The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Ground rumbles due to impending wall of speculation texts*

Yeah, got similar thought but did’nt considered the metal factor, mostly the cultural impact on host countries

I think the key there will have been have him take the gimmick from other iconic and charismatic personalities outside Lincoln, but ever anachronistic in a kinda goofy/out of touch way

They should be figures able to inspire the masses with theyr words and make lever on some sense of pride and cultural appartenence (ironically all stuff G will remove), just like Lincoln/USA

For different reasons some imagery i can think they could have used

Europe: Napoleon, Julius Caesar, Voltaire, Shakespeare, Rasputin
Asia: Nobunaga, Gengis Khan, Gandhi, Saladin, Ashoka
Africa: Pharaon gimmick i guess, Shaka Zulu
South America: Montezuma

If i mus pick just 2 imagining Story/Battle, i think i will go with Napoleon and Oda Nobunaga

Imagine if doing his “Message to the People” move, he change language based on alt, that will have been epic

Maybe even special win quotes, like Sim vs G-Gandhi or Zangief to G-Rasputin LOL

Also, I know this almost certainly isn’t true, but with G being voiced by Rufus, and with Q’s ambiguous skin color where he looks black in-game but white in art, I like to think that the main Q we’re playing as is actually King Cobra.

He didn’t made it into a fruition other than being Ken’s alt costume right and a character from the drawing board.

He doesn’t have any backstory and personality other than the name and visual.

So it’s unlikely for him to be relate with Q or G.

Yet his one of the most talked character that never went beyond the drawing board.

Since were talking about Cobra, here’s another character that basically became a hit.

Zubaz had became an internet sensation for sometime. That people in the internet have gave him personality and interest. This guy with Sheng Long and Cobra should be in their own fan fighting game.

I think Cobra is the Zubaz of SF4 but he manage to have the charisma of Zubaz.

Considering how popular he was in SF4 days will have been fun if they gave him a cameo in ASF, maybe as the guy fighting Alex (instead Max from SF2 intro)… let the dude land a spinning kick before get KOd lol

Btw ingame Q showed blond/orange hair, just few pixels but in some animations was easier to see
This page got sprites at x2 size

Check: Chip KO, Block high, Parry
It’s hard to spot but it contrast well

Is also interessing here they portrayed unmasked Q as a very tall white middle age blond man

It’s nothing canon and more a behind the scenes joke (see Necro and Twelve being movie-like costumes and Akuma having a wig), but it’s still interessing choice


Makes sense if you consider that Q was based on Superhuman Kelly from Tetsujin 28 (as well as that robot detective show) who also had the same mask and blue trenchcoat as G’s alternate outfit. Basically Kelly’s body was so damaged from WW2 that he got someone to maintain his body by doing some experiments on him and as a result he becomes a morally conflicted character sometimes helping or fighting the heroes. You might recognize Kelly as the disguise Ginrei used in Giant Robo.

So I’m guessing that the minions G has are people controlled by him and it turns against him becoming one himself



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it goes in a 404 page?

someone scan these please!!


Questions about Ken:

What is the source of this information?

“When Ken was about 12 years old, his father, a rich hotel tycoon owner, thought that his son needed to learn about discipline, or his son would become a spoiled brat all of his life and try to leech onto the Masters’ family fortune. In order to do so, the elder Masters sent Ken to Japan to train under his best friend, the mysterious karate master Gouken. At first, Ken was very hesitant to learn from Gouken, wanting to go back to the United States, but later began to respect his master. He even enjoyed the company of Gouken’s adopted son, Ryu, since he had a foil to finally pull pranks on, although this got Ken into a lot of trouble. Ryu and Ken would later become best friends and each other’s principal rivals.

When Ryu was 23, Gouken decided that both of his pupils had grown up to be fine fighters and decided that their training was over and could now leave the dojo. Ryu decided to travel the world in order to continue his training, whereas Ken was finally happy to be going back home to the United States after his years of straining his back for his master, Gouken, and finally learning the meaning of humility.”

I have never seen any official material that states that Ken’s father is a friend of Gouken and asked him to train Ken or that Ken “was very hesitant to learn from Gouken, wanting to go back to the United States, but later began to respect his master.”

In SF2:

Where did SF2 suggest Ken and Ryu fight with Ken being the winner?

Oh man, of course the days I’m super busy at work are when the fun stuff drops hah.

Hey dude, first of all I want to welcome you back, I hope you’re doing great and life is going good. Second thanks a bunch for lighting a fire of speculation and discussion on my favourite mysterious men!

Most of my thoughts of G’s identity are in this video from last year:

Good points about the song dude, I really fee that was a huge hint that his kidness and charm either is just an act or at some point in his journey as the fool, he becomes an extremist of sorts. For a while I’ve speculated he’s like Dr. Doom. A villain who he believes is a hero to some and does what needs to be done for “the greater good”

I definitely agree with this. He’s going in for the long haul and doesn’t want to ruin things. He wants to build a following, so he goes just far enough to win and get people impressed, rather than demolishing them outright and depressing (or killing them).

