Zangief strategy etc

Old School Onaje!

Zangief’s crossup splash (down + fierce) can be an ambiguous crossup. Whether or not the attack is ambiguous or not is based on the positioning of your attack, not which attack you use.

Zangief’s splash is easily his best crossup move so there’s no point in doing other attacks. :slight_smile:

Okay…now I’m convinced that this is the one and only Bob Painter! Been wondering about you, man! Good to see you’re still out there grappling.

Yeah, mixing up my positioning has always been the way I play around with the splash, so I’ll keep doing that…especially when I finally get HD Remix. I’m probably drooling as much as my son is now.

Hmm…now that’s making me wonder what makes Dictator’s crossups ambigious. Probably a combination of his jump arc and the position of his hitboxes on each kick in relation to the opponent.

Thanks for the answer, (ahem) Kuroppi. (I guess you graduated from Kuroyume or something.) It’ll be nice to get reunited with the old SD crew online.

Ok yeah, I getcha now. The ambiguity is simply a function of how deep you get with the crossup, that’s about it. And agree with Kuroppi, it’s so huge, and versatile, and powerful, and graceful… why use anything else? :stuck_out_tongue:

Dictator can jump from the same range every time and mixup whether his jumping forward does or does not cross up just by very slightly changing the time in his jump when he presses the forward button; this is basically a completely ambiguous situation for you, you just have to guess. Gief doesn’t really have this luxury. I mean it’s possible to vary whether he crosses up when jumping from the same location by changing the timing, but for it to not be a crossup you have to do it pretty early, so it’s super obvious that it’s not gonna be a crossup. Better to vary both distance and timing.

To tick into spd with standing short, do: short, toward, down, back, toward+punch. I still do it the old way (short, full 360 starting and ending at back+punch; yes, I know you can do 270+punch, but that’s harder for me), but you don’t need to do that anymore with the new motions.

It’s me! Now get on XBL man! :slight_smile:

Why can’t I punish the shoto J.RH and chun’s J.Forward?

It’s really really bugging me now, because I know it’s coming repeatedly. Trying to punish feels like a complete nightmare.

Shotos have fireballs, which means there can be a decent chance I take chip at least once near the beginning of the match. Now I’m behind I have to advance but I can’t for the life of me find some way to deal with J.RH

Being a gief player I really should be used to cheese tactics like this, but I just can’t seem to find a way that will consistently punish it. I eat the damage and get further behind or get forced to block and retaliate, but I can’t make the retaliation stick.

SPD doesn’t always seem to be in range (and I end up eating crouching pokes when I try. ’

Block and trying to C.RH gets beaten out by a shoto C.RH (Blocking and trying to hop the low poke gets beaten in the same vein)

Close stand jab doesn’t work. I seem to eat or trade with the RH which isn’t in my favour.

Lariat occassionally trades or otherwise gets beaten out. Can’t seem to re-punish in any way if lariat gets beaten.

Jumping and anti-air trades or gets beaten.

Now before you all laugh at me do know I’m very well aware of what this post reads like.

I’m really getting pissed off by this because I’ve been trying to find a work around and I just can’t find it. Blocking the whole time doesn’t get me any closer and opens me up to tick throws.

It’s all rather frustrating because I think my gief isn’t that bad, but It’s just the shoto J.RH and chun’s J.forward are spammed by people online. I know exactly 100% what they are doing and I can’t find a consistent method of shutting them down to make them hesitant to try it.

It concerns me that I haven’t been able to find a consistent counter because it’s a really simple tactic that I know is coming. Please bear in mind that I could just be frustrated enough to have said attack spamming rattle me enough to just put me off my game even further. It pisses me off which probably attributes to me losing to shotos and chun’s who play like that.

I’m probably looking at the problem with a very narrow minded approach because of my frustration with it, but I’m just hoping someone can give me some suggestions to help me nip this problem in the bud.

cross up splash, c.lp x2-3, xx glove does a shit load but is the glove safe on hit?

Couldn’t you duck and then, right before they make contact, Punch Lariat? The first frame is invincible and hits them clean, right?

Of course, if they’re doing it at max range so that they could hit you deep if you crouched, that could be a bit more difficult. I realize Zangief’s not Dictator, but doesn’t crouching fierce work as anti-air sometimes, too? In this situation, if they’re doing the attack late, you might hit them first.

Random thoughts…I’m sure at least one of them is valid.

Sirlin’s CCC2 Tutorial will give you the exact range on his SPD. His SPD range does outrange some of the pokes that you’re probably eating, so if one strength button doesn’t work, try the next weaker button down.

Remixed Kick Lariat goes through sweeps and you’ll be in perfect position to SPD, especially if you drift forward…but that’s only if you’re not still in block stun from the j.RH.

Besides, if you able to have enough time to block and then try to c.RH, you’re in range for the SPD. Go for that instead.

I never liked that move as anti-air. I’d always duck and then Punch Lariat in that situation.

It’s safe if it dizzies! :slight_smile: In fact, you have the round if that combo dizzies. (I thought it always did…which is why I called that combo a Touch of Death combo…but it could leave them a jab away from dizzy, I guess.)

But hey…if it doesn’t, I’d just SPD or even FAB them and that, barring the obligatory reversal special move with invincibility, will most certainly render them dizzy if not unconscious. Get it overwith, I say!

