Zangief strategy etc

Against the hooligan I think you can do a late lariat, (the new lariat, the first few frames are invincible)

and about ticking into FAB: I just recorded a video about ticking into FAB, here it is:

I didn’t explained how to do it, but here it is. If you are ticking close S.LK you have enough time to do 2 full circles (you gotta do it fast tho) you cant do it with the Far Lk tho, because FAB has to be so close to come out, and you can link the FAB from jumpin LK/MK or jumping Knee press just like Zangief’s magic throw, what you gotta do is, when you jump do a full circle while you are hitting your opponent with LK or MK, and as soon as you land do the other circle, and there you go, i also show in the video de range of the SPD. and how to do Walking SPDs to catch your enemy off guard.

I really hope they put up full stats on the rumored stats site: I’d like to know who pulls off the most SPDs and FABs per match out there.

wow fast hands, nice :wgrin:

I was facing this Chun player that all he did throw fireballs and then run away using jumping back j.short all the time in the corner!

I couldn’t do shit to stop her, not even his j.jab, what is a good way to stop that?

Oh yeah, when it comes to characters like Blanka and Chun that like to jump on top of you, Jump Jab is the best way to beat that jump attack, then punish them in the ground with grab traps.

Did you lariat or did you green fist the fireballs?

I use jumping strong…If they goto the corner that’s even better as you punish the hell out of them…If they just do back flips in the corner doing lk short then i time it by hitting chun’s feet w/green hand when she comes down…

Etotheng - have you been able to tick super spd by doing two crouching jab ticks & then super?

Are you guys used to the new super command? Have you guys been able to do walk up supers yet? imma practice this, this weekend…

Had a nightmare against a THawk player last night. Just kept doing his swoop dive. Managed to get in on his jump by luck once and win a round, but otherwise, it seemed to stuff everything I had. Eventually just turtled all of the last round and took chip death. Any ideas?

Lariat didn’t work, her J.wk and crouch.R stopped the Lariat in it’s tracks, even the quick Lariat, but I’m better off doing the Lariat than the Green Fist on fireballs since the Green Fist requires precise timing and they launch the fireball out of nowhere.

Sweet, I’ll try that out if they do that again, but it kinda feels like the green hand doesn’t really have great recovery out of it. I remember I used to do the green hand a lot on ST and then either throw them, super, or sweet, now they sweep me out of it even on hit on HD Remix.

I can’t pull out Zangief super anymore, even on the easy command. It’s possibly that the EX2 Sticks sucks so bad at HCF/HCB x 2 motions. Even with Dhalsim I have a difficult time pulling out his super.

Don’t worry it’s not just you. Non modded sticks fucking suck for half circles.

ETOTHENG: So, much like Vega’s super, you only execute and/or drain your super ONLY when you can actually land it, and if you whiff or are out of range, it just does a SPD? I’ve been suspicious that this is the behavior, but was chalking up my whiffs with no super loss as lucky or poor execution on my part leading to luck. That’s pretty effing hot. I should be risking FABs all the time if I’m in range, it basically can’t whiff if that’s the case.

What I came here for though was Vega (claw), specifically a turtling Vega. My best friend plays an excellent turtle Vega, he knows that I can stuff pretty much anything he does to me offensively with Zangief (I’ve read this whole thread to this point, and I already knew all these tricks and have some of my own, vs. wall dives, jump ins, rolls, you name it). But when he just sits and turtles, it’s very difficult for me to get in. We play a lot of footsie, but most cases he stuffs or trades, and even in scenarios where I clean hit, I’m a little too far to get anything else off (except that I suspect I should be following with SPDs and I’m not fast enough to do or think about it, because I’m so used to NOT clean hitting…).

-j.Anything is met with Flip Kicks or s.RH, occasionally I can trade j.RH vs. a low strong and I can usually follow up, so far this is the best option, but since it’s my only option, it’s hard to bait/mindgame/mix-up with.
-c.Anything is usually met with poking c.Strong. Vega’s c.Strong is a really good poke, and every now and then I can c.RH or c.Fierce it to beat. I usually follow the beat with hop or green hand, but by then he’s usually recovered enough to spam c.Strongs again til I’m out of range.
-c.Jabs at high speed isn’t too bad, though it’s often a trade moreso than clean stuff vs. c.Strong, and on hit it really can’t be followed since he’s not really put into a useful length hitstun from that at that range. We’re talking barely the edge of the claw. Most often though, what’ll happen is we’ll both be spamming, c.Str for him, c.Jab for me, and we’re each outside the range of the other. He’s got ultimate patience (or a life lead) and I need to inch in to re-spam, but usually when I do, I inch too far, right into the strong.
-Green hands of different strengths have varying results, it seems like jab GHs stuff more frequently, but then I’ll go to chain into another GH to get in and he’s recovered in time to jab, str, str, str me out of range again. Or, fierce GH gets stuffed most often because it comes out so slow. Strong GH I haven’t used a lot, but I expect similar results.
-Lariat of any kind, met with a c.RH slide. I sometimes try to bait him with these, inching up, then kick lariating backward waiting for the slide, then hop at, but really that resets the trap more often than not.
-Hop eats c.Strong pretty much. He hardly sweeps/slides, and usually when he does, I’ve had to hop from way out of range, and the slide has long enough frames that even if I jump the slide, I still eat the tail end of it before I land.

For the record, he hardly even goes on offense if I play Zangief. The Vega poking defense is pretty damn solid vs. Zangs, at least in my experience.

