Zangief strategy etc

I think I’ve played you online. I think you mainly play chun and my gief hates you. What can he beat your jumping forward with?

Anyway Guile… It’s hard, and this guy playing negatively is pretty much playing smartly. Why would he want to do anything that makes gief close to him.

I know the guile matchup a bit like rock paper scissors or sort. Each guile tactic usually has a very specific counter tactic, So it helps to learn what way guile will try and punish you then counter his attempt at punishing. Initially it relies very much on anticipation, but once you can apply pressure you can trick them into making mistakes and get into SPD range.

Guile players tend to use several different tactics repeatedly that work very well to shut gief down.

Sonic booms. Lariat to avoid them on approach. If you’re going to green hand through and try and attack I think the best way to do so is to space it so hand eats the boom and puts you right on the edge of guile’s low forward (or w/e his longest ranged poke is) then Gief’s big toe (C.RH) will beat or trade (probably in gief’s favour, but the knock-down is sometimes handy to rattle guile’s cage) any pokes he tries to throw at you. If he expects you to try and do this (or quick lariat to sweep) then
I’d guess he’ll start throwing booms at you when you get to the range you’ll be able to punish his pokes with big toe. If you can correctly anticipate this then you get a free-jump in on him.

Running bear grab also works well if you can make him hesitate and block low pokes.

If you can play this part well then flash kick might not even come into it (except in situations when guile is waking up and you’re trying to keep pressure on him with meaties. If he’s good at reversals on wakeup, just block and punish, as a fair few guile players can tend to be quite reversal flash kick happy when gief floors them and gets close.

The new RH flash kick can be a bit of a pain due to it’s range, but if he starts punishing lariats and hands from that range, then try baiting it with a quick lariat and punishing after. Good timing will net you a tick into SPD, or at worst a big toe sweep.

Overall I think flash kicks aren’t the most annoying part of his game imo, just don’t ever think that jumping is a good idea if he’s not trying to spam sonic booms at you.

Gief’s suicide hop is also worth noting to punish people who use guile’s C.RH. Assuming you block or are out of range on the first sweep you can hop the second and SPD guile.

If you know he’s only going to react to your moves then try baiting him. Quick lariat, C.short/forward (shorter range and recovers faster but looks identical to Big toe in terms of animation) maybe even try jumping straight up at a range that makes trying for a flash kick seem very tasty. You could even try walking into range of something and going straight into a block. See if you can discern a pattern or type of counter he uses in these situations and then react with your own counter.

If he’s just going to sit and wait for you I’d say running bear might be an idea to let him know he can’t just sit there. He’s playing smart by keeping away, but if guile isn’t pro-actively harrassing gief then he’s just letting you get close which isn’t really good for him.

I think Honda is way worse than guile. Guile is pretty flimsy once you have him on the back-foot. The pain is just trying to spot openings and capitalise. If your execution is good he’ll lose a good chunk the first time you get an SPD on him and you can make him a bit panicky and keep the pressure on from that point. If he’s only ever going to react to you then make note of how he reacts, bait him into reacting and then counter or punish.

duffath, some great friendly tips there… Thank you so much!

P.S. Yup, I’ve played you before (great games in fact!) Chun Li has always beed my favourite all rounder but I am starting to like zangief the best in SF HD Remix. He’s sooo much fun to play.

First let me start by saying that this is an awesome thread. The tips about Zangief play here are insightful and helpful. Being a first time Super Turbo Zangief user, I only played SFII up to Champion Edition and regular Turbo, it’s a blessing. The changes made to SSFII HDREMIX Zangief really make him exciting to play.

Well, enough with my useless rant, all I wanted to say is that all your work is appreciated.

What jumping attack can I do to stuff Ryu’s far st.RH?

yeah, but damn I hate chun with a passion. J.Forward is my own personal nightmare really.

try It worked for shoto neutral j.HK anyways.

Actually it may not work if it’s too far. But try it anyways and report back!

“Yo what up with Claw?”
[9 replies]

“Hey Guys, I can’t beat a good Guile!”
[6 replies]

“Have turtling Claw issues. Bait n punish tactics from offensive Claw on first page doesn’t work in that scenario. MOAR?”

“Hai Gaiz Wat do about shoto st.RH?”
[7 replies]

“Ahem, Gief vs. turtle Claw repost”

“Hay dudez, I got chun li issues”
[5 replies]

“Summary of thread; repost for turtle Claw help”

Would like acknowledgement of existence plz. Could benefit other readers as well. Turtle Vega != Offensive Vega

Good to see you on here man. :woot:

I don’t understand. I’ve checked over the whole thread and I only saw one post talking about how to beat st.RH and that was MoxManiac.

I thought you meant Ryu’s J.HK :sad: My post about must have seemed nonsensical!

Hey TheGreatMole, how is it going.

To the question about Ryu’s ST RH, I use a Flying Fierce punch from about a half screen distance away. I do it just so Zangief’s fist hits Ryu’s kick. I generally get a clean hit but sometimes it is a trade. I generally don’t like to jump at Ryu unless he is throwing a fireball.

Any tips against a defensive Deejay? Dude throws his fireball as I try jumping over/lariat but get swept w/sliding sweep…Sometimes i can jump & catch the sliding sweep w/spd but not consistently…Is there a better fight strategy?

Greenhand? Standing forward k? Post up your strategy…I’ll see if i got the match recorded & maybe you can post up some tips…

I think you’ll find this match is as skewed as it gets. Check out nohoho’s site for what other top players think of this matchup, looks like its unwinnable without luck. Perhaps the new lariat will help trade and open up something new but i think its gonna be one to give you grey hairs.


hi does anybdy know how to “speed up” giefs normal strong grabs

i mean with beet up get more hits? wich is the best move to gain more hits with those 2?

I’ll search for Nohoho’s site in a sec, I’m not sure of the address. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for the tip off at least.

…Illegible, but did you mean “make the holds hit more times?” Like the bite and the face/stomach/privates squeeze? I find that mashing the buttons and wiggling the joystick - much like getting out of dizzy - adds hits faster. Also I found this tip:

Taken from
So basically your answer is “wiggle stick on a diagonal line, while pressing the attack button for the throw on every non-neutral stick position”.

sorry for my bad english …

i like to use headbud+hardgrab and this will higher my damage :slight_smile:

I had this problem as well.

I believe this is a bug but for now, but I believe it can only be done one way starting from right first (gief being in either left or right hand side of the opponant).

I have 2 questions for all my fellow zangief lovers.

  1. With the corpse hop, how do I 100% get to the other side of the opponant as they are getting up from the ground? When I try pull and pull this off, I seem to have a less than 50% success rate in trying to do this.

  2. When I do a SPD, how do I do it so that when I finish the SPD, I am much closer to my opponant? Does this depend on which punch button I press? I noticed that against honda, once I get in close, the round is more or less over… Against chun li however, as soon as I SPD I can’t get close to her. Does this all depend on the character I play against?

I’m a Guile player myself and I’ve been studying this matchup for a while now. If he NEVER advances, you can always use lariats to get up to his cr. forward range. From there, your you can jump in after a boom with you foward knees and trade every time with his cr. fierce in your advantage. Additionaly, for his cr. fierce to even trade, he must throw it at the right time. All you have to do is throw your knees early and you good to go. If he screws up, your in. It may be difficult to jump from this range on reaction if he throws a fierce boom, but you can always lariat in place if he’s not going to move forward as a matter of principle. Even if you block, no big deal, work you way back in.