Yeah i played some guy name rain21 or something like that last night…I was only able to play 1 1/2 games w/ the guy & he did that akuma air fireball trap…This was the first akuma that gave me real problems…I wish i could have played more but i got DC or he got DC…It sucks though when i go for the green hand, its like it goes to super slow down so that guy can react to it…Any akuma players here, i wouldn’t mind getting some practice matches…
I also recorded some gief matches, do i post it here or in the video forum?
Help. Guys, I’m having problems ticking into SPD. Specifically, I’m doing crouch jab, or juming in forward and inputting the SPD motion only to get a whiff. What am I doing wrong? I have the SF Anniversary Guide and all I can get from it in regards to this is the following.
While an opponent is in block stun, you follow up with a throw. [Usually done by using Jab or strong and putting your opponent in block stun then moving forward and throwing them.]
SPD - Due to gaining the throw whiff, you have to be a little more cautious with the SPD. If you mis-time the SPD tick by performing it while your opponent is in block stun, you get whiff.
So does this mean I **can’t ** perform SPD while my opponent is in block stun? If so, then how does Double German Suplex make sense?
[Taken from Guide]
Double German Suplex - This attack doesn’t have as much range as the SPD but it does have less start and no throw whiff making it a viable option when using tick-throw tactics against my opponent.
What i get from this is that the SPD takes longer to start off and therefore whiffs…?
I would very much appreciate if someone could clarify why im getting the whiff. Thank in advance.
You can not throw them while they are in block stun so you have to complete the motion for the spd on the first frame of their recovery. If done this accurately, the only means of escape is for them to do a reversal.
If the FB is heading towards your feet you might be able to jump and hit him, or jump back at least.
If it’s heading towards your heads, maybe you could s.rh or something and cause the fb to hit you early? Sac-spd when he lands?
It’s not easy that’s for sure. Good thing it does no damage… if all they’re trying to do is spam FBs you can usually pick a hole eventually against most Akumas and meet them in the ait with a jab or rh or something… But if they think and play off the hits I think Gief is totally fucked.
the problem is not the damage of the Airfireball, is that when it hits you it leaves you in a long hit recovery, and then they either throw you or Low forward into Hurricane kick and guess what else is coming??.. shooryuken for the dizzy. i mean you can block all that, but he stills has the option or run away, and keep doing his stuff, and another thing about akuma, he cant get cornered like the other characters he has waaaay a lot of options to get out of the corner. invincible Dragon punches his Hurricane kick (yeah, you gotta fear the Hurricane kick because after you get hit by that its always a shoryuken, for a big chunk of your energy) teleports, and some high priority normals.
Aight guys, i just discovered something last night, that might be worth sharing, i was playing against a Chun li player, he used to abuse of her Super against my gief. so i tried all moves to see how to counter her Super, i got very irritated every time she came to me walking with her super stored and unleash it on me, and by mistake i hit the 3kicks and waaaam i stuffed her Super with kicks lariat, so i kept trying it, and it works 100%, the Kick lariat makes Gief low body part invincible for the first few frames so thats why it beats Chun’s Super, so there you go, another weapon against Lil Chun. :badboy::rock:
P.S. i hope i can find some crazy shit about Honda soon…:sad::sad::sad:
Oh shi, I thought that was old news. Yeah, I stuffed 3 chun supers in a ROW with the 3K lariat. Dude was cussing his head off at me. Shoulda posted, credit to you.
Also, vs. Honda, of course there’s the c.Jab super stuff. :rock:
Also while I’m here, sry 4 tl;dr post, but got no replies, so cliff’s notes repost:
Having huge issues Gief vs. Vega(claw) specifically when Vega goes turtle mode. I can counter and punish an offensive Vega all day, but if he gets a life lead and just turtles, I’m kinda screwed and I can’t get through a solid Vega defensive crouch and poke. Any ideas?
