The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

Hokuto is cool. I wish it were one of her previous designs instead of EX3.

Learn to like it or ignore it. I had to deal with Hugo in mankini in the background. :s

Cause she’s gifted for extra fun in the sun lol.

because he’s a man

a man with tits, but a man

oh by the way

@bakfromon I’ve noticed that in the your plot guide a word “Bisonn” comes up quite a lot of times, as if it replaced other word(s)

Example: Muscle Bomber’s entry

I think you’ll need to fix that…

The missing disciple is Tatsuyama (龍山).

Also, one and for all - can we solidify if Sagat offered Ryu to help get up after Ryu lost to him in Street Fighter 1? Did it happen or not? I don’t see a mention of it in the Plot Guide (neither of the Sagat’s and Ryu’s plots say anything about it)

Virtua Fighter is like the WNBA, not as flashy as its closest counterpart but more attention can be paid to its smaller roster, the game is quicker and has great fundamentals (fighting mechanics).

I don’t believe that shit, it will be out of character

If he hated Ryu will not have helped get up
If he respected Ryu will not have helped get up
If he treated Ryu as a warrior will not have helped get up

Most acceptable answer is him just have lowered his guard sure to have knocked Ryu the fuck out, then Ryu rise up with a shoryuken

Sagat tought the fight was over, when it was not

Sagat feel cheated because if he realized Ryu still was able to continue, he will have blocked Ryu’s strike

That myth has been debunked. It was based on poor translations. Did not happen.

“We no can dunk but have good fundamentals”

Where can I find the correct translation then?

It’s quite a few pages back. I can explain in a nutshell what was wrong…

The original translation in the plot guide mistook Sagat referring to a “fist” as a “hand given”. Sagat was actually talking about having to develop a “fist” (a technique) that could rival the “fist” (technique) that laid him low. IE: He’s talking about working towards creating the Tiger Uppercut to defeat the Shoryuken.

And when Ryu did a wakeup DP that wasn’t Satsui no Hado either, correct? He was just salty after losing?

Well, in Ryu’s case SnH at the end is just supernatural subconscious salt

The shoryuken he hit Sagat with would have had to be a Goushoryu or something equivalent which is why it tore Sagat from proverbial stem to stern. Gouken’s refined techniques do not do that kind of physical harm. So yes, he would have been tapping into SnH. That was his first brush with it


Good eye. I screwed something up changing all the Four Kings names from Japanese to English but it was an easy fix. If you happen to find any other typos or gaffes let me know.

What if Agent Shadow? ALT

Not enough purple flames.

men you work in capcom

Agent Shadow ALT, data-mined in the update. What could be next ShadowL, Mech Gief or Psycho Ken?