SFV Lounge: Lupe please comeback! DevilJin moving to Mortal Kombat 11

Laura seems like she got buffed overall.

She may… Actually have her S3 st.MP AA back?

Gonna have to steal a bunch of points before 4.5 comes and she goes back in the dumpster.

Also there is zero chance that Kage is the only S4 character. They pulled the character select screen in on the sides to make room for like 8 more slots.

If he is only available with FM he may be legit “extra” which doesn’t make him better but is probably why he is standalone.

They definitely fucked the dog by not announcing more but they have to have more coming at some point. When, now that is a good question.

Alright seriously now time for bed.

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By the way, VT2 tracks. I guess that’s why he doesn’t have a full screen normal fireball to set up 50/50s.

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Thinking about it now, it is the holidays right now. Everyone, even the street fighter devs, needs a break. Wouldn’t be surprised if the reason why the reveal was so thin now is because the staff are on holiday break.

Stay tuned for any reveals towards the end of the month.

So… This is what X Kira meant when he said we’ll be getting Dan


looks like they want some characters to be used so they tuned the shit out of them

and others they just want you to forget (ed)

I guess LMAO.

They still haven’t fixed this nonsense about the slides getting stuck when updates download.

I’m glad the grid stage has a new BGM, now let me get the hell out of the damn slide, please.

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Forward Dash ①Overall movement changed from 21F to 20F.
②Changed the animation.
Backwards Dash Reduced the overall frames from 28F to 24F.
Standing LP Expanded the hitbox that will hit crouching opponents in the forward
Standing HP Reduced the pushback on hit.
Standing HK
①Increased the startup for the first hit from 7F to 8F.
Note: No changes to the second hit.
②The first hit can only be canceled into V-Trigger activation.
③If the first hit connects and the second hit does not, cannot be canceled
into V-Trigger.
④If only the 2nd hit connects, damage decreased from 90 to 80.
⑤If only the 2nd hit connects, reduced the pushback on hit.
⑥If the 2nd hit is canceled into V-Trigger, increased the advantage frames
by 5F.
Crouching HP
①Reduced the startup from 11F to 10F.
②Reduced the pushback on hit.
③Changed the recovery from 18F to 19F.
Crouching MK Reduced the recovery from 10F to 9F.
Crouching HK V-Gauge meter gain from a Crush Counter increased from 100 to 120.
Jump MP Increased the blowback time on mid-air hit for the second hit.
Jump HK Reduced the hurtbox at the torso.
Step Low Kick Changed the timing window for a kara cancel from 15F - 18F, to just 18F.
Adjustment Description
Tiger Shot
①Decreased the blowback on mid-air hit.
②Increased the blowback time on mid-air hit.
③Increased the hitbox in the upwards direction.
④Reduced the projectile nullification on startup in the horizontal direction,
and expanded in the upwards direction.
⑤L, M only: Decreased the projectile speed.
⑥Chip damage increased from 10 to 12.
EX Tiger Shot ①Expanded the hitbox in the upwards direction.
②Expanded the projectile nullification on startup in the upwards direction.
Grand Tiger Shot
①Extended the projectile invincibility at the upper body by 5F.
②Decreased the blowback distance on mid-air hit.
③Increased the blowback time on mid-air hit.
④L, M only: Decreased the projectile speed.
⑤Reduced the pushback on block.
Tiger Uppercut (All
When performed as a kara cancel from Step High Kick or Step Low Kick,
decreased the startup by 1F.
H Tiger Uppercut Given invincibility to mid-air attacks from 1F - 16F.
H Tiger Uppercut (V-Skill
Version) Given invincibility to mid-air attacks from 1F - 16F.
EX Tiger Uppercut Increased the damage taken for an attack that hits during the move’s
duration by 1.2x.
EX Tiger Uppercut (V-Skill
①Increased the blowback on hit.
②Increased blowback time on hit.
③Reduced the landing recovery time on hit.
④Increased the damage taken for an attack that hits during the move’s
duration by 1.2x.
Tiger Charge (V-Trigger I) ①Reduced the recovery by 2F when canceled into from Tiger Shot.
②Reduced the recovery by 4F when canceled into from Grand Tiger Shot.
Tiger Cannon (V-Trigger I) Recovery on block changed from -2F to +2F.
Tiger Rush (V-Trigger II) Reduced the blowback on hit.


Yeah, Ryu definitely looks legit. 10f LK Donkey is huge.

It basically means that one simple poke means Ryu can boot anyone out. You can imagine how well this works for certain matchups. Especially now that FB got turned into a real FB.

