The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Don’t really care for Necro, but him and Dhalsim deserve to duke it out, so I’d take him.


Not so bad, but these songs ever feel cringe af to me lol, they want that anime intro vibe but never really nail it

Only exception i do


It’s the lyrics that do that(Lifelight was the same way), but the non-lyric version that appeared in the trailer is fantastic, and I’m hoping the game OST has the full version.


Agree, that was awesome
While at it the trailer make me think how much i will like stages similar to Tam Tam and Charlotte ones.
The jungle would works perfect on Blanka and even more Charlotte’s as Palazzo Mistero for Menat

I don’t really care much either, but i’m ok with him being in… i mean, there are characters i will like more return, but you can’t ever win and Necro will be ok. Sure will have took Necro over Kage bullshit anyday lol

Only two things i will like

  • Effie to be his V-Trigger in same way as Nadeshiko to Mika. Give her some bizzarre mutation power too maybe. Also win cutscene of course

  • Will like to see a Necro “prequel” as Story Costume to be Ilia… when he still was a not-mutant, or maybe halfway in the tasformation
    Something like this

It depends on who they choose, because some had a larger bearing on the cartoon plot which was tied to the movie and as confusing as the SF plot is already, if some people’s mere existence places certain events clumsily into the canon it makes it worse.

For instance, let’s say they say the whole Alpha Shun- Saddler plot is canon, it makes a weird wrinkle. All of a sudden, you have a major event in Ryu’s life (finding out he has a brother, having that be uprooted, losing him and facing a brand new set of foes) happen off screen and never mentioned.

Or if they include that Alien prince guy from the cartoon, then it says hey, Aliens/extra-dimensional beings are confirmed in Street Fighter and Chun Li romanced an extra terrestrial thus changing the ceiling of the universe.

If they include the other villains of the week you run into a weird issue of placing their accompanying canon characters into a weird position. The cyborg lady who fought T Hawk may place him as being part of Guile’s team when such a thing couldn’t happen in the canon since half the cast weren’t part of an international super soldier team.

Now that being said, if they took elements of the characters and made new ones, that would be less of an issue, like if they took the Blonde British leader on the show and reworked him into Byron it wouldn’t be as glaring, but a direct insertion into the canon would suddenly have questions like "Wait…Guile’s USAF and has at times gone rogue, when would he have had time in his quest to have been part of a spy/super team?

That’s my $0.02 on the matter.

Ooooh this was a surprise! I didn’t know Udon was gonna do a story with them! I’ve really grown to like these two in the past few years and I wouldn’t mind them having a presence (playable/unplayable) in SF5!

Kage did a decent job replacing Edgy Ryu.

So we won’t see 2 characters that are overly redundant in gameplay-wise and also story-wise.

Many did like Kage and you don’t see a lot of hating of him from Evil Ryu fans as him being a discount Evil Ryu. The thing that Evil Ryu fans dislike about him was the fangs, they accepted him as a replacement than getting nothing towards future SF.

I really like Zeku his the amalgam of my wishlist that I constantly post in the character thread having the ability to rejuvenate his character and being a archetype of a sennin, ninja, masters and elders, than teens and early 20s characters that overpopulated SF playable characters. His a very well praise character.

I hope they would gave way to the characters to more leaders and mature characters like
Keith Wolfman with Tonfa of Delta red but with a CA like Captain commando similar to his Captain Storm. His storywise and gamplay wise.

He was also in the cartoons


As for Necro

Instead of Stagger they could also make it like it damages the stun gauge if in that area. So it would latter lead to a unblockable attack if stayed long.

The Vtrigger 2 is Effie something that she would be like Maya of Phoenix Wright rather than Nadeshiko because it feels redundant.

Her purpose is not to attack the enemy like Nadeshiko but rather being Necro’s defender.

That will also help Necro lead in better situation to take advantage of his long range specials and normals attack.

How by having Effie be like Maya in MVC3 that either creates a barrier or pick a random object to block and absorbs the opponent attacks.


