SFV Character Request/Anticipation Thread

Sagat without the Tiger Uppercut would solve a lot of the issues since playing against him wouldn’t feel as similar as playing against Ryu and would make a much better dynamic about a character that would be hard to get in but much more rewarding when you do so than eating a random incincible TU and get back to square one. That said, I’m pretty sure Capcom won’t have the balls to modify Sagat and instead will give him a few new gimmicks while leaving his core gameplay intact, DP included.

Look at Ken: a lot of people were expecting him to lose the fireball entirely so his kicks and punches could stand out more because that was the logical end of his evolution but in the end Capcom chickened out and not only he did keep the Hadouken, but it is actually the Shakunetsu hadoken on V-trigger so the homogeneity with the other shotos increased. Being realistic, if Capcom couldn’t grow a pair and remove Ken’s Hadouken even if it is very secondary to his game plan save for a few matches, it is far less likely that they cut the Tiger Uppercut when it has been much more central to Sagat’s gameplay. When it comes to the shoto archetype, Capcom happily throws all principles like variety and balance of design off the window in order to deliver what the target audience demands. At best I’m expecting them to remove the uppercut but give the invincibility frames and crush counter status during recovery to Tiger Knee so it becomes the de facto DP.

Since Sagat is one of the top candidates for season 2, we won’t have to wait for long to verify this. Would be very happy to be wrong, but I’ll have my vitriol ready.

Tbh i think there are 2 main possibilities

1- they keep him mostly as it is, TU included
Also he will be a strong character

2- they remove TU but he get some very flashy special as "reparation"
Also he will be a strong character

In both case the point will be please his fans, as his inclusion will be also a marketing move

Mainly because Cestus uses it wrong intentionally to troll people.

I’m like the body weight scale that make fat peoples angry

I wasn’t going to redo anyone I already posted concepts for, but Shak just referenced multiple characters I’m very interested in so here goes:
Fei Long

[] I agree with a 1 inch punch V-Skill. Needs to be flashy though. With SFV design logic, I would see it causing a crumple state on Crush Counter instead of having armor and knocking down. Fei already has a DP, and I don’t see you explicitly reference if he has it or not.
] Not too sold on having him pick up weapons. It worked for Cody because it was a straight homage to Final Fight. Also, long chains of moves with many follow ups appears to be V-Trigger material, so letting him get that just by approaching his nunchaku doesn’t fit. I can justify his rekkas as it’s basically the same move 3 times at increasing frame disadvantage, but the nunchucks need to wait.
[] V-Trigger as a counter might not work out well. Counters rely on not being reacted to, and the screen freeze forces that upon him. It would make a stunning V-Reversal though.
] As for his V-Trigger, I would give him the nunchucks, similar to how Karin gets her chain of specials in V-Trigger. A flurry of continuous mix ups sounds right, and fits with many characters getting their best set ups in V-Trigger.

[] I would strongly advise against removing his Low Tiger Shot, as it is what completes his zoning game. You do mention Tiger Slash, which would probably do the same thing, but would get hated on for ripping off KoF. It just seems like a needless change.
] Tiger Uppercut isn’t as essential to his design and probably can be scrapped. Instead of a clinch or elbow attack, I’d like to just get an AA version of Tiger Knee as something which works in-character.

[] V-Skill actually should be one of his CvS2 specials. The armor move is a better candidate, and would be an interesting counterpart to Ryu and Zangief’s V-Skills. I don’t like the taser being his core mechanic because it doesn’t fit with his “I live for fighting” mentality and has never been a part of his character until very recently.
] Taser does work as a V-Trigger though. He turns them on for a while, and it makes sense that the power runs out after a bit. Letting his attacks nullify projectiles sounds fun, and he can use the stun bonus here to rack up large amounts of stun per combo.

