SFV Character Request/Anticipation Thread

Yes, but I think this reinvention will be lasting (and suits him well). Just like I don’t think Vega will go back to being a charge character (sadly).

This also depends on his host body.

Either way, SHOT GUN!!!

If any SF game would have a trap zoner, it’s this one. And who do I think could fit this gameplay? Why, Eleven, of course!

Now before anyone shoots my ideas down for being too “not street fighter,” realize SFV has air combos, wall bounces, otgs, Abigail, and Menat.
Onto the concept! (I basically stole @“Darc Requiem” s format oops)


[] Health: 2
] Power: 3
[] Mobility: 2
] Range: 4
[*] Technique: 5

Stun: 900
Stamina: 900

*Very floaty jump, slow walkspeed, quick but short dashes.

**Throws: **
[*] Forward: Eleven latches onto the opponent with his hands and feet, stretches his torso back by extending his limbs, before lashing forward on them like a slingshot. Knocks opponents far away.

[*] Back: Eleven preforms Twelve’s neutral throw.


Unique Attacks:
[*]b.mp: Eleven transforms his arms into scythes and swings them them over his head. Special cancelable anti air that juggles airborne opponents.

[*]f.mp: Eleven morphs a hammer onto his head and headbutts downwards with it. Slow overhead.

[*]df.mk: Eleven narrows his body and slides low along the ground. Travels decent distance, goes under projectiles, and is unsafe without spacing. Think Menats slide in terms of startup, distance and damage.

V-Skill: Eleven places a stationary orb of white goo that, on contact with opponent, paralyzes them in a web-like substance for 120 frames. There are different variations of the orbs based on what inputs are pressed.

[] B, MP+MK: Orb appears right in front of Eleven.
] MP+MK: Orb appears a fair distance ahead of Eleven.
[] F, MP+MK: Orb appears near the opposite end of the screen.
] DB, MP+MK: Orb appears right above Eleven.
[] D, MP + MK : Orb appears a fair distance ahead of Eleven, and also higher up the screen than the standing version.
] DF, MP+MK: Orb appears near the opposite end of the screen, and also higher up than the standing version.

Only 2 orbs can be out at once. Orbs do not interact with projectiles, but they can be bypassed with projectile-invincible moves. Opponents caught in web are considered airborne and put in juggled state while paralyzed. Damage taken after being trapped is scaled.

V-Reversal: Eleven transforms into a puddle of goo that quickly slides to the opposite side of the opponent. Similar to V-reversals like Rashid’s, Nash’s, Kolin’s, etc.


QCF + P: Eleven transforms his arms into hatchets and twirls in place. Primary combo ender. Light version starts the quickest but deals the least damage. Medium version is slower, but it deals more damage and knocks opponents away. Heavy version has him rise diagonally upwards while spinning (kind of like medium spinning mixer, but hits twice and hits harder). Not invincible, but it does work well as an anti air. Light and medium versions are super cancelable. EX is fast, safe and moves him forward (basically Chun ex legs).

F, DF + K: A seismo attack (kinda like necallis v skill but with goo instead of shockwave), but it only hits airborne opponents. Snatches them from air and slams them down into the ground. Hard kd. Strength determines where it appears. Its hitbox can clash with projectiles. Lots of whiff recovery. EX version has him summon a carpet of goo about the size of Dhalsim’s trigger. Any opponents standing on or above it get significantly floatier jump/dive kicks and slower dashes/forward moving specials (walk speeds remain the same). Additionally, opponents hit by a regular seismo while on a carpet will be groundbounced, so he can follow up with a second seismo. Button combination determines where the carpet appears. Disappears if Eleven is hit. Lasts on screen for 4 seconds otherwise.

QCB+ K: Eleven summons a ball of goo, but it appears at the opposite end of the screen and rolls slowly towards him. Behaves like Birdie’s can, tripping opponents on contact and forcing a “vulnerable rise”, but additionally, it can hit knocked down opponents as well (though it won’t “force rise” in this case). Goes away if Eleven is hit.

DD+ P: Eleven dips into the ground like a puddle before reappearing at the other end of the screen. Similar to Dhalsim’s yoga teleport, but significantly slower, and it cannot be done in the air. No invincibility until third frame.

V-Trigger: A 3 bar trigger. Eleven’s zoning tools are enhanced. He can now place three v skill orbs. Seismos can hit grounded opponents now, and the ex version lasts longer. Pressing HP+HK at any time during his trigger causes a web tether to appear between the orbs. Opponents hit by the tether won’t be paralyzed, but they will take damage and be put in a juggled state. Activating a tether depletes from the timer.

CA: Eleven sticks his arms into the ground, and a pillar of matter emerges from below the ground that the opponent is standing on (tracks opponent). This pillar of matter launches them to the air, where Eleven preforms Twelve’s X.F.L.A.T.

