The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

CFN profile just stop because it’s already conflicted in narrative with the recent reappearance. Not because of having a newer storymode coming.

and those characters doesn’t necessary need newer CFN profile other than art because the current individual story of the character in SFV already like Kage gives the detail of what he is.

While the previous CFN profile like Blanka and Sakura automatically overwrite and replace there previous CFN profile, without a question and argument because that’s how priority works in canon.

The thing is they should have continued doing CFN profiles for other background characters that won’t have a chance to be part of the future installment of the game.

Yes, that’s a possibility too.

Yup but not with the recent assume storymode, because that is still uncertain. What they were now in CFN profiles is just with background characters and not the main characters.

So now that I’m back in the saddle, I want to bring up a few things about G that I think people have been overlooking, and why he might be the one of most important characters to the story post-ASF so far:
G’s reveal trailer contains some very interesting lines at the very beginning:

Holla at a true boss, amongst all bosses; the last sight after these laws

Could this be implying that G is the “true final boss” of SFV?

  • In the trailer, we see G fighting Urien (stand in for Gill?) and Bison, who are the closest things SFV currently has to real boss characters; FANG was an underling, and Necalli never really hit his stride.
  • G is one of the few new characters to be introduced with a distinct vocal track. The others are Rashid (protagonist of SFV general story), Kolin (important to SFV and SF3), and Ed (who is being set up to have an important role post-SFV). I’m not counting Abigail and Cody, as their themes are really remixes of what they had before. While G’s theme isn’t vocal, that is even more telling; if the song wasn’t important, why would Capcom go through the effort of getting it made for the trailer when everyone else just uses their regular theme?
  • G meets a lot of the criteria for boss material by SF standards. Imposing figure? You bet. Large-scale plans? President of the WORLD. Far above average for SF? We don’t have many feats yet, but most characters who meet him seem to think he’s pretty damn strong, if a little eccentric. These are some of the traits that Bison, Gill, and even Seth have in common.
  • In SF3 (NG/2I), Ibuki is on a mission to retrieve the “G File” from the Illuminati for an undisclosed party. After taking the effort to set up Karin as a potential long-term employer for Ibuki’s clan, we now get a character literally named G. My guess is that either G’s story unfolds between SFV and SF3 and Karin is looking for more information about what the hell he is (maybe after losing to him, given that Karin isn’t the best loser), or G is still running around during SF3 and Karin is trying to get some dirt on him to deal with the political clout he rapidly gains upon discovering social media.
  • G is also a boss in the SFV arcade path, with unique voice lines that change the tone of the character. This is a pretty deliberate effort on Capcom’s part, and should amount to something eventually.

If Bison is going to be gone (at least for a game or two), then we need some more antagonists to carry the weight in the meantime. Gill is an obvious candidate, but characters like G are needed to make the story a bit less linear and allow for multiple antagonists/stories to intersect. And trust me, that is VERY GOOD. That’s how you avoid things like ASF Alex/Laura, as everyone will have an antagonist that sort of makes sense for them to take on.

(Also, anyone else notice that G is the opposite of Rashid by design? A shorter guy dressed in white that controls the air vs a tall guy in black that controls the earth. It writes itself.)


Damn. Anakaris returns. Good to see you back.

I actually miss the discussing the story. Really would like to spark it back up again.


Red earth Zeku


He also seem to hold back probably

Both because he’s half fighting half showboating, but also because his gimmick need to cause positive feel on the audience… unlike Urien, he’s not trying to crushkilldestroy

He want shake hands after as a good sportman

Vibe is he use just as much power he need to win

I still think his punishment for actions in SFV (as “Boss”) will be become Q in SF3


Capcom did a great job of choosing Kenji as a fitting match for Zeku

By the way the costume is base on this


And the young Zeku is Kumuso

Which is one of the most effective Ninja disguises.



I really don’t think G and Q are the same person. I’m pretty certain Q is what happens when a person pledges allegiance to G. When you listen to what G says about everyone “becoming one” and how he says that he is everything, I think he’s talking about suppression of free will and identity. That’s why Q is anonymous, moves like he’s a machine being controlled and fights like he’s trying to emulate G’s moves. “We are one” is referring to everyone becoming like G.


Yes, there are lines from the “President of the World” song that hint at that:

Be happy you don’t have to think for yourself

Everybody takes part, whether you choose it or not


Sometime ago in the previous thread Doctrine_Dark originally shared this pic.

This is what underneath masked G alternate costume.

I don’t know if @ES_curse have seen this already.


My speculation after seeing the mod and the concept art with a male and female that this is like an example of a mind controlled individuals, since the guy beneath looks younger.

The dark shaded eyes are common trope to tokusatsu shows like metal heroes and kamen rider that signifies a person is being mind controlled.

Wait for @Shockdingo he has also a lot of decent theories on Q. than anyone else would said and explain.


Damn, that IS interesting. Obviously part of it is just reusing the existing G model and recoloring the parts that can be seen, but this could have some fun implications for Q. Q has glowing yellow eyes, which is more plausible if he’s like that underneath the mask.


That is a very interesting look into G. Another thing to note is that he fights Rashid and Menat in his story. One has been called the hero of SFV by the director iirc and the other one is being trained by Rose, who was constantly matched with the big bad of the series.


Q either has naturally yellow eyes beneath the mask or they’re that color due to G’s influence. G’s power does manifest itself as gold.


G is Globalism via mindless enslavement to the will of an authoritarian individual.

His enslaved faceless beings are imitations of him and what he does and how he acts. Knock-offs.

Hell, G himself might just be a promoted “Alphabet” that has the mask off for now and he could be nothing more than a useful puppet. Dunno.

