SFV Lounge: Lupe please comeback! DevilJin moving to Mortal Kombat 11


Sakura Hop (Air Throw)
As Sakura could hit the opponent with an additional attack in certain
situations, the animation for the opponent was changed so that Sakura
could no longer hit the opponent after this throw.
Standing MK Reduced the recovery on whiff from 19F to 15F.
Standing HK Reduced the V-Gauge meter gain from a Crush Counter from 150 to 120.
Crouching MP Increased the advantage on block from +1F to +2F.
Adjustment Description
Crouching HP
①Changed the recovery from 26F to 23F.
②Reduced the disadvantage on hit from -5F to -2F.
③Reduced the disadvantage on block from -8F to -5F.
Crouching MK Decreased the startup from 7F to 6F.
Crouching HK ①Decreased the startup from 10F to 9F.
②V-Gauge meter gain from a Crush Counter increased from 100 to 120.
M Shouoken ①Decreased the startup from 13F to 9F.
②Decreased the blowback distance.
H Shouoken Decreased the startup from 17F to 14F.
EX Shouoken
Increased the damage taken for an attack that hits during the move’s
duration by 1.2x.
Shouoken (V-Trigger II)
①Increased the damage taken for an attack that hits during the move’s
duration by 1.2x.
②The opponent will not be able to recover from hits 1-4.
①Decreased the startup from 17F to 15F.
②Changed the overall frames to 48F.
③Removed the hurtbox at the arms that appeared before the attack
Hadoken (Charge Version) Removed the hurtbox at the arms that appeared before the attack
EX Hadoken
①Sped up the V-Trigger cancel timing by 2F.
②Increased the advantage for V-Trigger cancel by 5F.
③Removed the hurtbox at the arms that appeared before the attack
Hadoken (V-Trigger I)
①Eased the combo count.
②Increased the pushback on hit.
③Removed the hurtbox at the arms that appeared before the attack
④V-Timer gauge usage increased from 500F to 800F.
Hadoken (Charge Version)
(V-Trigger I)
Removed the hurtbox at the arms that appeared before the attack
M Shunpukyaku Damage increased from 70 to 80.
H Shunpukyaku Decreased the pushback on hit.
Adjustment Description
Shunpukyaku (V-Trigger II) Startup decreased from 13F to 12F.
Tengyo Hadoken (V-Trigger
①Eased the air combo restrictions when Tengyo Hadoken is the first hit.
②Restricted its follow-up attack ability.
EX Tengyo Hadoken ①Changed the blowback on hit.
②Increased the blowback time on hit.
Oukakyaku (V-Skill) Increased the recovery on block by 3F.
Haru Arashi (V-Trigger I)
①Increased the effect time from 2,000F to 3,000F.
②Can now be hit by an attack during the screen freeze upon V-Trigger
Hogasho (V-Trigger I)
①Advantage on hit increased from +6F to +9F.
②Increased the advantage on block from +2F to +5F.
③Damage increased from 60 to 80.
④Stun increased from 120 to 150.
⑤Will consume 500F of V-Timer.
Sakura Senpu (V-Trigger II) Can now be hit by an attack during the screen freeze upon V-Trigger
Sakura Rain (Normal/VTrigger I)
Increased the hitbox in the upwards direction when canceled into from

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Ken’s combo-able overhead was nerfed to -6 on block

His LK Tatsu does less damage

His HK Tatsu hitbox was nerfed so it combos less consistently now

His Step Kick builds less V-meter

Why the hell is it that every single character I try and use Capcom freaking nerfs


That armour nerf… Gief is dead.

Kage in the shop seems to be set up like all the previous Season Pass characters… 100,000 FM for the character, real money for Battle Outfit 1 and colors.

There is also a new Fighting Chance loot box running through Jan14.
4500FM for a single reading, cannot use Fortune Tickets to purchase. Contains only costumes and EX colors, no battle items or artwork. Outfits are repeats of the previous four kings’ loot box outfits. Colors are repeats of all the previous loot box EX6-7 (Story and Default), with Kage’s colors now added. So if you really want to waste your FM, Capcom has you covered.

