’t bat an eye.

The second it becomes treated as some valid sexuality? Yeah, hell no. It is not valid. Homosexuality? Valid. Heterosexuality? Valid. Pedophilia? A severe mental disturbance that should be treated with the same seriousness as violent sociopathy. We don’t TREAT people for homosexuality or heterosexuality. Pedophiles require treatment. It’s “demonized” because its abhorrent and highly dangerous to the most vulnerable people in just about the most horrific way.

Yeesh, dude.


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Yeesh indeed.

Now we probably want to stop filling the story thread with this nonsense, so I’ll drop it here. Feel free to berate me some more if you want though.

Yeah, bro, I’ve been really out of line with my berating of people up to and including entire nations of people.

Guess I’ll stop. Consider it dropped. :ok_hand:

Didn’t know that Jax was on Jerry Springer and that Sindel was a hostess at a big arcade (the guests didn’t know that she’s Sindel because she didn’t have any makeup on). Also, Daniel Pesina talking about how it all started and that the Scorpion and Sub-Zero story line started out way different.

Basically Mortal Kombat is a group of friends’ Dungeons & Dragons campaign turned into a video game!!!

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I mean, it’s possible to be a pedophile and not be dangerous. Just because you’re attracted to something doesn’t mean you’re automatically going to go out and sexually assault it. Plenty of non-pedophiles go their whole lives without ever having sex.

I literally made that same point, yo

Everyone see that MK panel interview in the video?