SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

Remember to watch this video. It’s good for your bones.


This is a cool looking hidden gem of a fighter

(Only replied to you because fuck scrolling all the way down to post on mobile)


I am not asking this to troll,I am dead serious.

As a person who knows nothing about melee and it’s community, why is everyone so angry and defensive when they talk about that game ?

Use “jump to” and just type the last post number (it will be right there).

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Good find. Looks pretty rad. Love the exploding fire portraits. :fire:

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We’re talking about Duck Tales.

FR can’t come soon enough.

My fav sailor warrior too. Her name is Makoto and she’s a tomboy to a certain degree with an unusual strength, hilarious huh?

I just realized I could never find the “jump to” part on mobile… because its only possible in the horizontal screen mode. Damnit mobile

I get it on mobile vertical. I tap the page number counter in the lower right, then a tray slides up with “jump to”.

It’s not super elegant, but it works.

We’re all just getting ready for when they announce Gizmoduck for S4.

I’m trying to lock in my main char choice to guarantee announcements at FR. As soon as I settle on someone you’ll see that Twitter icon update.

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…wait a minute…I see what’s going on here.

You and @GetTheTables are trying to sabotage me

The day after you accuse me of being a computer just collecting data, my modem kills itself…

Well we’re going to be talking about E.Honda after Final Round most likely since that’s the only thing Ono has bothered to hint. No way Makoto is going to get revealed before big sushi belly (unless they pull another here’s everybody you’re getting thing).

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I’ll quote my post from a long time ago that and add a bit of history to it:

So you see, it is literally unending bullshit with these guys. Hell when I set up stuff at the city’s comic con for FGs I had a smash guy ask me where smash was at.

Hell, we can more or less place bets on how long it’ll take for somebody to complain that the SRK forums twitch channel isn’t streaming Smash. Its crazy. Its an entirely different community that brought itself up, got the chance to be on MTV, had MLG backing and after they fucked everything up then went up to the FGC and asked for more shit. Then after they got everything, they piss on this one and only hold tournaments for their own games without throwing the FGC a bone.

yeah so fuck’em really. They have a bunch of majors and “super majors” for all of the 3 games that they play but you never see them try and put a big ass productin like CEO that’s trying to run all of the FG tournaments for a community they’re adamant at being a part of. Bunch of goofy broads TBH.


When I’m one of the better Smash people you know there’s a problem

That pic would so much better if Jado was named JoJo

After our last set Ve did message me on the side saying that he was gonna Swordfish the problem.

I figured it meant he was just gonna get a blowjob from a hot blonde to unwind but apparently he had something more nefarious in mind. :hammer: :computer:

I mean Ve did say before that he preferred sports cars to women, so…:stuck_out_tongue:

Sports cars > marriage.

Also, I play the complete meta. There is more ways to beat you than just a shimmy.

…did you have to do it in a way that would stop me from also practicing Smash though :frowning:

I activated my Ve-Trigger.

Now everything dies.

I love how Leffen’s the only one in that video who’s chill. Reinforcing his old villain status in the Melee community by being the only one who’s not acting like a complete twat?