[] While mobility is a common idea for V-Skill concepts, mobile characters do not necessarily have mobility V-Skills. Just look at Ibuki and Vega. Something I’ve suggested is implementing her Reppukyaku as a V-Skill. The move drains some of her life in Final Fight and CvS2, and could do the same in SFV to justify building V-Trigger from it.
] V-Trigger might be solid, if a bit tame. Her mobility is already so high with runs and wall jumps that I don’t see it as being that critical compared to someone like Nash or Dhalsim who otherwise have to play very conservatively.

Agree with the Crumple effect best suited but would keep nullifying projectile properties.

The intention was to work it like Birdie’s Hanging Chain but with slow walking/mobility options on HOLD stance while having the option to used it like Chunli Thousand Kicks with long range on TAP with a bonus OTG SP. Not trying to make it as the highlight for Fei Long just giving him slight mind game against projectile players because of it’s range. Just wanted it to see him more onto the fist and use it on occasion that can also be lost in his possession by knockdowns.

I was trying to make him feel different from the V-trigger style of others that boost the normals or specials in SFV.

I was trying to change his play style even his projectile zoning game because it’s more on Fang nowadays.
The Tiger Slash is never an independent move and turned into a follow up move from the new Tiger Shot that lack speed control because whatever button is pressed it has no change of speed.

The Tiger Shot is visually like Wolfgang Krauser’s Kaiser Wave but in terms of functionality it is by K Dash’s Eins Trigger.

It was memorable in Sf2 days and SFZ1 for the dramatic damage and the impact it does when confronting Sagat. Removing Tiger Uppercut and keeping his traditional Tiger Shot is like how Fang seems a lot. That’s why my new version of Tiger Uppercut is never an independent move and turned into follow up move from the new Tiger Shot that lack speed and control because whatever button is pressed it has no change of range and start up of the new Tiger Uppercut.

My overall version of Sagat in will lose his zoning skills in projectile, but keep his normals and plays like K Dash in specials without DP and teleport. It’s unique than ever even if a K Dash alike will be in SFV.

I see it redundant in others having elemental power up V-Trigger and saving it for the possibility of Blanka. The marksman was inspired from Eagle and Sagat intro. That’s why I put it into V-skill something like he needs to switch on and off not a continuous effect that is timed.

Dunno yet trying to explore other move sets in other games to for her V-skills
as for the V-Trigger would agree do.

My other Vtrigger and Vskills concepts.


C Viper

vSkill: Thunder Fist from omega mode that nulify projectile and can be follow up staggers enemy on first hit.
vTrigger: Ex Version Bust Heel from her USf4 Omega mode takes 1 bar.


vSkill: Angry Scar enhance the increase the damage of the next special by 10%
vTrigger: Tiger Cannon from SFEX2 plus speed up tiger shot that disperse, nulify and pass through any kind of projectile Takes 1 bar.

vSkill: (Zip Line/similar to Spencer or spidey of UMVC3),
vTrigger: Electric Snake Sf3 STAGGERS OPPONENTS Super Art Takes 1 bar.


vSkill: A similar to [Slide Dodge/ Attack] from KOF 99 It grants invincibility from start when press and moving backward and has a follow attack, can be cancelled for SP moves.
vTrigger: Ex teleport in MP or HP by Guy in his Omega mode takes 1 bar.

Lee = Drunken MASTER

vSkill: Sleep Stance: similar from lei of tekken it dodge a high attack and empties Stun Gauge.
Drink: increase the V-gauge
vTrigger: Seiei Enbu, Gains [Random or Auto Dodge] when idle by V-Cody in SFA3,


vSkill: Roll
vTrigger: Chainable grabling specials


vSkill: Taser- Next attack adds shock when cancelled into SP Moves and Normals. Increase 50% Stun Damage.
vTrigger: Precise/Marksman [Clash] Attack in all weapon attack can counter normals with exact button similar to Guilty Gear and Nullify 1 hit projectiles. No time limit.


vSkill: Adds Armor on the Next SP Move.
vTrigger: Shogun- all grab finishers ends with explosion. That will add additional damage and juggle state to enemies.


vSkill: MP+MK can be hold Electricity charged can damage enemy near by and adds shock when cancelled into ROLL SP Moves. Increase 50% Stun Damage.
vTrigger: Shout of Earth similar SF4 Ultra2/Super Electric Thunder from SFEX2 that makes the enemy to CRUMPLE and leave you to Electric charged.

