Miðgarðsorm Presents The Street Fighter V Story Thread

WRONG! Gan is awesome :slight_smile:

Fuck “most people” tbh, if you let most people do they will ruin SF in 5 minutes lol

Sumo is a classic of martial arts and the best excuse you have to add the archetype of a fat fighter (better than Rufus or V Birdie), wich is another classic

Each SF chapter for cast variety i’ll like the cast to have the at least 3 big body char archetypes:
Muscle gorilla (Gief is a SF must)
Fat dude (sumo rep best)
Giant (Hugo the best, but can accept new char)

As for martial arts i hope every future SF to have rep of

Karate (Ryu/Ken ansatsuken it’s ok)
Chinese kung fu (Chun MUST in, + whoever else)
Boxing (Dudley perfect rep)
Wrestling (Gief MUST in, + whoever else)
TKD (Juri perfect rep)
Muay Thai (Sagat best or Adon, or new thai char)
Sumo (Honda or whoever)
Capoeira (Elena was good, or new brazil)

These above would already give me the vibe the interstyles thing has been done well, bonus if i get also

Sambo (Abel)
BJJ (Laura)
JKD (Fei)
Ninjutsu (whoever)

Do these, add not-western artstyle and SF6 is good to me

Is not even much to ask (not even including the “bonus” ones) considering i expect every SF to reach around 40 chars
It become a problem only when they feel the need to add in fuckton of story bs clones cyborg alien vampires dolls soldiers labshit wierdos, but even in that case keep 15-20 slots for actual martial artists should be not be THAT impossible, still plenty of room for weirdos and generic shit lol

Problem is japanese just lost love they used to have for fighting in general, there was a time they used to fill a 80K stadium to see a K1 fight night
Now they lost all that passion, wich is an issue

Was fine in CvS2, but not fully fitting within SF. He is compatible enough, I guess, if you compare it to the worst elements of each games, I put him somewhere above G.

Which is good enough for me, we have all the SF3 young ones that are still in school, plus Sakura sometimes dressing as she was still in school, that’s more than we need.

Thinking more about it, my main issue is that the more characters you take from RS, the more you acknowledge it as real in SF world, and RS has plenty of things that I don’t want to see in SF.
I would have no problem with an alternate universe RS where only ONE of them is good enough as a fighter to play with the big boys (and the big girls), but saying that we have a couple of japanese schools where you can find several people capable of fighting at the highest level kind of breaks immersion for me.
Plus the stupid fighting styles …

They won’t, I know, for some reason people like Kamen when there was never anything good in it. Nostalgia I guess. But at least I can pretend he’s latin american, so it’s better than Q or Twelve.

No we don’t.

Classic but not that good. Sumo are surprisingly agile and quick, considering their fat, but in modern age it’s far from being enough. I don’t want to see only MMA type fighters, but one sumo is all we need.


Agree, Im not against Honda or dislike sumo, but the appeal of sumo isn’t the same thing as it was in the 80s.This is why we had few sumo in fighting games compare to wrestling.

This is why we had tons of wrestlers in the likes of Tekken, KOF and etc, than sumo rep. Even KOF that has the most frequent fighter released than SF and Tekken. didn’t had a proper traditional rep like Honda. Instead Kof went with Hinako.


What makes E.Honda standout and relevant among those other sumo characters in fighting games is not because he fight with sumo but rather he is the best representative of sumo in a iconic fighting game and he is the best representative of sumo to exist. What we got now is just returning Sumo Rep from the past games not mostly a new character compare that to wrestling.

In the group picture what makes E.Honda standout is because he is the popular representation sumo character from the most iconic game named Street Fighter.

Which automatically made him standout. Even being simple among the crowd

Then take a look a GAN that cestus suggesting of replacing EHonda.

What makes Gan standout among those crowd of sumo rep in fighting game in that picture?

  • It’s clearly because he wears a japanese student uniform that makes him standout on that group.
  • 2nd he is part of a fighting game about highschool students.
  • 3rd he is part of a fighting game where a popular high school student that named Sakura appeared also.
  • He is from another Capcom fighting game that is based on high school student? That is not as popular like DarkStalkers lol

Turning Gan as a successor and replacement of Honda as a sumo representative is a more terrible idea. Because Gan is a less of a sumo representative and more of a a person fighting in a japanese school uniform.

What Cestus is suggesting like a replacing Honda with another sumo character in school uniform is a huge step backward. Same thing of replacing Honda with another new sumo character.

