SFV Lounge: Lupe please comeback! DevilJin moving to Mortal Kombat 11

On Capcom’s website

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Maybe they’ll go the KI route with a character each month…

Wish they said that before CPT not after.

I recall us talking about which character is “hype” enough to headline a season, and Evil Ryu’s name kept coming up. In that sense, we were right at least.

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After this shit 8 characters including Makoto is mandatory, c’mon now.


And she better be the next one. None of that waiting game.


The only positive thing I can say about this update is that Menat can still make her Super safe, her sthp is still impossible to whiff punish and she’ll still make people mad

A lot of hurtbox nerfs to other characters by the sound of it so she’ll hit people more often

Oh and unlike other characters she got more V-meter buffs, her anti-air orb sthk builds more v-meter when it crush counters, sthp still builds the same amount and her sweep builds more too

Almost makes up for the Ken nerfs

Happy with ed buffs. Ed actually looks like he functions well now. Old man zeku got decent buffs. But young zeku got qos, slight nerf overall. Cody got decent buffs.
Not happy with sakura, ryu, sagat, vega changes. Too little, same issues will still persist. Looks like capcom are happy with where these characters are atm.
Fair enough.

Looks like all CCs were normalized to give 120VM

An indirect nerf to VT unga.

idk man it so far it looks like this is basically changes that were added for the end of S3 and Evil ryu might really be a sorta free character, i guess we get the real stuff sometime next year


I can’t say whether Mak is on the menu or not but looking at the char screen post…Kage update, there are around 9 slots they can jam in with new char portraits.

So if they are indeed trying something different this season maybe we will see more peeps coming through than ever.


Menat’s st hp got nerfed though, 16f to 19f recovery and no cc means you cant be mindlessly mashing it like wong does now. Looks like wong will have to play neutral now.

Evil Ryu isn’t what people expected at all, be ready for an Akuma/ Kage Ranked invasion. To add the salt on the wound Zeku is practically the same, as expected is a middle to nowhere character officially now.

Ok, there’s not even need to renew my PSN this year

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Whatever it is, I hope it’s good enough to send a big fuck you to MK11.


Evil ryu will have 875/900 health, he’ll be strong. Capcom gives love to low health characters.

evil ryu… yaaaaaaaawn

im salty he has Misogi tho.

The King got buffed.

I was having fun playing this game again and man Capcom killed my hype hard.

Sagat got better jump ins.

Hold that shit bitches

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My guess from ‘doing things differently next year’ is that there is no season pass coming at all. Otherwise why wouldn’t the bulk purchase option come out with Kage? Scummy move IMO.

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