This might actually be a good season for the finale.

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I was right though, Menat got some buffs

Stmp is safer on hit and on block

Her EX Orb (the one that combos) does more damage now

Only nerfs she got were 3+ frames on whiff on her orb jabs, sthp only got 3 more frames of recovery and 10 less damage and that’s it, still crush counters and has the same amount of active frames, no (horizontal) hurtbox changes on any of her normals, hitboxes seem to be the same

And 3 bar VT1

People are gonna hate her just as much, and I’m okay with that

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strong text> Forward Walk Increased the movement speed.

Crime Throw (Back Throw) ①Damage increased from 120 to 150.
②Stun increased from 150 to 200.
Standing MP
①Changed the hurtboxes to be projectile invincible during the attack
②Reduced the hurtbox during the attack startup.
③Reduced the hurtboxes at the arms in the downward direction.
④Reduced the disadvantage on block from -2F to 0F.
Standing LK
①Reduced the hitboxes in the horizontal direction.
②Delayed the timing at which the hurtbox disappears after the active
frames end by 3F.
Standing HK Reduced the V-Gauge meter gain from a Crush Counter from 150 to 120.
Crouching LP Expanded the hurtbox at the arms in the upward direction.
Crouching MP
①Reduced the pushback on block.
②Reduced the pushback on hit.
③Reduced the hurtbox at the legs.
④Added 2F of recovery on whiff.
Crouching HP Reduced the hurtbox that appears before the hitbox active frames.
Crouching MK
①Changed the recovery on block from -2F to +1F.
②Advantage on hit increased from +2F to +3F.
③Increased the pushback on block.
④Delayed the V-Trigger cancel timing by 2F.
Crouching HK
①Changed the animation after the attack startup, and changed the
hurtbox to match the new animation.
②Increased the disadvantage on block from -12F to -14F.
③Changed the condition on hit.
④Expanded the hurtbox during the attack startup.
⑤V-Gauge meter gain from a Crush Counter increased from 100 to 120.
Jump HP ①Changed the hitbox to match the visuals.
②Reduced the hurtbox.
Jump HK Adjusted the hurtboxes, reinforced in the downward direction.
Adjustment Description
Slip Jab
①Changed the recovery from 15F to 17F.
②Changed the recovery on hit from 0F to -2F.
③Increased the disadvantage on block from -4F to -6F.
④Increased the block stop.
Crack Combination (V-Skill) Increased the V-Gauge meter gain from 30 to 50.
Note: No changes to the increase amount if there is recoverable damage.
Zonk Knuckle Advantage on hit increased from +2F to +3F.
EX Zonk Knuckle Decreased the hitbox in the downward direction for the first hit.
L Ruffian Kick Increased the hitbox in the upwards direction for the final active attack
M Ruffian Kick ①Active frames increased from 3F to 4F.
②Expanded the forward hitbox.
H Ruffian Kick Reduced the hurtbox that appears before the hitbox active frames.
EX Ruffian Kick
①Expanded the forward hitbox.
②Increased the active frames from 4F to 5F.
③Increased the disadvantage on block from -7F to -12F.
Tornado Sweep Increased the hitbox in the backwards direction.
EX Tornado Sweep
①Increased the number of projectile-cancelling hits from 2 to 3.
Note: No changes to the number of physical hits.
②Decreased the projectile speed.
Double Kick (V-Skill)
①Extended the invincibility time to last until the active frames of the
second attack.
②Expanded the hitbox of the second attack to match the visuals.
③Increased V-Gauge meter gain from 30 to 50.
Note: No changes to the increase amount if there is recoverable damage.
Side Arm (V-Trigger I)
①V-Timer consumption for M knife attacks reduced from 100F to 80F.
②V-Timer consumption for H knife attacks reduced from 200F to 150F.
③V-Timer consumption for Burst Shot increased from
200F to 300F.
④Eased the combo count for M and H knife attacks.
Standing LP (V-Trigger I) Changed so that 1F will face towards the opponent.
Crouching LP (V-Trigger I) Changed so that 1F will face towards the opponent.
Crouching HP (V-Trigger I) Expanded the hitbox for the second active frame.
Adjustment Description
Reload (V-Trigger I)
①Can be canceled into from Snipe Shot and Anti-Air Snipe Shot on whiff.
②If canceled into from Snipe Shot/Anti-Air Snipe Shot at the fastest
timing, the inputs will be properly registered.
Crouching HP (V-Trigger II) Decreased the startup from 10F to 9F.
Gentle Swing (V-Trigger II)
①Made the active frames for the attack, projectile reflection, and hitting
the Bean Ball all 3F.
②Decreased the disadvantage on block from -3F to -2F.
Gentle Upper Swing (VTrigger II)
①Reduced the startup from 15F to 12F.
②Expanded the forward hitbox.
③Quickened the timing at which the hurtbox that appears before the
character disappears after the attack active frames.
④Can cancel into Gentle Swing on hit.
Note: The adjustments ① - ④ above do not apply for the version canceled
from Bean Ball.
Criminal Punisher Expanded the collision boxes and the hitboxes on hit.