I know how incompetent and dumb “Cestus_ii” rationale and logic is and he would probably say then make Gan wear traditional sumo better, symbolic and flashier than Honda?

Then lets take a look at the group picture of sumo rep again but this time imagining Gan wearing the best Sumo uniform among the crowd.


If Sumo representation is the priority on decision making and appeal as judgement. It’s no brainer that a conclusion of having Gan as Honda replacement and successor is a much much terrible idea like Cestus is suggesting.

It’s just show that the people like Cestus wanting to replace Honda with Gan. Yet seeing sumo thing appealing while also claiming they want SF2 character and like SUMO, It’s contradictory from someone who claimed to valued those ideas. Gan replacing Honda? LOL

Which is known for Cestus that constant contradicting and inconsistent, a fraud that likes agreeing for both things and pretending to be something else.

So they would choose someone with a school uniform instead because they felt is more relevant than WHAT HONDA established a a SUMO REP in fighting games. Again because of a school uniform?

We don’t even delve to their backstories of Gan and Honda of which deserve to be a sumo rep for SF. Even Honda best and passionate pupil with undivided attention would be more deserving for a WORLD WARRIOR than someone with that has divided attention like GAN.

Honda’s Student is better than Gan.

E.Honda is the sole character that is carrying whole Sumo appeal in various fighting games. Because he is from a popular series. He doesn’t goes easily outdated because of his moveset.

Tbh i take G over what Kyusuke was
A 2 meters crazy 150kg man with a mysterious power probably somehow connected to Illuminati techniques… a complete wierdo and silly design, but still more credible SF level treat than HS glasses kid pretending to be THAT good next to SF people

I’m far from a G fan, but still

yeah to that point of view as said there will be no problem, we got much worse
Alpha sakura is when SF standards died… and to be fair never again something that bad happened, everyone after had more plausible reason to be there

Well, for how i seen it the moment you have Akira touching SF, you make RS universe canon
Tbh even just Hinata/Tiffany stage cameo was enough
But agree, they can (and should) put it in perspective next to SF… again HS age Ibuki despite being born-raised in a ninja village (ideally i put Ibuki well above RS) still had to tag team with Mika and still they did’nt defeated Rog

I’m ok with make just one good enough, that should be the way
But if we count Akira good enough for SF, guess Daigo make it too… ever took as given he’s stronger than Akira and any other RS kid

My only problem again will be his status translating the same to SF
You can be the Alpha wolf of the RS pack, but no alpha wolf should keep same gimmick playing with 300kg tigers lol

Unless they want pull a KoF and have him like Kyo that one day just arrived and suddently was on par (or above) with vet heroes Terry/Ryo… but even there, there was a lore building to have to justify him that good

Lol i push my pretending to fill location when their stupid new “politic” make them go full retard… so i keep Rashid UAE, Kolin ukranian, Nec from aztec area (modern days Mexico) and stuff like that :smiley:

Btw i got it like this


Hard time consider wich i find worse
Twelve rep a lot of what i don’t like in SF, Skullo to me is even -much- bigger joke than Dan, would like neither to touch a slot

Wich is what i said, never talked about have Honda+Gan or another sumo guy at same time

I want a SF chapter to have a sumo rep, but one is all we need indeed

The thing is cestus had been passionate with RS characters and Gan entering SF and always want Honda being replace.

Regardless how much he claims things he likes the worldwarrior name honda and sumo. He is always been inconsistent and contradictory. He would claim he likes honda but would want him to be replace by a non-traditional Sumo rep.

Some of his past post from older threads

To be fair. I do find it possible that Sodom as a Honda rep because of the Alpha ending because of HONDA the world warrior being personally involved. I only think it was possible.

But I don’t agree with it and I really disagree with it because, it’s a bad idea too for Sodom being turned into a Sumo Fighter and for Honda to be scrap like cestus wants too.

Like in this post

Just give Gan a new outfit instead of his uniform (you can imply or not that he’s a fresh graduate from HS, or simply that it’s his go-to sumo competition outfit) and there you go.

Gan is easily the best sumo out there, his grab super is freaking beast. He would be one of my mains in SF6 no doubt.

Honda’s charge moves, in the other side, are quite ridiculous, that’s why people choose Blanka instead. Even his CA is lame.

