SFV Lounge: Lupe please comeback! DevilJin moving to Mortal Kombat 11

They nerfed the DPs again. We Season 2 bois. We’ll finally have ToD’s on Akuma.

Edgelords and waifus are like burgers and fries. No need to be mad just because you got served the fries first.

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Where are the patch notes??


Standing HP (V-Trigger II) Can be special move canceled.
Standing MK Damage increased from 60 to 70.
Crouching MK Advantage on hit increased from +1F to +2F.
Crouching HK V-Gauge meter gain from a Crush Counter increased from 100 to 120.
①Decreased the overall movement frames from 47F to 45F.
Note: No change to the advantage/disadvantage on hit/block.
②Increased the pushback on block.
L Hadoken Reduced the projectile speed.
H Hadoken Increased the projectile speed.
EX Tatsumaki Senpukyaku ①Slightly decreased the blowback distance on hit.
②Increased the blowback time for grounded hit.
EX Tatsumaki Senpukyaku
①Input command for the regular version changed from + to +
②Input command for the EX version changed from + to +
L Jodan Sokutou Geri ①Reduced the startup from 16F to 10F.
②Restricted the air combo count.
M Jodan Sokutou Geri ①Reduced the startup from 18F to 16F.
②Increased the attack movement distance.
H Jodan Sokutou Geri Reduced the startup from 20F to 18F.
EX Jodan Sokutou Geri Increased the attack movement distance.
EX Shoryuken (Normal/VTrigger I)
Increased the damage taken for an attack that hits during the move’s
duration by 1.2x.
VTI Denjin Renki Can now be hit by an attack during the screen freeze upon V-Trigger

VTII Isshin
①Recovery reduced from 40F to 36F.
②The attack recovery can be canceled into Shoryuken.
③If Ryu successfully parries an attack, but his counterattack misses, he
can cancel the recovery into Mind’s Eye or Isshin.
Note: When canceled into from recovery, the parry’s startup will be 1F.


Where y’all finding these notes tho? Unity ain’t updated yet.

Capcom is honest at least. They delivered what they hinted with the logo: nothing.


wouldn’t have expected anything more

it’s decapre all over again

They fucking did it! The FB Speed change I’ve been asking since S1!!!

Also LK Donkey 10f? niiiice.

So practically not only I didn’t get Makoto, but they’ve practically announced E.Ryu part.2 and that’s all? Really?! Jesus Christ, it’s even worse than I’ve imagined.

X-Kira didn’t foresaw this?!

I’m out niggas.


Ryu might be almost OK now



crhk went down to 5 active frames and everything else is QoL changes

Ken got nerfed

Fuck Season 4


Kage’s Fireball is NON EXISTANT. Kinda like Dan’s. Only red fireball goes full screen. Cr.Mk seems decent. MP DP is for AA. Walk speed is similar to Ryu’s.

Raging demon locked to VT activation. FADC VT SRK -5 though.

I want 4hrs of lost sleep back

Vega changes

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I’d love to see Ryu again like in S1. I feel he has been Kaged for too long!



Standing MK Damage increased from 60 to 70.
Standing MK (V-Trigger I) Damage increased from 70 to 80.
Crouching MK (Normal/VTrigger I) Reduced the hurtbox that appears before the hitbox active frames.
Crouching HK V-Gauge meter gain from a Crush Counter increased from 100 to 120.
H Hyakuretsukyaku
①Eased the combo count.
②Reduced the pushback on hit, for all hits except the last one.
③Reduced the pushback on block, for all hits except the last one.
H Hyakuretsukyaku (VTrigger I)
①Reduced the pushback on hit, for all hits except the last one.
②Reduced the pushback on block, for all hits except the last one.
H Kikoken (Normal/V-Trigger
I) Disadvantage on hit reduced from -2F to -1F.
EX Spinning Bird Kick
(Normal/V-Trigger I)
①Increased the damage taken for an attack that hits during the move’s
duration by 1.2x.
②On hit, expanded the hitbox of the following attack.
Rankyaku (Normal/V-Trigger
I) (V-Skill)
①Increased the blowback time on hit.
②Increased the upwards blowback.
③Restricted the combo count.
④Expanded the downwards hitbox.
⑤Regular version only - adjusted the combo count for jump attacks
performed from Rankyaku.
Souseikyaku (Normal/VTrigger I)
Added a new move, performed from Rankyaku (from
Adjustment Description
Renkiko (V-Trigger I) Can now be hit by an attack during the screen freeze upon V-Trigger


So ryu got buffed. Holy shit. Better fireball. Light donkey combos from lights. Speed on fireball changes. More pushback on block.

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This VT change took out Vega’s true VR, VT1 to GTFO.


Cuck Clones deserve no buffs.