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hope we get some videos showing these new changes because right now they don’t sound terribly exciting. Hoping Juri doesn’t get nerfed.

Yooo. The ryu fireball change just took frames off the recovery. We Sagat low tiger status. Im hype af


Yooooooooooo his VT2 is Misogi and you can pretty much do it off everything. Too bad you only get to do it twice, but I guess it does do 150dmg raw

Stand lk buffer to lk donkey. Actual real fireball

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Holy shit I’m not even half way down and those are good.

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That shimmy game in VT2 is gonna HURT. Plus hard knock down status too, and you can cancel it off anything and only be -2. Edgelord status confirmed.

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Sakura Hop (Air Throw)
As Sakura could hit the opponent with an additional attack in certain
situations, the animation for the opponent was changed so that Sakura
could no longer hit the opponent after this throw.
Standing MK Reduced the recovery on whiff from 19F to 15F.
Standing HK Reduced the V-Gauge meter gain from a Crush Counter from 150 to 120.
Crouching MP Increased the advantage on block from +1F to +2F.
Adjustment Description
Crouching HP
①Changed the recovery from 26F to 23F.
②Reduced the disadvantage on hit from -5F to -2F.
③Reduced the disadvantage on block from -8F to -5F.
Crouching MK Decreased the startup from 7F to 6F.
Crouching HK ①Decreased the startup from 10F to 9F.
②V-Gauge meter gain from a Crush Counter increased from 100 to 120.
M Shouoken ①Decreased the startup from 13F to 9F.
②Decreased the blowback distance.
H Shouoken Decreased the startup from 17F to 14F.
EX Shouoken
Increased the damage taken for an attack that hits during the move’s
duration by 1.2x.
Shouoken (V-Trigger II)
①Increased the damage taken for an attack that hits during the move’s
duration by 1.2x.
②The opponent will not be able to recover from hits 1-4.
①Decreased the startup from 17F to 15F.
②Changed the overall frames to 48F.
③Removed the hurtbox at the arms that appeared before the attack
Hadoken (Charge Version) Removed the hurtbox at the arms that appeared before the attack
EX Hadoken
①Sped up the V-Trigger cancel timing by 2F.
②Increased the advantage for V-Trigger cancel by 5F.
③Removed the hurtbox at the arms that appeared before the attack
Hadoken (V-Trigger I)
①Eased the combo count.
②Increased the pushback on hit.
③Removed the hurtbox at the arms that appeared before the attack
④V-Timer gauge usage increased from 500F to 800F.
Hadoken (Charge Version)
(V-Trigger I)
Removed the hurtbox at the arms that appeared before the attack
M Shunpukyaku Damage increased from 70 to 80.
H Shunpukyaku Decreased the pushback on hit.
Adjustment Description
Shunpukyaku (V-Trigger II) Startup decreased from 13F to 12F.
Tengyo Hadoken (V-Trigger
①Eased the air combo restrictions when Tengyo Hadoken is the first hit.
②Restricted its follow-up attack ability.
EX Tengyo Hadoken ①Changed the blowback on hit.
②Increased the blowback time on hit.
Oukakyaku (V-Skill) Increased the recovery on block by 3F.
Haru Arashi (V-Trigger I)
①Increased the effect time from 2,000F to 3,000F.
②Can now be hit by an attack during the screen freeze upon V-Trigger
Hogasho (V-Trigger I)
①Advantage on hit increased from +6F to +9F.
②Increased the advantage on block from +2F to +5F.
③Damage increased from 60 to 80.
④Stun increased from 120 to 150.
⑤Will consume 500F of V-Timer.
Sakura Senpu (V-Trigger II) Can now be hit by an attack during the screen freeze upon V-Trigger
Sakura Rain (Normal/VTrigger I)
Increased the hitbox in the upwards direction when canceled into from

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Ken’s combo-able overhead was nerfed to -6 on block

His LK Tatsu does less damage

His HK Tatsu hitbox was nerfed so it combos less consistently now

His Step Kick builds less V-meter

Why the hell is it that every single character I try and use Capcom freaking nerfs