I think Honda have easily the better sumo arsenal, plus his 1000slaps and missile headbut are easily more iconic/recognizable than anything Gan ever had

Also with Honda Capcom did an underrated job at characterize Honda as a type of sumo wrestler, not just a sumo wrestler

Japanese have a way to see sumo as a set of abilities, and recognize who’s particulary good at this or that
I like how Honda was portraied as not brute strenght/size/weight ultimate specialist but they focused on his ability to move surpising quick/agile, having explosive af start (missile) and fast af hands (1000slaps) in the hand trust game

That’s only because Street Fighter is more famous than Rival Schools.

Of course Honda is the o. sumo, but I find Gan’s movelist more fun and more effective. I’d love Gan to be the next sumo representative for Street Fighter.

However I do agree that charge moves character had been going unpopular go to character and be picked by many except Guile because of his normals combine with projectile and anti air.

Besides that Honda’s special is more easy to read than Blanka plus Blanka has better normals and tricks. While Balrog(Boxer) having better range, normal and power.

Capcom Updated Bison and Vega’s commands and movelist. So it could work with Honda in a way.

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They really dropped the ball not updating Honda’s movelist in SFV. They had the greatest chance!

So, I’d give Gan a shot, no doubt.

But aside from Akira and Gan, I don’t know which other RS characters could be salvaged for SF.

Maybe grown-up Roy, grown-up Boman, grown-up Tiffany.

Maybe Kyoko; or rather, a character with a similar fighting style as Kyoko (Kyoko’s too goofy in persona/personality).

lol now suddenly into honda

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i think regardless of SF popularity, Honda was designed in a way that his specials stand out more, his movements follow trajectories typical of SF/2D (wich SF still use) while RS back then had more that early 3D FG vibe

Plus add aside some cool sumo inspired things (i liked the palms rush) he was intentional designed to NOT be a true sumo dude, his gimmick was he was of the sumo class but never go there to actual learn/train
To some extent he’s more a brute strenght char a la Abigail than a sumo, i say at least 60-40

But again, if they want turn him into an actual Honda disciple can potentially be fun, specially if Honda’s influence is visible in the moveset

But effective problem is that 2 sumo in same chapter would be redundant
My priority would be like

Honda > Gan/New Char ≥>>>>>>> no sumo rep

i liked his VT2
But yeah i was hoping for a bit more new stuff too, maybe at least the shoulder tackle of 4 Omega

Idk slighty older Roy would fit, but tbh i feels like he would be another blond brawler american that would be a bit redundant depending on the cast of the chapter… example would not like see V style Cody and Roy in same thing

Boman was one of the few that offer physical potential, and beside a kinda forgettable design had a very cool unique concept with him being very peaceful/religious person studying to become a preacher.
Actually if developed in that direction he would surprising be one of the most interessing ones

Boman as a gigantic priest/preacher that beat the crap out of you and then pray asking forgiveness for the violence, would be cool and fresh take at a SF black char… specially considering SFV with Rog/Birdie lol

Only problem would be yet another black boxer, one thing i liked of King Kobra was him having a asian martial arts base

Tiffany was my favourite boobs, first design in particular
But tbh ever thought about her as some kind of funny boobs char, never thought much about her as fighter

When Akira come, just release a Tiffany alt for Lucia/Mika and i will be happy lol

In fact I’d like the better to change Tiffany’s costume, it’s waaay too stupid and preppy (at least her PJ costume is much better than her RS costume).
Just… evolve her concept. I don’t know, maybe some sort of cowboy style would go along with her.

She’s the weakest link in the Pacific High designs/concepts anyway.

Well, it’s great to have seen someone finally incorporate RS into the SF universe. Now I wonder if one day someone will do the same with the Slam Masters guys. Seeing that there are seemingly Power Stone remake in the works, there’s a chance.

How would a character like Rip Sabre fit in the SF Universe? His moveset is way too cool.

Well, you want to add a 2nd Sumo Wrestler and, like, our 6th Japanese teenager. So I’m gonna side with most people on this one.

Dunno why not. Everyone seems to want gym teacher Sakura.

Of course, I didn’t want ANY RS characters in SF. But if I have to take one, I’ll take one that brings Kendo to SF.


