Zangief strategy etc

since i finaly got used to sticks again (used a joypad for some weaks…)

i would appriciate some tips for using FAB efficent in battles

at the moment i just use it for reversals but not realy reliable (1:10 times…)

is there posibility to tick use it like all SPDs and im just not used to chake the stick so fast clockwise?

maybe some nice combos into tick FAB would be nice or just tips how i can easyer land them on backfighting enemys g landing them on trainingdolls isent hard at all but in a real match…

Hmm here are a few ticks into FAB that are fresh in my head because I was a recent victim of them lol:

Standing short (knee) into FAB.
Jumping down+short (knee) into FAB.
Whiff (or contact) a green hand into FAB.
Hop into FAB.

Jump fierce (no splash), cr. forward, green hand (should whiff), into FAB.

thanks the jumpingknee and the wiff should be the best way since knee hafe so less range

how to make the whiff? just a matter of speed ? or timing?

To whiff a green hand makes it look like it is going to make contact but it doesn’t. Your distance from the opponent matters when trying to do this. You can also whiff as they get up, but experienced players will make you pay.

i really would like to play zangief, but doing 720s is just so damn hard i always get depressed and play someone else. (i do the old command, learning the new one wont help me with sf4 or any other sf game with 720s)
i get on every 2 hours while in training mode or so, any tips besides giving up and playing someone else?

move clockwise start from UP

you did not get it becouse you think that it hafe the same range then a normal SPD but it doesent in fact the range is as big as the kickthrow with big damageG you realy need to stand close to the opponent try to jump uward make the mothin clockwise 2 times (counterclockwise is bugged) and press the punsch while you stand on the ground train this some time and then try to make it after ne knee from the right to left and try to end the motion right up or right down or right :wink:

thanks, good to know that counterclockwise is bugged, tried that most of the tme .,.

To get the Banishing Flat to whiff, you’d have to be pretty far away when you connect the jumping fierce. I say…just do the combo where it doesn’t whiff. :slight_smile: More damage and you’re still in range to FAB.

Otherwise, this is a decent strategy from far away…if they don’t sweep you out of the Banishing Flat.

thanks ^^

i know this must sound REALY stupid but i never get used to the normal atacks except Fierce and Roundhouse i only use JAB(low) and short/forward for Ticking and some fast jabs against Spezials but not in a normal fight and honestly never used strong…

who do Zangief can make use off his Jab/Strong Short/Forward in wich situations are they better then Firce/roundhouse except for combos/tickthrows

i mean if i got in range for one of the lows i honestly could do a piledriver instead

i kow this must be totaly game basics but i gues i totaly missed the point and my Zangief still is a decent player in ranked matches and wins more then loos

i feel like i missed something very important…

can anybody help me if it is so?

From what I remember, don’t close strong and both standing forward kicks hit mid? Crouching forward is also a good poke and ticking move since you can actually link stuff after it.

Bottom line…if the move gives frame advantage and allows you to link regular moves after it, it’s a good move to tick with.

so if i’m using hdr as a warmup for playing gief in IV, what all should i keep in mind so i don’t learn too many bad habits?

360 and 720 motions are SPD and Super/Ultra

J. Strong is one of Giefs best air attacks IMO…Its good against Blanka & Chun…Plus his Strong throw is the piledriver which has good priority & lands you close to your opponent…

I was bored so i recorded this combos check them out:
i call that combo the Touch of death because when you land that combo is game over :-), it also tells you how to do it and the inputs are there with a program that MrDhalsim gave me.

as faar as i remeber its not prommised to dizzy am i wrong?

for dizzys i thougt this two where better:
(Crossup fierce splash), standing strong – crouching forward xx green hand -->sometimes dizzy
(Crossup fierce splash), crouching jab – crouching jab – crouching jab – crouching roundhouse
NO DIZZY only if you land BEVORE or AFTER a strong kick / punch or hard one… but than 100% dizzy…

besides after dizzy --> (Crossup fierce splash), crouching forward – tick spd do enugh damage for kill and is a lot easyer ^^

and to think about that you will most certanly will not open a game wtih a crossup the enemy will hafe much less helth and direktly go with the spd combo may be better in the most situations

talking about hdremix of course…

and allways keep in mind that a tick-spd is no 100% garantie to land the spd^^reversals or maybe a bit bad timing open a hole for revengeg

Vs. standing: cross splash, st. strong, st. short, fierce SPD from max range. Absolutely insane dmg.

Edit: Actually, this works vs. some crouching chars, but not everyone.

Satisfying Zangief moment #39: Grabbing a Shoto through his fireball to end the match while watching the projectile sail harmlessly below you. God, I love that.

^^LOL That’s happened to me a couple of times as the Shoto, and I can confirm it’s extremely embarassing and demoralising to have that happen. Heheh I LOVE doing it as Zangief tho.

I do this all the time, and it looks very cool. I like seeing sonic booms come out while I SPD.

Add a SPD to the first combo if they’re still standing after the Banishing Flat and add a jab followed by an SPD to that last combo and those are ToD combos. Crouching roundhouse may or may not dizzy, but if it does, that whole combos does 50%. (It was a ToD in SSF2…for whatever that’s worth.)

I’m sure I posted stuff for him earlier in the thread.