Either way, G is the greatest addition in a while


For that reason i think become Q May be the appropriate punishment for G’s actions… Somebody may do to him what he wanted to do to others.
Also i like to think SF3 Q is not a common “footsoldier” but still a special unique case… He seem to try resist the control over his body, wich hint a very strong will, something i associate more with a SF level char like G rather than a common guy

I agree on this, part of G’s concept express essentially a metaphor of that side of globalization that’s willing to squash anything in order to reach the absolute unification.
G does’nt speak only about personal individualism, but target also nations, governments, even the concept of good or evil.
Anything that constitute a faction must be squashed, to merge with G

If you want go check main villain of American Gods, Mr. World (the incarnation of globalization, opposing old gods), it will give you great insight about G’s mentality

But is interessing that G also got an ancient greek myth side(wich make me think at Illuminati connection), a very deep and usually overlooked one

Aside the greek inspiration of his Powers, want focus on Gaia as mother earth, as titan
Gaia (like titans on general) represent primitive power of nature, the original state of things before the man changed it with his hands

While real world globalization is pushing (for good or for bad) into future, G objective may be the opposite… to restore the primitive balance, the natural state of earth (Gaia) removing what interfered with it: civilization in all it’s faces

As concept G may very well incarnate earth/Gaia’s “revenge”, or at least he think so

He’s kinda beyond our idea of globalization
Our globalization is essentially happening because money.
The real Powers that are pushing It are doing It for Money. No ideals no conspiracy, just Money.

G is above that, he likely wanted destroy also concept as Money, economy, market etc

In that sense i think G’s love for modern media and globalization vibe are just catchy ways to conquer modern world using modern methods, a farce far from his actual target

Essentially a very modern path to reach a very ancient utopia

This if his love for mother Gaia is actually true.
Alternative is he’s just an incredible greed man, who want everything for himself

But for now i’m mostly inclined to believe he may be genuine at that

First most/all characters seem unable to read his nature, and they’re usually able to do it… see Gill, many seen that behind the Savior farce, there’s Gill’s personal wish to reach divine status/absolute power, and see him as “evil”… with G does’nt happen (i will LOVE know Rose or Oro win quotes on him)

Second his power (and even his weakness) seem REALLY link to Gaia and in particolar her son, the half-giant Antaeus, who in the myth challenge thousands of people to wrestling matches and could not be beaten because as long he’s in contact with mother Gaia he’s invincibile (G never lost as far we know)… Not even Herakles (Hercules) can defeat him, until he realize his weakness is to separe him from the ground (kinda like knockdown G interrupt the link that give him power)

If they ever explain his past my theory is G was an Illuminati that studying theyr elemental techniques dedicated himself to earth (Gaia, for greek based Illuminati)
Somehow he triggered a power so immense that overwelmed him, turning him into that absolutely crazy (hard to read) dude truly convinced to be Gaia’s avatar

Even Rose’s tarot card for him “The Fool” seem to hint he’s not just another Bison/Akuma/Gill corrupted by power dreams

Or maybe he is, but in a different and less conscious way
After all all SF bosses at some point are forced to face theyr crap:
Bison plans fail
Illuminati’s prophecy does’nt point at Gill
Seth was a broken toy and Geppetto crushed it
Akuma will lose to a boy
Necalli can’t get any of that 3 portions dinner
Urien truly is eternal 2nd to Gill, cursed by concept

At some point Capcom not only slap SF villains, but do it with huge irony in some way lol
For that reason i can see the punishment for who wanted to be Everybody to become Nobody

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I’ll point out that The Fool in Tarot actually often points to a “Main character”. Ryu is “The Fool” in Street Fighter Alpha because he is someone beginning their journey. G is someone at the beginning of something, perhaps a bit reckless, but aspiring.


That’s absolutely true, buti think in G’s case it also represent more than that

It represent absolute detachment from reality, innocence (as without malice, not necessary good), pure crazyness and the drive to create a new existence

In that i think he’s really different from Bison&Co, he’s not a villain
Wich does’nt necessary make him any less destructive lol
In the scale between good and evil he’s pure neutral chaos

I think really he can be 100% crazy and convinced he’s doing the “best” thing lol

Cool the Fool it’s also associated with Number 0, wich represent the unification of everything, as by moltiplication it nullify any other Number…
Like 783x0 still give 0
G’s 0 way is to turn others into 0, all become part of him… 783, 244, 7 or 47789, does’nt matter to him
As soon you give him the chance to x0 you, you will be “fixed” and become part of the 0

Another tangent, but Capcom totally missed the mark with G’s costumes. They could have done a continent/material parallel:

  • North America would be his default costume with Gold, representing the US and the 1849 Gold Rush.
  • South America was colonized by the Spanish for silver mines, so some kind of Inca/First Nations outfit with Silver would be awesome. The Inca were known for living on mountains, which fits G’s earth theme.
  • Europe is the battle costume, but the material should have been Iron to represent Europe’s dominance over much of the Americas/Africa through access to iron.
  • Asia should actually be a Chinese emperor type outfit with the material being Jade. Jade is sort of associated with the Chinese, and G would get a bitchin’ beard/mustache combo.
  • Africa could be an Egyptian pharaoh with Lapis Lazuli patches moving over his body. No, totally not biased here.

They even skipped and never linked the SF2 Ken stage conspiracy in his costume colors.

Yet somehow G is really interesting not just by the impression of being relative to a political figure but also his body language and movement that he can be reference in various pop culture icons. Some do even a mod that to a pop star on it. He also has a WWF stuff like Undertaker and etc.

I just hope Capcom wouldn’t waste G potential for a bad role or to make other character interesting.

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