Overall, I think his zoning tools would compliment each other well. Even if opponents are paralyzed by a trap too far away for Eleven to continue comboing, he can follow up with one of his anti air seismos (since trapped opponents are considered airborne). With one bar, he can place a carpet below them so he can hit them with 2 seismos. With full meter, he can use his CA since it tracks opponents. If opponents are trapped while close to him, he can use his b.mp (juggles) and cancel it into his heavy QCF + P. Then of course, they also have to worry about his slow, rolling ball. As the trade off for this crazy zoning, he’d have no invincible reversal (not even CA), no 3f attacks, and low health/stun.

Not my format really. A poster over Unity came up with it. He was “Final Fight Fan”, I think. can’t recall his name for sure. He was really into character concepts. I’d probably never have started mine without his thread.

Fuck…no. Twelve was the worst character ever added to SF. The last thing we need is ANOTHER Twelve.

Also, they cut Eleven up to make Nash.

FANG is the closest to a trap zoner we’ll see in SFV

I’m not against any Twelve and Eleven as a independent character but I prefered them for a different role from bothe gameplay wise and storywise.

The mud, clay or symbiote fighting in the future should be added to Necali.

Which is his memorable trait that made a horrific impression to him in cinematic mode.

Thing that I like with Twelve were the glide and the crawl which is with Ibuki and Guile

If there would be a possible inclusion of Twelve or Eleven the best thing they would serve in this game and future games is to be a advanced version of random select like DS Shadow and Marionette.

Something either that mirrors the recent opponent, copy previous opponent or a character that is changing every round.

A 3D model with a different intro begins with Twelve or Eleven that morphs into other character and de-morph/return to previous self.

In retrospect there is nothing particularly out there about Twelve. Twelve is the T-1000 to Seth’s T-800. The character absolutely works within the universe’s own internal logic.

The only reason I don’t want Twelve back is because he shouldn’t exist at this point in time. Otherwise, I would love to see what Capcom’s graphics department could create out of him. Probably the beautifully animated fighter yet albeit the one with the most clippings.

The only place for Twelve…

That’s completely backwards-ass thinking.

Nothing like Twelve existed in SF before Twelve was introduced. Saying that he fits in now because other equally bizarre characters were introduced AFTER him doesn’t make him “fit in” with the series’ internal logic. It means that when he was introduced, he forever damaged the series’ internal logic in a way that continues to this day.

Well said, fuck sakura

Twelve is crap too

Normally I’m admittedly pretty sensitive to criticism, but DarthEnder has the most narrow minded criteria so I was expecting that lol

Yet we still need Twelve in prior games as illuminati representative of successful army shapeshifting assassins which better probably than any Shadaloo Dolls as of now with the exemption of Cammy.

So them(Twelve or Eleven) as a mirroring character or a advance version of random select is a best solution to complement to Twelve’s existence and relevance in future games which is also inevitable.

The series’ internal logic is what Capcom decides it should be, and it took a leap from SF1 to SF2, and another to SF3. After Psychic Nazis, 1-Hit-Kill Angry trolls, Stretchy Yogis, and Monitor Cyborg soldiers that mimic fighters - you have a problem with Twelve - another genetically modified supersoldier (a recurring concept in the series and its expanded universe)?

If you anything, GILL was the one that broke the series’ in SF3 NOT Twelve.

But that’s besides the point, Twelve and his ilk have been in the series for 20-fucking-years. For someone so anal about being completist how are you having trouble with this? Just DEAL WITH IT.

One way or another Twelve, or even Thirteen will come back in SF. It’s only a matter of time.

That’s the thing though, if the “internal logic” is constantly changing, than it’s not actually a logic at all. You can’t apply logic to a reality where the rules are constantly in flux.

I had a problem with the psychic Nazis, Yogis and cyborgs(not sure who the angry troll is) when they were introduced as well.

I am. By bitching about it on the internet.

Agree thats why Capcom should have guidelines on direction for writers and artist because even well known and skilled artist without proper guidelines can alienate the franchise by it’s preference.

Internal logic isn’t static, it changes based on the IP owner’s will. There is nothing in SF2 that would suggest that the existence of Twelve would contradict the universe’s internal logic.

In terms of character design and all that I’m indifferent to Twelve and Eleven. But gameplay wise, twelve was so unique and fun, and I feel like Eleven could offer fun gameplay as well. Replace twelve and eleven with whoever you want, I just want an air dasher and a trap zoner.

[quote=“You, post:23148, topic:175569”]

But gameplay wise, twelve was so unique and fun, and I feel like Eleven could offer fun gameplay as well.


The idea of a shapeshifting character like Twelve opens up crazy gameplay possibilities on top of the possible eye candy. Some people here anticipate character concepts/stereotypes but have zero regard for the fun and unique gameplay they bring to the table.

Twelve looked and felt fun to play. Whether you agree or disagree with the appearance and lore of the character is irrelevant. This is a game first and foremost.

Everybody just chill and give me Gouken.

I would very much like season 3 to be something like

Fei Long

I’d love to play each of those, liked them all except Sakura.