Miðgarðsorm Presents The Street Fighter V Story Thread

I call that one “Turkish Ryu”


Street Fighter 6 - Q3 2022
Super Street Fighter 6 - Q4 2023
Final Fight Remake - Q2 2024
Power Stone Remake - Q3 2024
Ultra Street Fighter 6 - Q4 2024

I am quite surprised to see Final Fight and Powerstone in this era

You ain’t seen it yet. And 2024 is a long way off. Let’s see if they don’t cancelled.

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Since DS wasn’t on the leak content.

Regarding that I was thinking of how to DS be viable at some point without dividing the their target audience in Fighting Games.

Street Fighter Alpha was already Darkstalkers “LITE”

The problems with DS is because Capcom doesn’t want to divide their modern target audience.

After seeing this video. This is what I came up.

I believe there is still a work around with Darkstalkers without dividing the competitive fanbase and fans.

Not another compilation or a new modern game but a new version of the already renowned existing game of it but with new updates.

Which the video already said but I would add some thing to make it standout than just a fix and updated of the Vampire Chronicle or the Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower

By treating Darkstalkers like SF spinoff games like USF2 .

It’s like what the youtube video was suggesting a ultimate update Vampire Savior or a fix to Vampire Chronicle, BUT there is a difference in what I suggesting.

It’s because I prefer adding 3 more characters that only appeared in a crossover game and would seem would work in the feel of Vampire Savior.

It’s not too much work because it’s not the sprite editing or adding new sprite because clearly the problem here is more on animating it 2D sprites.

So adding other existing sprite based characters wouldn’t be that technical work or can be handle.

Like this 3 from MVC2


There’s a reason why I didn’t include Warzard character for other special reason but it’s more on technicality because it’s not a crossover game and the sprite work is different regardless some characters in Warzard/ Red Earth would work in DS.

Because it is more on incorporating the best of the various feature exclusive to different iteration of Vampire Savior combined in one game.

It’s basically the best of the best of every Vampire Savior iteration that exist but with new characters which is Son Son, Ruby Heart and Amingo.

Adding this characters from a popular fighting game that is a legacy to the competitive community would make it stand out than just another fixed and remaster.

Some would had been longing because of this three absence.

That it spawned multiple Arts from various Fan and Artist

and even young amateurs

The three has no origin game and Darkstalkers is the franchise that they can safely feel belong and fit to the core theme.

So a new Vampire Savior with this three characters from MVC2

Would be just like Ultra SF2 in terms of characters not Hyper SF2 or HD Remix.

So it falls along the category of USF2, KOF98UM and KOF2002UM. Interns of characters.


It becomes more than an ordinary rebalance and not also another compilation because of the new characters to make it standout without competing with Capcom’s modern flagship fighting game.

Good point.

Since i liked what Ryoredcyclone did for Cody colors sources, thought i can do the same for other characters, ever liked that kind of stuff

Will leave out colors that are replicas of colors the same char had in past SF chapters

I’ll start with Ken, this is what i’m kinda sure

dropped a “?” on last one as i think it was what they gone for, but will have been more safe bet if they made black the sleeves stripes, jacket still have a white stripe though

It’s a cute idea but it doesn’t work for basic white boy characters like Ken and Cody. A blonde white guy in a bomber jacket and jeans, even Ryo Sakazaki had a bomber jacket in AOF3.

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A Final Fight game would actually probably do really well in the current market. I, for one, would be hyped for it


yeah some left me in doubt, example of mine in 14 i was in doubt between Terry MotW or Ryo Hazuki (Shenmue), but ultimately gone for Terry, while others are more clear winks
The very last “?” one is the one i got most doubt, but considering Frank West got the #15 i’ll be not suprised if that other initial idea was somehow based on Chuck Greene

On Cody the Ace Attorney streak was pretty clear and agree with ryoredcyclone, Robert and Geese too, got all these back then too
I’m less sold on Lupin ones, but who knows, oftennthey don’t go 1:1
He also got the two past Haggars (FF1 and SM) and a Gene from GodHand that are easy to spot

On general SFV played a lot on that color reference, sometimes the shadaloo soldier that present them even straight joke/hint about them… dat Doraemon G is spot on and yet i would never have thought about it LOL

Fun thing is that there are so many references from so much different stuff that i think i will be lucky at nail 10-15% of them lol

But still fun, i ever did this when a char get released (on Ken i gone mostly by memory) but i liked the format of do a single collage

Credit to @The_Shakunetsu for finding these tweets:

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Xkira or whatever new tranny name he got tweeted days ago about Daigo being part of Akira’s intro and CA, may be that

He also called Blair-Cammy as next, if he’s correct on the rest we may see Akuma, G and Seth as last EXers (sadly)

Would welcome Daigo as the fifth, i don’t think he fit SF but for RS itself was my fav char


I was thinking last time for a Final Fight with Powerstone like game mechanics But it looks like we will get both Final Fight and Powerstone

Because Final Fight works more fighting with power ups, objects and stage interaction


Originally other goons and thugs were just meant to be generic batch of clones that only had a name to represent an indicator who the protagonist is beating in the game.