Also, word to the others out there: I’ve played a few decent/good Dhalsims out there, and yes they’re a pain, but I have best luck with spamming c.Jabs vs. limbs (hardly any damage, but annoys him) (and PS, spamming c.Jabs needs to be done REALLY fast, against Honda headbutts, Blanka rolls, everything… there’s a lot of people in this thread saying “well that doesn’t work for me” or “that hardly works” or “where did you get that”. I can PROMISE you, you’re just not doing it fast enough, cuz it works all the time for me). Once I’ve poked enough limbs, or for that matter most Dhalsims in zombie mode will go on to the next step anyway: yoga fire. This should be predictable, do a jab GH to stuff it and immediately chain into fierce GH and you should hit, chain that into SPD and you have him on the run. Keep up pressure while he’s down with j.Splash (crossup optional) > c.Jab spam > GH > SPD, or, skip the j.Splash and go to the meaty c.Jabs > GH > SPD. Once you’re in, he’s done, pretty much. And getting into Sim, my best luck has been bait the fireball, jab swat the fireball, follow with fierce GH.

What can a Gie do against Guile? I still haven’t beaten one, I always end up getting destroyed in the corner with sonic boom lockdown, and I cant get close to the guy.

Aight, this is how “I” play against guile, if guile crouches and starts doing Low forwards, do :r::hp: to hop over his Low Forwards and SPD him, once you do that a few times they will stop doing the Low Forward. you can Low Roundhouse kick his Low Forwards too.

if Guile goes to the corner and starts throwing Sonic Booms get close to him by lariating his sonic booms, when you get close to him he will stop (thinking that you will jump at him) and starts charging his Flash kick, do this, seriously it works with almost all guiles players, just walk forward (block low) and backward (block low) a few times (out of his sweep range) and they will do a psychic Flash kick, and then you SPD them or do a MP throw to set them up for splash cross up, IF they just crouch without doing nothing do a Running Bear Grab, or walking SPD.

another advice, if you are fighting Guile and he is crouched, by any means dont jump at him, but once you see him standing it means that he is not charging his Flash kick and its Ok to jump at him.

try at all cost to get a knock down on Guile and go for the Splash cross Up, its totally safe and you can get a set up for a HP SPD.

again, this is how i play against guile, im not a Zangief master and there are a lot of Guiles players that manage to sweep the floor with my Gief, but those tips will help you a lot against Guile.

Ohh, and BTW Guile is a Tough match for poor Gief. :sad:

I found the knee dive to throw off the timing for Guile players a little.

Maybe we should start recording some bad matchups? For example Gief vs Guile, Sim, Chun Li, Honda, etc…That way people can see how we play against these matchups? What do you guys think? I think i’ll start doing them but i have to use my handycam…The only problem is finding quality players worth fighting against…So if the guy is scrubby its not my fault but maybe you can get general idea on what to do…Maybe this will help out gief players out there, i sure as hell want to see some tips against Dhalsim…

i thought about recording matches too, but my wife doesnt know how to play street fighter, ill see if i can get my cousin who is an ok street fighter player to come down and play a few matches and record them, but the problem is, it has to be in Practice mode to demostrate everything, and Sim is a bitch against Zangief, but i found that Low Strong punch beat his Far Standing HP, and standing LK/MK, and when they see that Gief’s MP beat their far pokes they start doing Low HP or Low MP and you can beat that with HK sweeps. once you get on top of Sim you can just do jump Splash into SPD, but Sim has a lot of options for Gief, he Stills beat Zangief preaty bad. :mad::arazz:

I’ve found something weird, tell me if it’s a bug or not:
Tick throw with Zangief’s 720 on Honda doesn’t work. I explain.

you start as close as possible of Honda then you do 632 LP (hold LP for the tick during the input) 148 632148 HP

Zangief should do low short to Final Atomic Buster. This move works on almost all characters I’ve tested on so far except Honda. The weird thing is that same input works fine on him in Super Turbo Classic.

The distance you must fave between Zangief and Honda for Final Atomic Buster seems shorter than before.She became so short than a low short put you out of it.

(posted on SRK Bug Report Thread: Xbox 360 & PS3 Bugs thread on Capcom Unity forum)

I have the same problem against shoto’s in Vanilla ST/Classic mode I can crossup shoto’s do standing or low forward into FAB, but it doesn’t work low jab, low short FAB doesn’t work either in Remix.

I think the changes in Remix actually influence hit detection and distance now for some odd reason, for example I was helping Q80Warlock with his combo video and he says that unlike ST in Remix most of the characters don’t change direction after a deep crossup a few frames for some odd reason, he demonstrated it and compared it to classic mode and it’s true.

so i tried winning a ranked match with zangief today. as my luck would i have it i got (with quick match)

a blanka that set the game to classic mode or something, didnt figure that out until i missed like 9048098430958039485 spds doing the new input. clearly that was fail.

akumas. same guy over and over too.

you guys werent kidding about the gief-akuma matchup. it was GGPO once he started jumping up and down doing air fireballs. obviously it was very predictable but i couldnt find anything to do against it. jump up and kick him (my solution with other chars if akuma tries this bullshit)? nope. lariat? nope. walk under? LOL. block? uhh ok but it doesnt help.

so yeah what do you good gief players do to prevent that kind of thing from happening?

Did he do the jab fireball xx jab dp trap? I don’t know wtf to do against that over than bleed quietly and die. I was doing green hand against air fireball at first, but – ouch.

Whoever told me that cr jab beats Honda super: I love you so much. It’s delicious fun to beat the super with a jab. :tup:

There is no much to do about Akuma’s Air fireball, i have won a lot of matches against Akuma player, but just because they dont know how to use him, but when they start spamming air fireball the thing gets complicated.