Wraith from Slam Masters

vSkill: Translocation - will duck and crawl to the opposite direction of the opponent to the edge of the screen then will be teleported in the other side of the screen Similar to Anakaris (When edge of the screen)
vTrigger: Gains Borrowed Time (similar to early build of lord of avernus in dota). LIFE GAUGE never depletes when receives damage.

Asuka SFV’s Scrap Concept

vSkill: Juggle
vTrigger: Auto Guard like XvS or SFA



vSkill: Surprise Blow (SFEX3)
vTrigger: Slow (Viewtiful Joe UMVC3)


vSkill: Counter (SFEX Shin Garuda 3p counter)
vTrigger: Guard Break (SFEX)

My 2 cent about how i will redesign Sagat if i was them, something like

Normals- Give basic normal a very long range keep away function. More than a combo dude he should feel like a methodical hit after hit patient demolition.
HP being a fast long straight
HK a slower but even longer front push kick, that can be charged (1 hit armor?) and cause horizontal knockdown/launch
MP a long jab
MK a classic fast-long middle kick like Urien’s
LP/LK can be short fast elbow/knee

Command normals- As opposite of long normals will be cool see Sagat H/M buttons rep also Muay Thai close range, compensate his lack of combos with rich command normals single hits arsenal.
b+HP being an heavy elbow to the head
b+HK an huge knee to the torso
b+MP can be a up-to-down vertical elbow that work as overhead
df+HK a very high kick that work as main anti air
df+MK a thai style standing low kick that cause knock down like if was a sweep

Special 1- Tiger Shots stay the same

Special 2-Tiger Knee work mostly the same, maybe put emphasis on differentiate L/M/H versions, and give EX an unique animation that look like a mini Tiger Raid.
His most powerful special.

Special 3 (NEW)- Tiger Uppercut get removed.
As replacer give him a static down-to-up big crescent elbow strike with “energy slash” effect (Tiger Blade?).
NO jump or forward movement, he just stay there. He does’nt even use all his height.

It cause knockdown and as EX it launch for juggle. Like Tiger Knee can be used as combo ender. Suck as anti air.
Compared to Tiger Knee is less powerful, but it also expose less, recover faster and being unmoving it allow to hold the position where you are.
Also you can use the EX version of it to launch into an EX TK
Imput can be b,d,db+P (reverse srk imput)

Special 4 (NEW)-A Thai Clinch/Plum (Tiger Claws? Lol).
For who don’t know what clinch is


Not a real special throw as it can be blocked, but if hit it trigger throw/clinch animation and hold the opponent, to deliver 3 strikes.

Give strikes a P version and K version, like
qcb+P -> HP -> HP -> HP = A series of 3 fast elbows to the head, not exagerated dmg but it cause very good stun-dmg
qcb+P -> HK -> HK -> HK = A series of 3 fast knees to the body, not exagerated dmg but last knee cause also very good gray-dmg
EX qcb+P = Does automatically a series of 4 fast strikes (2 elbows and 2 knees) causing both stun-dmg and gray-dmg

The idea is that is’nt an attack maneuver, but more a thing to counter who try to close gap and stay in your face.
Not about pure dmg, but to discourage the opponent keep attack/pressure as after have suffered it, as he will either risk to eat more stun and get quickly dizzy, or to get hit and lost that chunk of gray dmg as real dmg.
Basically after Sagat clinch and strike you, the safest next option for the enemy is to retreat to recover stun/gray

V-Reversal- his SF4 FA elbow-knee animation

V-Skill- Typical “tough” thai way to tank an hit. Not a real parry/armor, as Sagat still take full dmg, but if he “absorb” a strike using it and holding (think Dictator’s V-Skill), he reply with a powerful roundhouse middle kick that send the opponent far away.
Basically he trade hits, but landing probably the harder one and regaining distance

