Miðgarðsorm Presents The Street Fighter V Story Thread

3 on the top-left, 3 on the top-right
Eleven inclusion makes it even

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Question: considering how there still isn’t a resolution to the G story that’s been set up yet, do we think SF6 is going to be another prequel or will it continue the Illuminati story line from 3rd Strike while having G as a concurrent plot thread?

They said it was a extra character supposedly. I guess it makes sense if Eleven was a extra character like Shadow/Marionette were in Darkstalkers.

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seems i was right, he is a random select with an eleven color scheme and sound distortion from what i can tell. I wonder if we will even see the"eleven" form outside the character select.


Made this

Can watch this shit in loop is awesome

Gif does’nt even give it justice, youtube it slowed-down


Still think fifth character may be actual “boss version” of G where he does’nt play the Lincoln gimmick
So we may solve this within SFV timeline and maybe set up him becoming Q in SF3 timeline

Btw ROSE is the key character that will likely reveal his true face, so we are few months away (May i think)

To give it some reason to exist could have been cool if they make him return Eleven in his winning cutscene, but considering they did’nt even gave him an actual intro where he morph into the character, i guess also the winning one wil be just the copied character’s cutscene

Wich if true will mean you NEVER see Eleven ingame lol


I can’t believe Cammy’s having officially her Alpha costume!!!

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Does he randomize between rounds, or just once at the start?

I would guess the engine only loads the characters at the beginning of a match, so im going to guess it only changes between matches, but thats just speculating, would be more interesting if it was randomized each round though… i personally still find it kinda lame. but i guess i cant complain about an extra free feature .
(I guess its less lame if you consider Eleven a feature/mode and not a character).

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That was everything I wanted years ago that I requested and talked in multiple threads way back on SFV improvement and character threads.

When someone is requesting new modes and requesting Eleven.

And it’s here. Just as I expected.

Good Job Capcom

I just wished that he had an intro where he starts to morph-in game and return back when defeated

But overall I really like it.

I’m already expecting it when it was mentioned

That’s why I knew it wasn’t an echo-fighter, A fifth character or something that would have a V-skill and CA

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Is there a G story???

No because there’s an open spot on each side.

Ok so Eleven is random select as I would have thought. What they should do though is make sure the life bars and super still say Eleven… Which they dont on that vid.


Here’s the details.


BONUS CONTENT for Season 5 Pass owners – Eleven

Surprise! We’ve snuck in one more gameplay feature to kick off Season 5. Eleven will be released as a BONUS with a purchase of the Season 5 Pass, also arriving when Dan releases on February 22. Eleven is a prototype version of Street Fighter III’ s Twelve, and was created by Gill’s secret organization.

Eleven acts as a mimic character, randomly transforming itself into any character that you currently own in SFV. This transformation occurs as you load into battle, and will also choose a random V-Skill and V-Trigger for you. The mimicked character will retain Eleven’s color scheme while still performing exactly like the character being duplicated!

Eleven can take on the form of ANY fighter you own!

The character will retain the color of Eleven.

Take a chance and roll the dice with Eleven being released as a BONUS if you purchase either the Street Fighter V Season 5 Character Pass or Premium Pass!

Like…seriously this “Bonus Feature” is just a Random select that works online while making your character look like shit.

You know what would be better than Eleven? Making the Random select work online.


Nah it’s fine and lore wise, It also show that your giving an advantage over an opponent and the match isn’t to be viewed ordinary by spectators. Which is very good,

A custom intro and defeat state would have made it better.


Since theyre taking short cuts Id rather they gave random moves from all the characters kind of like cycloid beta/gamma. He wouldnt necessarily have to morph either but I guess this was a cheaper/easier option

Not only did Capcom choose the best stage Rose has ever had (SFZ2) mixed with the best theme music Rose ever had (SFZ3, maybe the only theme actually better than those of the previous game); they even confirmed one of my suspicions about that stage in SFZ2.
We all know that Rose’s Genoa stage in SFZ2 and SFV is actually Venice with only few elements of the actual Genoa. One was Cristopher Columbus’ statue, the other was the ship.
I always suspected they wanted to refer either to the Santa Maria or to the Neptune, a galleon replica used in Roman Polański’s 1986 movie Pirates, indeed now docked in Genoa’s old port; but in SFZ2 it was too difficult to pinpoint her with any certainty.
Now Capcom pretty much confirmed the ship is in fact the Neptune.

They even faithfully reproduced the aftercastle’s lamps!


Some would have requested inteads that NPC characters should have been playable instead.

And Eleven Morph feature isn’t alike like Twelve.