That’s the right choice than another student with similarity to a world warrior that devoted his life to a combat discipline

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I would accept see Rip Sabre as some kind of Rolento’s henchman NPC
But tbh i will not like to see many SMers in SF

  • If/when Haggar will join a SF, he should have a SM alt. I’m ok with him as long i don’t lose Zangief

  • Wraith would be good, if they play him as some sort of Dhalsim nemesis.
    If Necalli will keep being a thing, Necalli-Wraith would be a great team

  • Black Widow can be an original female char

  • Ortega would be interessing, but only if they manage to don’t make him redundant next to Zangief. The Champion vs the great banned would be a cool match, but should find a way to make it work

  • Titanic Tim would fit as “The Giant” of a chapter AND to recreate the tag team with Birdie, but tbh i take Hugo over him any day, so not much needed

  • Stingray would have been cooler than El Fuerte

That’s about it to me
But again, saying i find 6 SMers acceptable does’nt mean i’m ASKING for SMers in SF, let alone 6 lol

I don’t want to add a 2nd Sumo Wrestler
I said i prefer Honda
But if i can’t have Honda in a SF chapter i take a redesigned (as Honda disciple) Gan or a new Sumo guy over don’t get sumo rep at all
Would be same for Taekwondo
I want Juri in SF future, but if no Juri is possible, i take new TKD rep over no TKD rep
And so on
Main arts should ever have a face in a SF chapter imho, if people are tired of Honda to the point Capcom is almost pushing him away (had that feel in SFV), then Sumo needs new face, because no face would be crap alternative

They seem same “everyone” that would quick turn SF into shit if their opinion had power

Wich would obstacle chances of get actual good kendo rep tbh, Hayato never looked particular elite at that, just an exalted man with a shinai

I like the idea of a Kendo user (with a shinai or a bokken) because i ever found the idea of an actual true katana in SF to be an overkill
Was glad when Sodom got jitte over the katanas
Example i liked Carlos design, but hated the idea of him jumping in SF for that reason alone
HayatE in SFEX was another
When it comes to weapon in SF my 2cent is ideally they should be either blunt type or relatively small blades (knife, Claw etc), i dislike the idea of swords or axes

As long they find way to not have it wielding actual swords i would be open to see a new char using either kendo or western fencing, if done good why not

And plus one on that because he is also a character that is a MENTOR not another student. We had tons of those similar categories that belongs to the apprentices, disciples, assistant and students.

We need more masters, teacher and mentors. especially in the female

Coincidentally Hayato in Rival School share similar name is to the PLASMA SWORD / Star Gladiator protagonist.

And both were also asian swordsman.

So in that case he can also be turn into a

another PSEUDO guest character with multiple alternate crossover costumes.

Both Hayato are not related or similar universe. and not also related.

But it is an interesting thought for him to have the crossover costume.

Just like Zeku having both Kenji from RedEarth/Warzard and also Strider Hiryu.

He can also have other interesting costume like

Rathalos alternate


Hayate from SFEX

Bishamon (Not the Ryu Samurai ALT like which isn’t Bishamon)

Samanosuke in Onimusha


Ryoma from Powerstone


Or Zero

LOL this isn’t the first topic or even second topic you were shilling for GAN to represent SUMO in SF and Honda to be replace as a SUMO representative in SF either by his Sodom or Gan.

Regardless of your claims like “i don’t want to” but your clearly pushing the arguments to the opposite. AND you favor replacing honda as a sumo representative

This is why you reason out so passionately on POSSIBLE Honda replacements and This is not even the first time your suggesting multiple candidates for SUMO in SF to replace Honda in the past topic regarding sumo and honda.

Your intention and reasoning is different from your claims.

Let’s wait that this comment of yours will not aged we’ll.

I know you will keep on suggesting Honda replacements or alternative then point fingers at Capcom. lol

There is no such feel like that in SFV which you claim. It’s just clearly you dislike Honda being the SUMO rep because you are keep pushing this idea in previous topic.

  • People are not tired of Honda being the Sumo REPRESENTATIVE in SF.
  • Capcom isn’t pushing away Honda as being the Sumo REPRESENTATIVE in SF.
  • People weren’t asking a Sumo REPRESENTATIVE in SF to replace Honda.
  • And a new Sumo REPRESENTATIVE in SF to replace Honda that you keep on pushing in multiple topics is a terrible idea. Your solutions were like Honda being replace by Sodom or Gan as a SUMO representative.

It’s like your claiming you like Honda as SF rep and it should be always no other than Honda while the irony is you keep on suggesting in many topics related to replace him? And your suggesting even multiple replacements that would be more appealing than him. The contradictory.

I would go with the retcon suggestion people had for the Mike-Balrog debacle and declare Biff/Alexei Zalazof, was Alex from SF3 all along the way.
Just immigrated to USA undercover and assumed a new identity thanks to his friend Jean Reno or something.

BTW, Mysterious Budo freaking rules. I also love Astro/Scorpion.