Usually the Dhalsims and Claws I have trouble against are the ones that sit and wait almost the entire match waiting for me to do something.I try jumping I get AAed,I try going forward I get pushed back when blocking pokes.When I’m usually able to get close I can get an SPD in but they usually run away afterwards if they avoid my follow up and go back to being stationary waiting for me to move again
I was practicing another tough match up tonight, Guile. I am convinced the key to defeating him is strategically using the green hand to get past the Sonic Booms and closing the distance. I also noticed that a really close range knee ( + down) can counter his Flash Kick. You must be in his face for this to work, from further out the Flask Kick wins. A lot of times Guile will try to wake up with a Flash Kick, but this can be countered by a or you can wait for it to whiff and SPD. Once you have stuffed his wake-up flash kick attempts a few times, you can jump in for a tick-SPD. Overall it’s a tough battle, and to win I often have to depend on trading hits and hoping that my high stamina will keep me alive long enough to finish him off.
Satisfying Zangief moment #40:manage to to reversal supers 2times one per round(one inside the handslap…) and at almost zero health against ehonder and turn a hard fight 1:2 to 3:2
What do I do against Honda’s butt slam? I am always scared to try and stuff it, but can I beat it? When scrubs rage on me, I get scared when they do that move repeatedly.
lariat will lost or trade so its not reliable jab do to less damage the only thing with good priority and wath 100% will do damage instead of trade is a well timed green hand imho
Block honda butt then reversal spd if it is done up close or just spd if it is far enough to wiff. Theres some range where you can block it but not spd I would just block it because close standing jab is hard to land in that situation since he gets to be in range right when he is falling on you.
You should be happy if they try to use buttslam and you are gief because it means honda is bringing himself next to you.
-Whats the thing behind SPDing after blocking hits? Wont work for me.
-What are some good corner setups for the SPD?
-Am I the only one who has a problem pulling off HCFx2?
-Any good way to punish blockers? I’ve been doing crossup splash > tick bear rush. Usually works, but smarter players just reversal me.
direktly thought at head and not but becouse but isent so dangeres my mistake…
- timing… if you see the spd happen but wiff it was to early …
-all combos into tickspd are good against realy good player you need to mix but usaly the best for midskilled players are splash-medium low kick- SPD - no … its brocken in hd try 720degrees clockwise
-do combos and moves how bring distance betwean you and the enemy (hard crushing punsh …)
I THINK if you Reversal SPD, you can grab Honda if he tries anything after you block a Buttslam. I don’t think two Buttslams in a row is safe, and if it DOES turn out to be safe, remember that Roundhoue Buttslams can’t hit on the way up, so block one, then lariat. You’ll hit it on the way up. If they do a Short or Forward one, you’ll block it, and they’ll land in front of you for a free SPD.
- James
it need to be blocked standing thats all
Bah, I’ve been playing Gief for about a week… I’m trying to do the crossover fierce, low forward into lariat. The lariat never connects for the 3rd hit when I try this. Any advice? Thanks in advance.
Mash the fierce + roundhouse buttons right after the cr. forward. The window to input the lariat command after the cr. forward is pretty quick so you have to be fast. Keep trying, I’m sure you’ll get the timing down. Only lariat connection issues I have had are against claws. Are you on a pad or stick?
Stick. Just went into training and pulled it off a few times. Really inconsistent so far though.
Indeed. The FAB puts the fear of God in your opponent’s eyes.
If only I could do it reliably. Having it work in both directions would certainly help (ahem, Sirlin)!
EX2? the buttons are CRAP sometimes i even miss lariat when i press all 3 together…
but you can realy improve the stick with a sanwa octagonal gate easy &fast to mod!
i get used to it i start training it with Jumping Knee -->FAB every day for 15minits bevore and after playing after 4 days i can start do it when i want g
besides its so hart becouse sirlin but you can get used to it,…
someone hase tips against turteling DeeJay he is a lot harder than Guile i never actualy won a match against a decent deejay greenhand his procetile he can punish lariati he punish with his super and jump ins althou if i try wiff greenhand dps he can throw me…
SPD Vs. HCF+K (Close)
I’ve developed an interest in Zangief lately and I’m trying to examine some of his throws. I know that his SPD is known to have a deceptively long grab range, so I was wondering how his HCF+K (When done close) is like compared to the SPD.
Does that move have a long grab reach just like the SPD, or is it slower / need to be closer in order for that one to work?
Dee Jay is an interesting match for me. I definitely use the full range of the SPD in this battle. If he does Max Outs, I Lariat through them but stay out of range of his slide and st.Roundhouse. As the Lariat is finishing, I time my SPD to come out, but I do it just outside the range of the SPD, cuz if he tries to slide my Lariat, he will get “sucked into” the SPD. It looks like the SPD has like twice the range it normally has, but that’s cuz Dee Jay slides into it. It’s actually kinda cool.
If I see that he has lost his down charge, eg walking forward, I do the SPD just out of range there too, and usually catch his slide the same way, or I jump tick him into SPD. Plus, Dee Jay players love to cross up, so I’m always ready with the reversal Lariat after being knocked down. Also, Dee Jay players sometimes mess up the timing of their cr.Jab > cr.Jab > st.Strong combo, so I’m always ready with a reversal SPD whenever I’m blocking cr.Jabs. Not much different than the Guile matchup.
The close Running Grab has less range than the SPD. I think it’s about the same range as a regular throw. It’s more of a surprise tactic, to catch your opponent off guard or to catch turtlers. A great tick is cr.Forward > Running Grab. I’ve been a victim of this when using my Ken, and it seems harder to reverse than tick > SPD for some weird reason. Or it could just be my crappy execution.