I don’t think they’re the same either, in the lore it’s been heavily implied that Q has been around for several years and only now is getting more focus. Nakamura saw him in person on a port. A year or so from this game is SF3 and that’s too short of a time to build such an urban legend that it’s causing the CIA to get Richard Burgman to address the public.

I feel like all of the “Alphabet Company” is made in G’s image. He’s saying “he is the one, he is the way” so his fighting style is forced on people who are controlled by him. I remember the CFN notes on Q implied that he’s not in or fully in control of his actions. Along with his self hatred, he may be a puppet without freedom, or he may have gotten free at some point, but he’s either actively trying to resist g’s influence (hence the clumsiness) or years as a puppet have given him some degree of nerve or psychological damage.

If you look at Q closely, he’s NOT always stiff. Sometimes he moves very fast, fluid and naturally. It may be him just reverting to his real self when he does things like parry (dusting off his clothes), but he probably has limited movement in some sort of battle mode.

Re the alt costume, I have two theories:
1 - I’ve been thinking that mode of his alt is G, hearing of the Q legend that’s been supposedly floating around for years in universe and then as an early “get popular scheme” he emulates that. It would account for the discrepancies in his outfit and Q’s. All people really say is that he’s a large man in a trench coat and fights strangely, so if G infact emulated the myths he could have got the base details right. Though it feels more likely that G came before Q to me which leads to

2- This costume still being an early G could have been freshly given his powers. I remember when the How to Build a Street Fighter scans were going on there was one of G with this costume. There was translated text, something about chemicals or poison on his face. So I’m wondering if G was granted powers, damaged in someway in a skirmish with the Illuminati, became an urban legend and then down the line recovered, harmonized his powers and tried out a few personas to grab people’s attention and recruit them an army to fight the Illuminati and “save the world”.

I’d definitely like to see the female Q in that photo. I’m saving up, but I’ve been wanting to commission as sprite animation of various SFv male and female Alt-costume G’s and Q landing on screen like the dolls in SFA3. Q would be stubborn and show some form of resistance and then stay as the others left. Could be pretty cool.

Indeed pretty interesting. Getting wins over the new arrivals is one thing, but winning against this entry’s hero, getting his popularity from his fight (thus forging a potential connection) and fighting the apprentice of the series’ chief psychic and getting the Fool card of all things.

Now that’s an interesting angle I haven’t thought of. Him being the most successful and promising one, thus he gets his own real identity while retaining some of the shared elements of the collective.

Oooh, I like this theory, this could be really interesting!

Yeah, when I read about tarot the mention the start of a journey. What I find interesting though is they say there’s supposed to be a dog accompanying him, representing challenge or something to that affect, yet in G’s art he lacks the dog. I’m wondering about that significant implication. Has he “won” already and in his arrogance, recklessness, his journey starts a new path only for him to fall to corruption? Or will he be haunted by such a challenge later, in the form of Q (the dog?) A creation that resists him and rebels to take upon his own “Fool’s path?”

Aah! I love this idea! A while back I even thought that G is Government (now globalization makes more sense to me) and Gold and Q is “Quarry/ pursuing and Quartz”

Duuuude! That would be an insane twist and horrifying in “Get Out” kind of way. It’d be crazy; in an effort to make him fit in an image, G changes the way Kobra acts, dresses and even relaxes and dyes his hair so that he’s a “respectable son” to G? That could be chilling if done in a certain way.


To clarify some things, it wasn’t Ken’s father who owned the hotel business to pass down to Ken. In canon, it was Ken’s uncle who was a rich tycoon owner who passed it down to his nephew after not having kids of his own.


Exactly. Even in his SFA3 stage backstory, Ken was speaking with his uncle.



The Fool card in Tarot symbolizes new beginnings. The basic meaning of the card is that the Fool is on his way to a new beginning, and he has all he needs or wants as indicated by the bag on the staff. The Fool is shown in colorful clothes with a pack tied to his staff, a dog at his heels, and a cliff. The Tarot story of the Fool is that he travels aimlessly with all his worldly possessions. A daydreamer lost in his thoughts, he does not see the cliff and is likely to fall over. The dog at his heels tries to warn him.


When the Fool card is upright in a Tarot reading, it symbolizes new beginnings, new adventures, new opportunities, unlimited possibilities, pleasure, passion, thoughtlessness, and rashness. The warning associated with this card could be that you need to stop daydreaming, and you should watch where you are going or you could fall and seem like a fool.


When the Fool card is reversed in a Tarot reading, it symbolizes a bad decision, indecision, apathy, hesitation, and a faulty choice. It can be a new beginning you’re not thrilled about.

Here ya go!


Thanks for posting mykka!

