Zangief strategy etc

An SPD is never part of a combo. A ToD combo is one that cannot be escaped once the first hit is landed. SPDs can always be escaped.

i prefer one of the amlost dizzys with a move dependet on the enemys movement as excampel if the enemy pretent to duck and block do a instant overhead if he like to reversal duck&cover and wait till you can hit him–> dragonpunsh as excampels ^^ after the dizzy the enemy lost^^ besides the most time you can do a crossup is when the enemy got a low roundhouse somehow and if you then are fast enugh the combos WILL dizzy… g

Well…technically speaking…you’re right. However, if you land that successfully as part of a tick throw attempt. GGPO. :slight_smile:

I would’ve normally pointed out what you just pointed out, btw. :slight_smile: (I’m re-doing my Link FAQ to include combos and you’ll see that fact referenced in there when it’s done.) I was in a rush. My bad.


im searching some more advantage use for the super it seams pretty useless for me

i can do it from green hand or standing/jumpig short but the range is horrible are there some videos with good startups for the super around?

the only REALY good methode do to a super for me are Reversal supers

great moments the enem has more than 3/4 health think hes overhelming you got careless and try to do some moves avter wakeup…

i realy want use the super more often…

more hints or videos would be great^^

The toughest match-up for me is Honda. He can just stay back and torpedo and there is nothing I can about it. Jabs do counter it, but it will sneak through from time to time. Lariats won’t stop it. Jump splash won’t stop it unless I’m right above it. Green hand is too slow to stop it on reaction. I just can’t stop the torpedo.

gief auto dizzy is cross up splash, cr.forward, kick lariat.

Agreed that good Honda players can be tough on Gief

The lariat can stop it if the fist hits Honda’s head. If the Honda player is just spamming torpedos, try standing at the end of the screen and jump splash as soon as you see him coming. You may be able to get a cross up out of it.

Also, try to take advantage when you jab him out of the torpedo since he will be closer to you.

Use a meaty cr. roundhouse (so your toe hits) or green fist if you get close because most likely he will try a torpedo on wakeup.

hitting with larriat is luckplay i got a match where a honder hit me EVERYTIME with the torpedo to death…
i tried

  • lariat after torpedo
  • Kicklariat
    -Walking forward while…
    -Walking backward while

therefore i would not suggest use lariat instead the next i try is jump backward with bodysplash…

and greenhand was always punnished with his ochi…

works well and is easy THX:)

I use cr.Jabs to stop Honda’s Torpedo, and it works like 70% of the time, even against Super Torpedo. And I’m on a pad, without turbo buttons. Imagine how good cr.Jab would be if I had a turbo pad or stick. Plus, it stops his Slaps cold.

If I can get one SPD on Honda, it’s pretty much game over for him. After SPD, Fierce Hop gets me in range of st.Short tick > SPD. And then the loop starts all over again. Far or near SPD doesn’t matter. It’s out of range of his Ochio reversal, and the only thing that can save him is Torpedo reversal. But I’d rather have Honda trying to counter my SPDs than me having to counter all his shit. This loop only works on the big chars (Zangief, Honda, Hawk).

why everybody worrid against honda/vega and no body curse at akuma? its impossible to beat him when he use his airfireball constant even after touchet wit green hand he hafe enugh time to conter… does i make something terrible wrong?

probably because akuma has a legit shot of being banned and honda doesnt and honda has to do jack shit. he can just hold db and he wins

so i did not make something wrong he is still brocken for zangief?

Is there a way of mapping PPP or KKK to a button?

I find it odd that after years of 15 years SF games on PS controllers, the supposed pinnacle has no PPP/KKK mapping AND no 2 button lariat.

EDIT" Crap, just remembered. It’s P/K for lariat now, right? PHEW!

i did althou not see a point in this and why not PP/KK but thats sirlin ^^

Any strats with dealing with Sim and Claw match ups?I’m somewhat new to playing as a grappler and I feel like I’m struggling a lot with zoning in safely.It’s close to impossible for me to get in against decent ones since I end up getting stuck in the corner or getting pushed back throughout the match.

For Dhalsim, this is what you do: bend over and kiss your ass goodbye. LOL jk Dhalsim is the hardest matchup for me, harder than even Honda. Even average Dhalsims can shut me out. Someone else might be able to provide better strats, but this is what I do:
-DON’T Lariat through the Yoga Fires, use Green Hand instead, but try to anticipate the Flames, cuz they can kill Green Hands and Lariats
-if he Drills anything except Roundhouse, that’s a free SPD
-usually Dhalsim players have a pattern of st.Roundhouse > st.Fierce, or st.Forward > st.Fierce
-basically, I inch forward slowly, and when I see a whiffed st.Roundhouse or st.Forward, I jump over the st.Fierce and get a free air attack, or if I’m close enough, empty jump into SPD
-or you can counter st.Fierce with Slow Lariat
-if he stops using st.Fierce, you can stuff st.Forward or st.Roundhouse with j.Splash at the right range, in between quarter and half screen range, or cr.Fierce or Lariat will sometimes trade
-it’s hard to get in on Dhalsim, but if you do, he’s got no reversal against tick > SPDs, except Super, so if you get him in the corner, make him pay for all his abuse = )

Claw is also a difficult match, but not as hard as Dhalsim or Honda for me:
-basically, I inch forward using cr.Roundhouse to beat his claw pokes and slides
-Fast Lariat is also great against pokes and slides
-both Lariats are good against Wall Dives/Pokes
-if I block a Wall Poke, I’ve actually walked right up to him and done SPD, that’s how bad his recovery is
-if he meaties Rolling Claw on knockdown, reversal Lariat can beat it
-do not jump on a crouching Claw, as his Flip Kick is an excellent anti-air
-if he’s just crouching, doing nothing, Running Grab will catch him

Hope that helped. = D

Yesterday I was playing Gief vs. Vega repeatedly and I was attempting to use Gief’s crouching fierce or jumping strong to counter the Wall Dive. I was having mixed success; sometimes I would counter clean, other times I would trade, and other times I would get hit. Then I tried the kkk Lariat timed right before the dive connects and it countered the dive cleanly every time. I tried this match after match and I never got hit with a wall dive again. The Lariat seems more reliable to me then a crouching fierce or jumping strong and it comes out faster.

its possible against the lariat to grab&super you… both happened to me while lariat;)

Ah…you said “while”…as in “while” you were in the Lariat. Try doing the PPP Lariat right before Claw makes contact with you. The very first frame of the PPP Lariat is invincible, so, if you do it right, you should hit Claw every time.