And follow up to the vs. Dhalsim section: I played a few more good Sims, and my previous suggestion wasn’t as great: You can’t always follow up jab GreenHand to fierce GH. I have better luck when I jabGH the yoga fire, then P.Lariat the inevitable following limb. P.Lariat is still relatively safe if they instead x2 yoga fire, but if they stall on the limb follow up, you can get punished. Mixing up with this strategy though to attack the limbs and not worry about closing the distance (or for that matter, safer to jabGH swat yoga fire then wait and react to limbs with K.Lariat, though K.Lariat doesn’t hit every limb option) is pretty good. Sometimes clean, often trade, and trades are in your favor, Gief hits a lot harder than Sim’s limbs.
I cant believe I never played zangief before HD remix. I always thought his moves were too complex and he was an overall sucky player. Man was I wrong.
I love playing with this guy, Its so intimidating to get closer and closer to other players who try and zone you out with fireballs, and then you finally get in and do incredible damage. I always thought that you had to jump to get the 360 motion in, but i can get it standing now and it makes gief so much better.
I am actually doing real good with him too, I was a big alex/hugo player in 3S and this is so such an easy transition. If any gief players want to play tonight to show me some strats first hand, let me know!
Anybody have tips or ideas for the devil’s reverse.
It beats lariat clean and standing jab doesn’t seem to be of any use
Jumping to try and beat it in the air doesn’t seem to work either.
Seems like I’m forced to block it at present and as i can’t find a way to punish after it (seems pretty safe for bison) this means a bison could probably spam it and beat me with it, which concerns me quite a bit.
Hey all, in preparation for getting this game, I broke out the CCC2 version of ST and tried to do crossups that I used to use in SNES SSF2 (yes, I know…that game).
Now, it’s obvious that the crossup splash is still Zangief’s best crossup option. But, here’s what I want to know. Do any of the other moves that cross up (any jumping kick, jumping down+forward kick) have to be blocked differently from the splash?
Are you timing the lariat properly, and which strength are you using? I haven’t played a ton of Dicts, but I don’t remember Devil’s Reverses giving me much trouble. My first instinct is to P.Lariat it at the last second when he’s coming down on you, that pretty much takes care of 90% of air attacks anyway. You might also have some luck with neutral j.Strong, or even forward j.Str, the priority’s great, but I’m not sure how it interacts with D.Reverse. Also, have you tried the good ol’ block it and SPD counter? That’s another solution for 90% of air attacks.
Differently how…? Splash and all those other moves are still all air attacks, so they must be blocked high… of course the usual crossup block game requires for the opponent to guess which direction left/right to block from but that’s standard… am I missing something? Maybe I don’t understand the question. Regardless, the splash has such an amazing hitbox, I don’t see any reason to mix it up with anything else, even just for style points. Get the job done, son.
As a Dic player, I know for a fact that Reverse is Dic’s new ultimate weapon. Kick lariat might work if timed properly, but I don’t know of any other tricks.
Hey there.
I’m trying to become a competent “Z” player, but I have not yet mastered the lk, SPD tick-throw “trap”. (I seem to be able to pull off a splash, then SPD without issue.)
Precisely, what is the joystick motion to be able to pull this off nearly every time?
I’m simply hitting lk, then HCB, UB+P.
Is it that I’m not waiting for the lk animation to finish?
Should I hit lk when I get to the b direction?
Krazzzy, Bronzefist, and The Greench seem to be able to do this effortlessly. Teach me!
I’m talking about ambiguous blocking of crossups…like Dictator’s crossup roundhouse is blocked by holding toward him, while crossup forward is blocked by holding away. I was just wondering if Zangief has the same kind of thing. (My experience says he doesn’t, but if I completely trusted my experience, I wouldn’t have been on or here on SRK.)
The splash is definitely the easiest to crossup with by far and I’ve been ToD’ing anyone that gets hit by it for a while now, but if you could get a crossup forward to cause an ambiguous blocking situation, wouldn’t that be a nice mindgame option, too?
Don’t mind me, I’m just doing what I did when I listed all of the links in SNES SSF2. (No, not writing a FAQ…being thorough.)