SFV Lounge: Lupe please comeback! DevilJin moving to Mortal Kombat 11

Oh nononono.

I’ve been waiting a long-ass time to get those Ryu buffs. You gon wait until SF6.

I’m getting from Alex that his EX Elbow is now cracking-knuckles-first punishable and that EX Knee hits standing opponents but is nerfed in damage.
EX Power Bomb got a slight damage buff and the rest are slight Trigger adjustments.

Still trash.

Akuma only got Demon flip nerfs but Shakunetsu hadoken got buffed because apparently it was poorly used.

Yep. Capcom’s brand of AntiBalance :copyright: strikes again.

Ryu was good in S1 he can fuck off, besides you don’t even play the game

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And both versions of him will be good in S4.

Rashid ate very minor damage nerfs and that’s about it.

Standing shot has 16f start up now and deals 20 less damage!
I won’t be able to link it from st lp any more, ffs!
Capcom, PLEASE!

Somebody link the FANG changes.

Need to make sure what bullshit I’m going to avoid by not playing this nonsense anymore.

There are barely any notable improvements, other than hadoken speed.

Alex and ryu look like the big winners.

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You’re gonna have to come back to Gief, sellout.

Back Recovery Adjusted the recovery motion.
Standing HP Reduced the V-Gauge meter gain from a Crush Counter from 150 to 120.
Crouching LK Increased the pushback on hit.
Crouching HK
①Increased V-Gauge meter gain from a Crush Counter, from 100 (50 +
50) to 120 (60 + 60).
②Increased V-Gauge meter gain on Crush Counter, if caused by the 2nd
hit only, from 50 to 100.
Jump HK From a forward jump, increased the hitbox in F.A.N.G’s body.
L Sotoja
①Startup reduced from 16F to 13F.
②Recovery reduced from 25F to 23F.
Note: No changes in advantage/disadvantage on block.
③Reduced the hitbox for the first hit in the backwards direction.
④Changed the effects of the first hit from a knockdown to grounded hit
⑤Reduced the disadvantage on hit for the 2nd hit from -4F to 0F.
M Sotoja Startup reduced from 20F to 16F.
EX Ryobenda (Regular/VTrigger II)
①The airborne part of the move after the attack startup can be canceled
into Nikyoushu.
②Increased the pushback on block for the attack portion, so that on block
it’s easier to place the poison.
Nikyoushu Added a new airborne-only special move (from during jump ).
Dokunomu (V-Trigger I) Can now be hit by an attack during the screen freeze upon V-Trigger
Nishodoku (V-Skill) (VTrigger I)
①Can be canceled into from special move-cancellable normal moves.
②Changed to blowback damage on mid-air hit.
③Reduced the disadvantage on block from -4F to -2F.
④Advantage on hit increased from +1F to +2F.
⑤Decreased the projectile speed.
Shishiruirui When used as part of a juggle combo in the corner, made it easier for all
the hits to connect.

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Bison looking as solid as ever. We dodged a bullet. So happy for this.


Looks like they fixed ed, he might be a problem too

Standing HP V-Gauge meter gain from a Crush Counter increased from 100 to 120.
Standing HK Reduced the V-Gauge meter gain from a Crush Counter from 150 to 120.
Crouching HP Reduced the V-Gauge meter gain from a Crush Counter from 150 to 120.
Crouching HK
①V-Gauge meter gain from a Crush Counter increased from 100 to 120.
②Reduced the active frames from 9F to 5F.
③Recovery on whiff increased from 20F to 22F.
④Recovery on hit and block increased from 20F to 24F.
Jumping MK Reduced the hurtbox that appears before the hitbox active frames.
Psycho Flicker
Changed the number of necessary button presses to activate the move
from 5 to 4.
Psycho Upper
①Expanded the forward hitbox.
②Increased the forward movement when canceled into from crouching
EX Psycho Upper
①Increased the forward movement distance when performed from a
②Reduced the startup when performed from a cancel from 16F to 13F.
③Increased the damage taken for an attack that hits during the move’s
duration by 1.2x.
EX Psycho Shoot Can cancel into Enhanced Snatcher (V-Trigger II).
Psycho Knuckle ①Can cancel into Enhanced Snatcher (V-Trigger II).
②Reduced the stun from 200 to 150.
Psycho Snatcher - Air (VSkill) (Charge)
①Eased the air combo count.
②Adjusted to address the phenomenon where the opponent would not get
hit with the 2nd hit in certain situations.
Psycho Cannon (V-Trigger I) Can now be hit by an attack during the screen freeze upon V-Trigger
Enhanced Snatcher (VTrigger II)
Can now be hit by an attack during the screen freeze upon V-Trigger

Oh and cody…

Trust me, those are QoL buffs at best. Overall he got nerfed again.

Builds less V-meter, less stun on Psycho Knuckle, sweep is far worse. Crmp xx Psycho Upper doesn’t really help him that much, EX Psycho Upper change only works when doing it in combos, the rest are meh

Unless they’re planning big things for 4.5, he’s not budging from where he is

they basically did what me and most of you predicted, nerf the current top tiers slightly and buff everyone else to make them fight the top tiers on an even field

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So in terms of my characters:

  1. Chun got (and lost) pretty much nothing.
  2. Sak got a lot of small but good buffs
  3. Vega got stance change from claw punch buttons and a new EX CT for more juggle combos. None of his real problems were addressed though.

Not feeling this patch so far. It’s not terrible but just not very exciting.

Maybe Kage will be cool.

Yes, but where is the S4 Character Pass? Is there one? Why was it delayed?

I understand now that last year they revealed all the characters then to push the release of AE. This year is different, and Kage could be seen as a continuation of AE’s release rather than the first S4 character.

But again, is there an S4 character pass? I find it alarming that they left it open ended like this. Usually when an SF game begins recycling assets (e.g. Kage) it means the end of its cycle is near. This makes me sad.


What did I tell you guys?

If you liked Season 3, it wasn’t going to change.

If you hated Season 3, it wasn’t going to change.

Calm ya asses, shake your asses, play ST or get on that 3S Genei Jin hype.


“Kage is only the beginning of the next season of Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition! We’re doing things differently this year, so we’re eager to share the details with you soon! Thank you for all the continued support. We can’t wait to show off what’s next in 2019!”

So there’s that at least.