Iiinteresting…G doesn’t have a bag or staff or any possessions other than the flower and his coat, his clothes are mostly dark, there’s no dog in the picture and unlike the depictions I’ve seen, the sun is directly over his head rather than behind him.

Does the coat symbolize something? I mean everyone in the cards are stylized, but his features him wearing his standard clothes with the sleeves rolled down. Could the coat symbolize the thing that he needs? The coat being, his image, this successful image that’s winning over people all over the world and thus he imprints that onto his followers?


I go with Google translate from italian wiki, where it explore the madness “meaning” of the card, the symbolism behind it and the Number 0 thing.
Notice in particular how the number part fit G’s philosophy

"As an esoteric symbol, pure madness is what allows us to look at life again to recreate it from the beginning.

Lost eyes symbolize detachment from reality, departure without destination; a sort of limbo in which there is no certainty except the need to go further. It can also be analogous to idling without being able to find its own direction. The bundle represents the experiences that a man carries with him."

“The number 0 has the numerological meaning of the “universal multiplier”: each number, multiplied by zero, is still zero, and therefore represents the unity of the whole; being the first of all numbers, it also represents a new beginning.”

A positive side of this madness, remind G’s need of people support and gather theyr energy
“On the positive side it is the strength of life that gathers together all the progress made and projects us to a new beginning”

Menat have hard time “reading” him, and even her interpretation of the card it’s said by Rose to be wrong
“However, it is a double card: genius and / or madness, visionary prophet and / or buffoon. Many consider it only negative. In fact it is difficult to understand the differences.”

Again on madness, the negative traits/interpretations lead again on some stuff we seen, in particular G’s detachment from reality and the risk of lose Free Will for who embrace it
“Negatively it is madness, understood as an alienation from reality, to remain confined in one’s own inner world.”
“For Wirth it represents the loss of free will.”

As said i think that card in G’s case hint elements of him and his intentions on multiple levels

I’m not 100% sure, but back in the day, it seems that there was an affirmation that Ken would only marry Eliza if he defeated Ryu. Since his marriage is canon, people automatically thought that Ken defeated Ryu in SF2. Also, Sagat and Ryu didn’t have their rematch (in the japanese version), which also lead to believe that Ryu didn’t reached that far in the tournament.

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I think the trenchcoat/hat/mask is G’s true look he sported for years, with Lincoln-G being some SFV-timeline gimmick he pulled out just for his current “win people” plan

Essentially “G-Lincoln” being for G what “Helen” was for Kolin… just a disguise, an acting

Very possible he just seen a statue of Lincoln, read he was a respected iconic figure and tought “yeah that will work”
Same when he go for another outdated figure like Uncle Sam
He’s so detached from reality and people, that to connect with theyr hearts he naively chose oudated figures

He on other hand seem attached to the trenchcoat/hat/mask thing, in fact when people “become one” with him, they end up trenchcoat/hat/mask, not Lincoln-looking
Because they connect with what he consider his true self, not his gimmick
Taking the Number 0 thing, trenchcoat/hat/mask is G’s 0.
When G does the 0 to people they become trenchcoat/hat/mask
Wich make even sense as trenchcoat/hat/mask seem to symbolize faceless absence of personality/individualism, incarnate well an “human 0”

So he can be a quiet observer of fighters in SF2 days, still himself
And the crazy mind/body-controlled version after SFV days, in SF3. In this version unlike SF2 days he can’t even behave normally around people

Actually him oberving fighters around the world in the past make sense, as his style include various influences from around the world like boxing, wrestling, karate and kung fu

In fact G’s style is simply listed as “All martial arts from around the World”

I ever thought about it as something that happen just before SF2 tournament, between SFA and SF2


  • They fight during SF2 timeline but before the tournament begin, Ken win

  • Ken give Ryu the red headband

  • Now Ken can marry Eliza as he fulfilled his oath, wich does’nt mean he need to do it instantly

  • Both partecipate SF2 Tournament, Ryu partecipate wearing the red headband (and Ken is without it), because he already fought Ken

  • Tournament ends, Ken marry Eliza

You guys have posted the interpretation of the card which is correct, yet breaking it down can be have a different interpretation.

In placement of actual Tarot reading, the fool is the card that represent the wanderer that would go on several path in the placement of a reading.

If you know someone that regularly used those or into esoteric stuff before, The fool is usually about the curiosity, ignorance, discovery, maturity, innocence and unawareness.

So we shouldn’t expect that it will heavily affect his character development in the later story progressions, because it will likely be restrictive and it’s not suitable for a powerful person or someone that holds back.

ED or Alex should have been the fitting fool card recently if were talking of a status quo.

Yet I believe Capcom didn’t really take the tarot thing seriously this time or how it would work mostly for the rest of the cast. IMHO.

Capcom didn’t link Q or G with Ken’s stage as of now or even hinted in his costume alt.
So probably that would remain to be just another conspiracy theory and unrelated for both Q and G unless there would be an update later.