I just wanted to say Zangief rocks!! I’ve used him before in previous SFs, but never this seriously. I’m addicted to SPDs!!
Had two quick questions:
Has anybody had any luck hitting Honda’s Torpedo with Lariat, the split second before it hits you? Whenever he does his Super, I can always hit the second Torpedo with Lariat, but haven’t been able to catch the regular Torpedo. I know cr.Jab works, but I want to knock him down, since I can’t jump on him.
Can Zangief’s Lariat (quick or slow) be used to counter Cammy’s Drill on reaction? I know the Slow Lariat is supposed to have a hit box that extends all the way to the bottom, but I haven’t had any luck hitting Cammy out of her Drill.
The Fierce Hop can cross over? I’m assuming you mean after a knockdown? Or are you talking about jump+down Fierce? If it’s j.Fierce, you have to cross them up deep. When they’re knocked down, walk into their body until you’re not moving forward anymore and then jump.
It all depends on which direction your facing. Basically, always do a SPD motion and end with forward. If you’re facing right, hcb, f. This will land you closer to the opponent. As opposed to hcf,b. The other way will land you farther, but it still has it’s uses (rarely, depends on the situation).