But since they are now flesh-out unlike those thugs in the likes of Punisher and etc

A powerstone atmosphere would work win Final Fight but were getting both

Basically Final Fight It can be also turned into another interesting action game in the 90s



Captain Commando Musou Warriors

How about a Dynasty Warriors/ Musou style of game for 4 players

Since their thugs still remains less fleshout unlike Final Fight

Your always an xkira fan lol. the fraud xkira

Akuma as a shitty Garuda? No thanks.

I can see Seth as a Cycloid beta/gamma though.


yeah, assuming that the Blair-Cammy was’nt luck and these are the next ones left i’m not happy either

My wish would have been get Rosso (Urien or Ed), Allen (Ken or Dan), C.Jack (Cody), Pullum (Menat). Maybe also Darun(Gief) and D.Dark (Vega or Nash)

IF what’s left are the one he said, yeah we will probably see

Akuma - Garuda as you said

G - i guess either Shadowgeist (somebody in this thread wanted it, glad for him at least) due sphere VS + masked-man gimmick, or worse a shitty version of Rosso (who’s my EX fav, but not like that) due magma power

Seth- would surely get crappy Cycloids (maybe standard β and code version γ), who were artificial beings able to mimic abilities and use moves from many different characters too
Here situation would be more strange because at the moment FEXL does’nt have Cycloids, but there was a rumor months ago about Ace and Cycloids to be added

Said that again, hopefully that’s not what’s left for the EX cycle
I have no hopes for Rosso anyway, but get easy ones as Allen or Pullum will have been nice.
Darun too, considering he’s invisible part of SFV ASF canon LOL

He doesn’t ft SF well, but he still fits SF better than a lot of SFers, including some from SFV.
There are worse choices, it’s not totally a loss.
Akira is the only good fit from RS anyway.

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I hope Ace and the Cycloids don’t come back.

If FEXL gets any more characters, add some actual Fighting Layer characters dammit.

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As said he was my fav in RS, in the highschool RS context he was absolute badass

In SF context i will not like same gimmick because if SF have to be potrayed properly, he supposed to get bitchslapped by SF vets, or at least be toned down where he belong

SF vets are not supposed to throw little punches unable to faze him

Even asshole SF3 had the sensibility to make clear the “New Generation” is still green… see Alex vs Ryu ending, or Sean be still at a level where he get beat up in international championships vs “normal” fighters.
Later, Ibuki portraied as she needed to tag team with another young fighter (Mika) to take on Rog, and even there they did’nt obtained clean victory

Akira does’nt offend me much, at this point SF got sakura long ago so whatever

Disagree on her being the most fitting SF though, let alone the only

This guy can fit, honestly better too if we forget audience reception (where ugly char just can’t beat waifu) and just stick to SF theme

I prefer Honda as sumo rep for SF
But conceptually you can sell me Gan as a new, young (so ever the “still green” thing) sumo guy in SF
Daigo too, but again only if they drop the “you are all bitches” because will feel ridicolous try that shit next to the real badasses of SF world, unless capcom goes full retard and make that true lol

To some extent Batsu would be much easier to sell, because his image would not be ruined by having him Sean-level punchbag, pulling classic anime “wow got shit beated out of me, this get me SO excited to become stronger!”
But tbh as much i found Batsu funny (even liked see him sneak into CFAS) we don’t need him neither

But i agree on “There are worse choices, it’s not totally a loss.”
With all the problems he may have… i see internet people hoping for stuff like fucking Morrigan, Demitri rumors, the concrete risk of a Skullo
Fuck all that, at this point i WELCOME Daigo
I use first alt costume and forget he’s from “highschool scuffle saga” lol

What I mean by that is essentially visual, and in the context of the existing characters.

  • visually you can’t know for sure that Akira is in high school. We already have too much high-schoolers in SF, so by default I eliminate anyone that has an uniform. By this rule Gan and Batsu are both worst.
  • She is a japanese biker, while japanese is not a good thing, there’s already more than enough of them, biker is original, and fits very well with the STREET thematic.
  • she has a helmet which adds a bit of mystery (if you don’t know the character) and originality, as face covered characters are still uncommon.

Skullo wouldn’t that bad. While his background story is stupid and should be retconned fully, visually he is ok and original. Make him a wrestler from latin america and it fits very well and brings diversity.


Well guys, for the few who were interested I’m really thinking about that blog idea. Especially now that Shoryuken splitted and the already few people interested partly went to Megashock and partly remained here. Crossposting every time is too annoying, but a link every now and then… Maybe wordpress could work fine.


I started a wordpress blog a month ago. I can confirm it being easy and intuitive enough.

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