As for CFN cartoon and anime characters they could always make them just people like Ruby Heart and Kyle but with a different background and didn’t met the actual SF characters compare to their cartoon and anime counterparts.

Like Shun was an assistant to Sadler and Rosanov as his willing volunteer without the fake brother plot or meeting of Ryu.


@bakfromon @Midgardsorm I’m trying to help out a pal, what percentage of Japanese is Ken again? Is he a 1/4 Japanese? 3/4? Thanks in advance! Cheers!

@Shockdingo Iirc he’s only 1/4 American, and 3/4 Jap

Wich considering the english name on male bloodline make it something like

Ken: 25% :us: - 75% :jp:
Dad: 50% :us: - 50% :jp:
Mom: 100% :jp:
Dad-side Grandfather 100% :us:
Dad-side Grandmother 100% :jp:
Mom-side Grandfather 100% :jp:
Mom-side Grandmother 100% :jp:

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Do you have the issue or a scan of it mykka? God what a lame design Maggio has. Cant get over it.


I really hope he isn’t the Yun-not-Yun slot for SFV

Zubaz and Cobra is more legit and has more design space than maggio. lol

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You would assume all of this but that’s not the case.

Ken’s maternal (moms side) grandfather is fully American, that would make Ken’s fathers side fully Japanese. Ken is actually referenced as a Japanese native in SF1, SF2, and SF3 and only referenced as being American born in SFA3, SF4, and SF5. America for Ken in SF2 is actually referenced as being his mother’s home and not his and at this point in the story, he is basically as American as Ryu is, as he wasn’t born there. I’m not sure if Ken’s father’s side was retconned to be American since SFA3 introduces Ken’s uncle who originally owned the Master’s hotel businesses.

Japanese wiki and plot guide confirms this.


Laura and Sean’s situation is so less complicated. Dad is Japanese. Mom is Brazilian.

Whoa, holy crud, that’s wild I never knew that! So his mom’s father is American, but Asian American or white? And his father is fully Japanese? Just curious on the true ratio now.

Thanks Bakfromon and Cestus.

Ken’s mom is half Asian American and born in the US. Ken was supposed to have traditional Asian black hair in canon which he dyes blonde. This is why he has black eye brows. The surname “Masters” is actually from Ken’s fully Japanese half of the family.


I hear this story repeatedly. Do we have any confirmation of this? Black eyebrows are SUPER common in anime despite the hair color of characters and this even applies to OTHER SF characters

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Not the best indicator but I thought there was black regrowth in SF2V anime alluding to this.
Would love a simple ‘didn’t have time to redye his hair’ alt for Ken.

Is his name Kenji too or was at some point?

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No, just UDON sometimes posts them on twitter

Lol that’s bizzarre AF :smiley:
And if they retconnect the name male line to be american, then Ken will become 50 (if dad is 50/50) or 75%(if dad is 100) american

I think it’s both the black eyebrws+black eyes hinting it… rarely manga/anime resist to add blue eyes to the combo.
I may be wrong, but any other blond char in SF have azure/green eyes… with the exception of Maki and Karin, who are both japanese girls (so they probably are’nt true blond either)

Btw even back to SF1/2 the blond color looked totally fake


I think they want just to represent 2 things: Ken trying to “americanize” himself, being born/living there, and maybe to show his “rebel” side as character, as iirc blonde used to have that social meaning too

googled, found something

“As for Blonde, delinquent boys and girls often dye their hair in Blonde. It’s because they want to show that they are “outsiders” in Japan to show disobedience to Japanese society. “Yankee” is a slang which means “bad boys or girls” in Japan because they often dye their hair in Blonde. A yankee is simply a subculture that was popular in Japan in the 80′s and 90′s”

“Many yankee simply joined the regular workforce and lived regular, productive lives after high school. Being a yankee was simply a way to enjoy youth and lash out at society similar to the punk rock movement in the West.”

Of course for Ken’s case does’nt apply (as he live in America), but the imagery stay and ithink it even fit his character (think how he “rebel” to ansatsuken form to design his own style)