V-Trigger- Angry Scar. “Berserk” mode, it boost power/speed, and some normals/specials gain fake “armor” (like V-Skill, lose real life, not gray).
In that way he get more dangerous and offensive, but also risk to be killed

CA- A combo that end with an huge Tiger Uppercut, kinda like Dictator lost Psycho Crusher but got it as CA… in that way he will still “have” it, at least from the visual point of view

Overall idea- For how i see it that will be a way to lose the “shoto” vibe but keep everything else and add more.
He will still be a slow tower zoner with great range that want keep the battle at his comfortable range, forcing opponents to try assault him.
Weaker as anti air (with the command normal high kick as best weapon) but with more tools on the ground.
Poor on the meterless combo side, but can do some decent combo stuff if invest meter for EX moves

Shoto Sagat disappear, most of Sagat still there, some cool new stuff that make him look fresh.
Feel unique but no big nostalgic riots

Imho it can work

Eagle’s V-Trigger should be an install that enables deceptively long-range, fast strikes like Yamazaki’s Serpent Slash. Give it a time limit or a set number of uses, like Urien’s.

I would like to use that as reference for Fei long nunchaku stance!!!

Two things about Fei Long that were always weird to me

#1. His Character Portrait in Super Street Fighter II

You can clearly see that his pic has him wearing the classic black/dark blue Bruce Lee shirt, like here, for example (also present in his defeat/game over screen)

And yet, in the game itself - Fei Long is completely shirtless during battles

So it’s a big oversight by Capcom (maybe they intended to give a Kung Fu uniform to him initially?), and would make a lot of sense to give Fei that now, especially since he never had a similar outfit ever since (and not even the famous yellow/black jumpsuit)

#2. His Promotional Art for Street Fighter IV

Which clearly depicts him having a nunchaku. Much like Bison’s cape on his promotional art, Fei never actually got a nunchaku, and was only demonstrated it during his winpose in Super Turbo

Considering how iconic the Nunchaku are for Bruce Lee, this is the perfect time for Capcom to actually give him these, make it his V-Trigger or a special or a Super, I don’t care, but it MUST happen. You can’t have a Bruce Lee clone and not have Nunchaku!

Even Forrest Law, another Bruce Lee clone, who doesn’t really use Nunchaku in Tekken matches, does have them in one of the intros (and you can equip them in T7 and I think TTT2)

The Kung-Fu jacket/uniform,could have been like Bisons cape.
He just throws it away at the beginning of the match.
But then they should have added it into the game. Maybe they planned to,but didn’t implent it in the end.

I’m still for a new Bruce Lee rep instead of Fei. He’s outdatet and was literaly no fun to play in SFIV.
I’m not saying he couldn’t make it without SFV treatmeant.

Or in their ending:


It was to make you understand wich color you chosen, since you can’t see Fei pants from the profile pic

They did the same to gief

I dont particularly care for her, but what are you guys’ ideas for Maki?

Gameplay or Story? I gots both yo. :smokin:

Basically, I see her as an aggressive, highly mobile character with similar functions to Guy. One asset Maki has is the range on her tonfa normals, which provide a chance for competitive footsies if she has to play them. One big difference is that Maki had a back run in CvS2, in conjunction with said normals is a foundation for hit-and-run play while waiting for an opening on the opponent. The closest we have to this kind of character right now is Vega, but his ground mobility and basic mix ups are completely different.

Oh hey, a few more!
-Viper seems ok, but I’d work her feints into the V-Skill similar to how Balrog got them. Maybe holding the buttons cancels the animation?
-I had a whole thing on Necro, the short of it is he needs a total rework from SFIII. I suggested some kind of magnetism mechanic (homage to Blazblue’s Tager) and actual ranged grabs like Anakaris or Super Skrull. Lee would most likely be a fully-divided stance character, and probably needs 2 V-Skills.

