SFV Lounge: Lupe please comeback! DevilJin moving to Mortal Kombat 11

Old Zeku can zone now. He can also consistently v-skill now from lk koku because you can cancel the animation of it into v-skill. Cr.mk got a buff and the stand fierce no longer CCing seems like a blerf.

None of the things I wanted but the game is ass anyway so have fun with what you got.

After reading through Falke’s stuff (it’s too much for a full breakdown this late) I think she’s pretty obviously better than before, I was just being my negative self. There’s mostly buffs everywhere but it’s QoL for the most part, like Schneide and V-Skill moving you forward but only upon a cancel in order to make combos more consistent or her V-Skill now being able to build V-Meter by absorbing fireballs.

No significant buff to fHP though, which I wanted to be a little faster, nor there has been any buff to the air shot recovery, which I hoped it would have become safer.
Standing shot is now +2 on block and +7 on hit, but with Falke’s stMK staying at 8 frames of startup and stMP keeping its shit range that’s unlikely to turn into actual conversions without V-Trigger available, since the move takes longer to come out (went from 13 to 16 frames of startup) it will be harder to score a counter-hit too.
And standing shot has additional pushback on block too now, so that’s good for the purpose of keeping people off but bad for the purpose of pressuring, which is what people hoped to do with that now.

So, my very early impression is that Falke is generally improved across the board (crMP and fHP got additional frames to cancel into VT2, which also got buffs itself, so maybe that shit is actually usable now!) but not in an exceptional manner because her seemingly big buff to standing shot may turn out to be not that strong, some of her issues elsewhere weren’t directly addressed and while dfHK into stMP beats 3 framers now the fact that you can’t cancel it anymore still stings.

Her strength will depend a lot on how the meta evolves in Season 4. In my opinion she was never terrible in Season 3, but her off-meta gameplan was what really killed her competitively.

It’s cool I guess.

I don’t have a lot of experience with these analyses, @DevilJin_01 can probably try to correct on a bunch of stuff.

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Nothing can stop MK11

Nothing can prepare you


Sagat got some good buffs. Shots got buffed. Lol ok

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In game ads and presumably no season pass.
What are you up to Capcom?

StHP doesnt’ Crush Counter anymore? Damn!

Looking at the notes the theme of this version seems to be: fuck armor moves.

A lot of them got worse on block (or at least a lot of common ones I saw when I was scanning through) and the whole “die if you don’t have normal HP to take the hit” thing.

Sub-theme: as Ahkos mentioned EX reversals got nerfed again with the damage buff basically cancelling out the CC damage scaling. This gets really bad if you have a long whiff EX reversals because now a non-CC combo is gonna also get that buff and hurt more.

Also it looks like they fucked with some V meter gains on CC. Dialing it down on more common buttons and buffing it on sweeps. Just random readings though so maybe not an overall trend.

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Evil ryu’s gonna have a very close range/in your face fireball, and an air fireball for combos. He doesnt play like an upgraded version of ryu or akuma v2 like in the past. Seems to have his own thing going.


Don’t you worry, Capcom managed to make Juri worse. They tried to buff her V-trigger 2, but it looks like they didn’t fix the glitch where IT DOESN’T ACTIVATE WHEN HIT! She honestly has the smallest amount of changes. No increases to damage that’s sorely needed. No less recovery or invincibility on anything to prevent all of her moves/normals from being beaten. She is effectively the worst character in the game now, considering Vega, Fang, and Alex got buffs.

I’m assuming no season pass, Street Fighter VI is going to be free to play, whenever it gets made. Street Fighter V is also going to be free to play on Xbox One and PS4 and maybe Switch, if those ugly non game models are anything to go by.

Transitioning to F2P model and selling everything individually. Think LoL or Starcraft 2. Bundles coming at the end of the year rather than beginning.

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I haven’t noticed an actual difference with hk tatsu yet, could be wrong but the way I use it off of standing mp still connects off the whiff punish.

Lk tatsu actually got buffed since you can fully juggle off a connection, but it’s still useless since it’s not consistently connecting on the first hit. A berf that doesn’t make a difference

The big buffs are to ex tatsu and his vt2. You can consistently hit confirm cr.mk into either vt 2 or ex tatsu now. Furthermore, vt2 will now combo into a dp ender when mashed!

This is huge for vt2, I liked it in concept but it didn’t allow for consistent follow up oki. The enhanced vacuum effect and the combo ender make it a really solid v trigger. Not as dumb as some, but still. THis allows you to make 3 significant 1 hit confirms in neutral each round including super. Off an anti air dp into vt2 cancel you also get to end it with hk tatsu!

Ken’s overhead was always dumb and useless to me anyways. I see kens going for oki with it, but you can’t consistently connect it to cover both rises… and it was punishable on block anyways. Its use is for max range in neutral with the upside of being able to convert off a stray counterhit, and it still is unpunishable if spaced correctly. It was already a fringe and borderline useless gimmick, don’t care about it

The nerfs were very insignificant, and the buffs are pretty substantial. It’s possible that VT2 is the new optimal v trigger, but witha higher skill floor. An honest v trigger but powerful nonetheless.


The projectile part of lk koku (old zeku’s forward projectile kick) is +4 on hit when the projectile end hits. Not sure if this is new or not but he can link a super afterwards if he sasses you with it.


Edit: he had that goofy ass meaty with it before IIRC. Wtf was the set up for it? That means that it’d be less suicide since the projectile portion is always -3. :thinking:

Edit 2: Lol trash nonsense with my bad memory. but hey its a +4 meaty in the corner only.

Yeah, I think this free trial mode they’re doing is to test F2P as a new model going forward.

what did Nash get?

Wonder if daigo is going to switch now to evil ryu. This current one plays more like Oni though. And not much like ryu and even less like guile.

I can see him playing ryu now actually.

He thinks ryu’s dead. And that’s not gonna change with this patch.

The fire ball changes might be enough

Sagat’s Hk got nerfed. That’s crazy!

Anyone notice the system change.

“Moves with armour, if your vitality is reduced to zero, you will be KOd with white health remaining”

Pretty sure that kills spammy armour moves like Birdies.