Actually max range is where you want to be when dealing with Ken/Ryu jumping roundhouse and Chun jumping forward. Your new crouching fierce, with its larger hitbox, always at least trades with those moves now. Beware of Ken/Ryu jumping fierce, though, since it beats your crouching fierce (but loses to standing jab and roundhouse). And if you have time, your jumping strong now beats or trades with all of these.

Anybody ever play an opponent with no username on the PSN? The usual spot that would show the username was literally blank during a match. I played the same guy a few times already so I am pretty sure it is not a glitch. Anyways, it was a Gief vs Gief scoreboard match and this guy destroyed me. I think I am a pretty decent Gief player as he is my main, but I could not do anything with this guy. I usually mix up my moves/attacks for every match. ie. I gave him a fairly deep splash and ate an spd as I landed. Also tried a meaty cr. roundhouse and ate another spd. It almost seemed as if his spd command was done with the push of a button. How do you stop a Gief player like this with a Gief? Maybe I just need more practice lol.

In Gief mirrors when both players can do reversal spd, ticking becomes a dumb idea and it turns into a battle of zoning. Use your standing forward and crouching forward to space, counterpoke with standing jab, standing short, and kick lariat, beat jump-ins with punch lariat or standing roundhouse, etc. Pretty interesting match, in my opinion.

hey guys I have a question, for anti air vs crossups ----

is duck then KKK lariat effective vs crossups? Like he’ll immediately stand up and do it so you won’t be in danger of getting hit immediately since your’re ducking ?

Any tips for my problem? Do I just have to practice to get the timing down?

"Hey there.
I’m trying to become a competent “Z” player, but I have not yet mastered the lk, SPD tick-throw “trap”. (I seem to be able to pull off a splash, then SPD without issue.)

Precisely, what is the joystick motion to be able to pull this off nearly every time?
I’m simply hitting lk, then HCB, UB+P.
Is it that I’m not waiting for the lk animation to finish?
Should I hit lk when I get to the b direction?

Krazzzy, Bronzefist, and The Greench seem to be able to do this effortlessly. Teach me!


HD Remix:
Far st.short ~ press and hold fierce then strong. HCB, F + release fierce ~strong

Far st.short ~ press and hold fierce then strong. d/f, f, u/f , u, u/b, b, d/b, d, d/f + release fierce ~strong

Just practice the timing after far st.short. I know you’ve heard it a hundred times before, but ticking is all about the hit confirm then spin and release, much like a sloppy block string.

Thanks for the reply. I’m going to practice the timing after the st.short.

Another note: I find that I’m able to execute the FAB about 80% of the time if I do the motion during the green hand. For those that can’t quite get it to come out every time, get relatively close and do a green hand so that the hand is in the opponents body. As soon as you execute that motion, start doing a couple 360’s, while pressing your favorite punch button repeatedly.

I know others have a better method, but this is how I do it. Makes for a pretty impressive pseudo-combo attack.

assumeing you haven’t found out yet the kkk lariat is for when your opponent is in the corner and your advanceing upon him suddenly your opponent decides to do a projectile a well time kkk will do the trick and recovery rate is fast so go in an grab while you can ppp lariat is if your waiting for your opponent to move in after throwing a projectile or if he moving to fast somewhat used like guile backhand

so much to learn only for one character! my head hurts!

Hi guys.

I would class myself as an OK 'gief player but I’m having a hard time against a certain guile player.

Basically he plays guile so negatively, I wish I could personally come down and beat him up but I will explain my problem.
This guile player knows that when I play 'gief, I have to get near him to beat him.
As a guile player all he does is wait for me to attack him and I can’t get close without suffering damage…


In fact, in all the games I’ve played with him (I reckon over 100) I’ve never seem him move towards me, once!
I’m not going to name, names but put simply he is going all out for a win and never plays anyone but guile!

'giefs green glove and corpse hop is OK but the delay afterwards allows guile to poke me with crouching medium kick.
If guile throws a sonic boom and I try and jump over it, what are my best options that give guile max damage on landing with guile low kick pokes?

All in all guys, how do I get close to him and beat this negative playing, guile player?

Thanks to all replies in advance.

I wouldn’t say that the Guile player is playing negatively, but if that is the only way he thinks he can win then so be it. I have faced Blanka/Sagat players who would just jump straight up and roundhouse the whole match. Once I knocked them down, they didn’t know what else to do so they didn’t last long. Once you get in close with Gief you can pretty much do what you want to the opponent. Guile and most other characters have to keep Gief away somehow.

Here are some strategies off the top of my head:
-If he just crouches there, try the running piledriver once in a while
-Lariat through his sonic booms, but not close enough so that he can cr kick you. Surprise him with a jump from time to time after a lariat.
-Try to cr roundhouse his cr forward/roundhouse. They will beat or trade with them.
-When close, time the kick lariat so it goes through his cr forward/roundhouse and attack from there with a crotch grab or something.
-Try hopping over his cr kicks wheh you know its coming and follow it up with a grab or cr roundhouse.
All you have to do is get close once and you can trap him with a variety of moves, ie. tick spd, cr roundhouse, continuous splashes…If there is a timer, get ahead of him in the health meter and just sit there/avoid sonice booms until time runs out. He would be forced to advance towards you sometime during the match lol.