Bajiquan Stance
[] V-Skill: Shoulder Strike. Lee spins with projectile invincibility before striking with his shoulder, much like Yun’s special move. The neutral and back versions are done in place, while holding forward while you press MP+MK has Lee move forward during the attack. Holding the buttons feints the attack.
] General move list: A leaping punch like Yun’s, the infamous dive kick, and command grab
[*] V-Trigger: Lee’s V-Trigger persists across stances, but each stance gains different features while Lee’s V-Trigger is active. In Bajiquan’s case, the juggle properties of his special and normal moves become much more generous, allowing for longer and better combos.

Zui Quan/Drunken Master Stance
[] V-Skill: Drink. Lee leans back and makes a drinking motion. This builds a fair amount of VT for an upper-body invincible taunt, but Lee’s stun gauge increases by 20% each time he does this, but will never actually stun himself this way. Various follow ups allow Lee to go into other stance-type moves.
] General move list: Laying Stance with a low kick and the ability to roll forward/backward, other moves provide a focus on mobility and bizarre angles
[*] V-Trigger: While in Drunken stance, Lee can add more time to his V-Trigger by performing his V-Skill ala Birdie. This is counterbalanced by the addition of several new special moves that cost VT to perform. Such moves include an auto-parry and breathing fire similar to Alpha/CvS2 Dhalsim’s fire supers.

Abel is pretty good too, more or less what I suggested. A simpler thing I thought of is letting V-Trigger Abel cancel specials into specials twice per chain but replacing Change of Direction with the individual moves as seen in Omega Mode. Once in V-Trigger, this effectively turns his entire move set into a rekka and opens the door for all sorts of fun.

I will make sure to come here after CC and laugh at what you guys expected for S2.

Updating Sagat adding another special move, EX classification and bit of clarification.


New Tiger Shot EX version is SF4 Tiger Uppercut EX version

1st SPECIAL - follow up (A)

1st SPECIAL- follow up (B)


EX move is Level 1 Tiger Raid from Sagat SF Alpha.

3rd SPECIAL (New)
Tiger Breaker -a quick blockable command grab that he stretches his arms and reach to different direction LP- Front, MP Ground and SP for Upward.

EX version grab is for any direction.

V-Skill: Angry Scar- Enhances non-projectile specials and EX by giving the next Tiger Uppercut, Tiger Knee and Tiger Breaker additional follow up finisher “Kick” as a finale hit.

V-Trigger: Sagat’s Tiger Cannon(Inspired from SFEX2 not from other SF4 or SFA) -Very fast like traditional Tiger Shot that nullifies other projectiles and deal with a decent damage.

Super: Tiger Genocide

My preference of Sagat in SFV will lose his zoning skills effectivity in projectile means to make his play style far from the usual and the likes of Fang or Dhalsim in the game, but keep his normals and all his specials with alteration like the new intimidating Tiger Shot visually similar in Wolfgang Krauser’s Kaiser Wave but different in terms of functionality because it works in a similar manner like K Dash’s Eins Trigger. He may also have the vibe in play style like K Dash a lot in specials minus the DP and teleport but he is unique than ever even if a K Dash alike will be in SFV because even his new only projectile Tiger Slash is never an independent move and turned into a follow up move only as a ground/lower based projectile that loss its overall technicality and application because of the lack of speed control even whatever button is pressed.

Dunno with Necro what they would do for him but that a good idea for electro magnetism. I hope they would manage to pull in a Zip line move like Spidey in UMVC3 its unvisited concepts for SFV. I have a concept with Lee sometime but now i’m trying find a way to make him more away from Gen and the Twins(Yun and Yang) fro possibilities. Trying to seek more inspiration.

Red Bull costumes for PS4 only:

You have to jump through a bunch of hoops to get them anyway, and not even sure if you can get them in America; you have to have a LINE account, etc.

Good, the more is unlikely peoples can get these, the better

Yes, they are pretty lame costumes, I agree, but the fact that they’re creating exclusive costumes like this (especially with all of the hoop-jumping) is pretty crappy.

You’re both right. They shouldn’t be making costume exclusivities, but those costumes are so bad, nobody should want them anyway.