This. Beyond the World lists SF1 happening in 1987, SF2 happening in 1991 with SFZ1/Z2 and Z3 happening in between. From SF4 to 3rd Strike it simply says something like “from here, it’s unknown”.
All About Street Fighter Zero 3 doesn’t give us the year that a certain game happened, but the interval between them is cited: SF1 and SFZ1/Z2 happens between a few months from each other, SFZ1/Z2 and SFZ3 is marked with a “?” while there’s 3 to 4 years between Z3 and SF2. There’s also 3 to 4(?) years between SF2 and SF3NG/2nd. All About Capcom mentions that from when Ryu defeated Sagat to SF2, 6 years have passed.
If I’m not mistaken, vanilla SF4 manual mentions that it has been one year since the previous tournament. Placing vanilla SF4 in 1994.
Early SSF4 development briefly gave us T. Hawk, Dee Jay and Juri’s ages (35, 29 and 25 respectively), not only setting the year, 1994, but also giving a 2 month span of when the tournament might have happened (between Dee Jay’s birthday, October 31st when he turned 29 and Juri’s birthday, January 1st when she would turn 26). However, those ages where removed from the character’s profiles. But, Juri’s age is still valid according with her SSF4 OVA.
Also… we can’t forget about Mel. SF3 states that he’s 3 yo in SF3NG and CFN states his birthday as February 8th, but no year was given, its probably 1995. So we might guess that SF4 tournament happened in december. Eliza’s pregnancy was announced during Ties That Bind, that might be around july/august 1994 where she could be pregnant for about 2 months before confirming it.
Since Mel is 3 yo in SF3NG/2ndI, it fits the time span of 3 to 4 years after SF2 mentioned in the AASFZ3 timeline so SF3NG/2ndI happened around early 1998 (after February, since Mel is already 3yo). And, since SF3:3rdStrike happens one year after SF3NG/2ndI, it happens around early 1999.
Now, how does SF5 fits? First, the SF5 story isn’t complete yet. Mel is at least over 2 years old since he can walk and form sentences. The Black Moon incident marks the Secret Society prophecy. If Gill is the man with blond hair, filled with water and fire from the prophecy, so the Black Moon incident happens at least 4 to 5 months before SF3NG/2ndI (the prophecy mentions a period of 130 days of silence before the golden one appears. Also, G could be the one with golden hair, however he’s only filled with fire, he doesn’t have the water part mentioned in the prophecy).
So, if we put this all together:
1987: Street Fighter 1
1988-1989: Street Fighter Zero1/Zero2
1989-1990: Street Fighter Zero 3
1993: Street Fighter 2
1994 (around july/august): Street Fighter 4 Ties That Bind
1994 (one or two months after): Street Fighter 4 Juri OVA
1994 (december): Street Fighter 4
1997 (second semester): Street Fighter 5 A Shadow Falls
1998 (first semester): Street Fighter 3 New Generation/2nd Impact
1999: Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike
Now, if they really decide to change SF2 to 1991:
Everything before SF2 continues the same.
1991: Street Fighter 2
1992 (around july/august): Street Fighter 4 Ties That Bind
1992 (one or two months after): Street Fighter 4 Juri OVA
1992 (december): Street Fighter 4
1995 (second semester): Street Fighter 5 A Shadow Falls
1996 (first semester): Street Fighter 3 New Generation/2nd Impact
1997: Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike
Lol, I’m the one who should apologize @bakfromon. I was just asking if you mind to compare some translations. I didn’t post them at the time. LOL! Here they are:
As I had some of the Gamest stuff sent to be translated, among them I sent Ken intro and Ryu’s stage description from Complete File. I didn’t realize those were already translated in the guide ( I thought only the profiles were translated). And when I compared them, I noticed a few differences.
Ken SF2CF intro
雨 あがり の 午後 、 ヤツ は そこ に い た。 真紅 の 道着 を 身 に まとい 、 金色 に 輝く髪 が 南風 に なびい て い た 。 「 やはり この 風体 が いちばん 似合っているよう だ な 。 早く こい! オレ の 生涯 の 宿敵 よ!!」 雲間 から 陽射し が 差し こめる 頃 、 白い道着 の 男 を 乗せ た 船 が 港 に 着い た 。
The figure of a man stands during an afternoon of rain. He is dressed in a red uniform with blonde hair blowing in the southern wind. “This wind is suiting, sooner or later my rival will show”. Just then as the sun parts the clouds and man steps off of a ship and onto the harbor.
On a rainy afternoon, there he was. Dressed in a red kimono, his golden hair swayed with the wind that was coming from the south. "Those clothes, they really suits you the most. Come soon, my eternal rival !! "
When the sun rays began to pierce the clouds, a boat docked at the harbor, carrying a man dressed in white kimono.
The next one has so many differences that I didnt enhance them.
Ryu’s stage description:
昔 お世話 に なっ た 故郷 の 朱雀城道場 で 稽古を し て た リュウ 世界 の 強豪 が 動 き だし た らしい と の 噂 を 耳 に し 、 ケン に一通 の 手紙 を 出し た 。 稽古 も 終わり地上 10 メートル の 風 に 吹 かれ ながら 、 いつか 闘わ なく て は なら ぬ 強敵 の ため の 闘い の 舞台 で 夕日 に 黄昏 て い た リュウ だっ た が 、 突然 の 道場破りが…。
「よし 、 ちょうど いい 、 物足りない稽古 だ と 思っ て い た ところ だ 」
新た なる 闘い へ の 幕開け だ。
Rumors have been heard that the world powerhouse Ryu has trained at his home place of Suzaku Castle dojo for a long time and seems indebted it, as this seems to be the place where he started his journey and issued a letter to Ken. Training where there wind blows at the top which is 10 meters above the ground, Ryu awaits til twilight for a formidable opponent, and should the day one not appear he will take up a Dojo challenge.
“Well, this isn’t right, just like I thought I still haven’t trained nearly enough.”
It’s the dawn of a new battle.
Formerly, the powerhouse Ryu used to train in the dojo of Suzaku Castle, his former home. Upon hearing the rumor of a movimentation to determine who was the strongest fighter in the world, he sent a letter to Ken.
At the end of the training, a strong wind began to blow 10 meters above the ground, and Ryu was there, in that setting where he faced powerful opponents in the late afternoon. Suddenly, the dojo is invaded by opponents who wish to do away with everything …
“Very good, today’s practice wasn’t hard enough.”
It’s the beginning of a new battle.