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They made cannon plus 2, they are listening to me.

Also HP dp as AA , now we playing.


Ryu getting Sp. Cancel on St. HP in VT2 is a nice compromise too. That definitely puts it back on par with VT1, especially now that his keepaway got buffed.

Sagat’s Cannon is still three bars. LOL


Standing HP Added a hitbox that will only hit airborne opponents on 9F of the move.
Standing HK Reduced the V-Gauge meter gain from a Crush Counter from 150 to 120.
Crouching LP Expanded the hitbox in Alex’s body.
Crouching MP Expanded the hitbox in Alex’s body.
Crouching MK Expanded the hitbox in Alex’s body.
Crouching HK V-Gauge meter gain from a Crush Counter increased from 100 to 120.
Lariat Reduced the V-Gauge meter gain from a Crush Counter from 150 to 120.
EX Air Knee Smash
①Changed so that it can hit a standing opponent.
②Expanded the downwards hitbox.
③Changed so that he is closer to the opponent after hit.
④Damage decreased from 160 to 140.
⑤5F to 13F - changed from complete invincibility, to invincibility to
airborne attacks and projectiles.
EX Slash Elbow
①First hit only forces stand.
②Increased the disadvantage on block from -11F to -17F.
③Expanded the armor in the backwards direction.
EX Power Drop Damage increased from 180 to 200.
EX Power Bomb Increased the throw range.
Overhaul (V-Skill)
①Can be canceled into from EX Flash Chop, EX Slash Elbow, and EX Air
②The Hard Hit effect has been increased from +2F to +5F.
③Incrased the advantage frames by 3F if a Hard Hit is performed from a
move that can trigger a Crush Counter.
Rage Shift (V-Trigger I) Can now be hit by an attack during the screen freeze upon V-Trigger
Sledge Hammer (V-Trigger I) Increased the input window by 1F when performing each EX move
variation with specific timing.
Adjustment Description
Rage Boost (V-Trigger II) Can now be hit by an attack during the screen freeze upon V-Trigger
Flying DDT (V-Trigger II) Can be canceled into from the first hit of EX Slash Elbow and L Slash


Holy shit Old Zeku’s standing fierce doesn’t CC anymore.

he can get a counterhit stnading fierce XX stance change and then get target combo.

What fucking vile sorcery is this?

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I’m going through Cammy’s changes:

  • They nerfed her oki after forward throw.
  • They improved the range of her airthrow
  • She has 900 stun again
  • stHK has 3 additional frames of recovery (no more whiffing stHK on someone’s wakeup and then pressing jab)
  • crLP is now 0 on block
  • crMP is much more whiff punishable
  • nerfed bMP further
  • Spiral Arrow and Cannon Spike do less stun damage
  • jHK will never crossup (there were exceptional circumstances when that could happen)
  • Oh, and they nerfed her VT2 but it’s not like anybody gives a fuck, LOL

Doesn’t look too terrible actually, depending on how big her crLP nerf is she might still be a strong tournament character (unless the tier whores move to the next monster).

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It’s a mixed bag. Sure, Armor doesn’t mean you won’t die, but wait until you see the Gief buffs.

They better have made him good again, Season 3 was kind of a letdown.

They nerfed st mp and mk.
Increased damage on some attacks and gave oki to lariat if it hits early.

Loving the slower light and med fireballs and increased chip damage.


Chun still horribly mediocre. Got nothing that will help her game at all. Looks like Guile and Cammy got away mostly unscathed, Akuma less so.

Guile ate some nerfs.

Faster light boom/cross
Slower sobat with more recovery
Presumably all booms are 38>40f with more hurtbox

Could be worse.

His EX Fireball causes a crumple!

Kage will have real 50/50 setups in VT1 and I think VT2.

Yeah. Unless I’m missing something important she’ll still be good probably.

Lol Chun got basically nothing. A new kick from VS and like 10 more damage on s.mk lmaooo

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Bison looking good

pls tell me there’s going to be another balance patch in january…