Why can’t I punish the shoto J.RH and chun’s J.Forward?
It’s really really bugging me now, because I know it’s coming repeatedly. Trying to punish feels like a complete nightmare.
Shotos have fireballs, which means there can be a decent chance I take chip at least once near the beginning of the match. Now I’m behind I have to advance but I can’t for the life of me find some way to deal with J.RH
Being a gief player I really should be used to cheese tactics like this, but I just can’t seem to find a way that will consistently punish it. I eat the damage and get further behind or get forced to block and retaliate, but I can’t make the retaliation stick.
SPD doesn’t always seem to be in range (and I end up eating crouching pokes when I try. ’
Block and trying to C.RH gets beaten out by a shoto C.RH (Blocking and trying to hop the low poke gets beaten in the same vein)
Close stand jab doesn’t work. I seem to eat or trade with the RH which isn’t in my favour.
Lariat occassionally trades or otherwise gets beaten out. Can’t seem to re-punish in any way if lariat gets beaten.
Jumping and anti-air trades or gets beaten.
Now before you all laugh at me do know I’m very well aware of what this post reads like.
I’m really getting pissed off by this because I’ve been trying to find a work around and I just can’t find it. Blocking the whole time doesn’t get me any closer and opens me up to tick throws.
It’s all rather frustrating because I think my gief isn’t that bad, but It’s just the shoto J.RH and chun’s J.forward are spammed by people online. I know exactly 100% what they are doing and I can’t find a consistent method of shutting them down to make them hesitant to try it.
It concerns me that I haven’t been able to find a consistent counter because it’s a really simple tactic that I know is coming. Please bear in mind that I could just be frustrated enough to have said attack spamming rattle me enough to just put me off my game even further. It pisses me off which probably attributes to me losing to shotos and chun’s who play like that.
I’m probably looking at the problem with a very narrow minded approach because of my frustration with it, but I’m just hoping someone can give me some suggestions to help me nip this problem in the bud.