Zangief strategy etc

after you hit low forward, hit all 3 kicks quickly. i hit forward with my middle finger and then hit the 3 with my pointer, middle, and index. you are using the kick lariat right?

Cool, thanks for letting me know. I’ll be sure only to use that throw on certain occasions only then. The main reason I ask is because the close version of that throw just looks so damn nice when you pull it off :bgrin:

Matty- I am on pad so I prefer using the fierce+roundhouse to start the lariat after the cr. forward. Its probably easier to do as gridman suggested since you are on a stick.

He could also try hitting jab+short for the lariat. I find that’s pretty easy too.

i use the punshlariat for this … for some unknown reason its much easyer for me to push all 3 punshes after mk^^

The Lariat will connect if you cancel the cr.:mk: into it. It should be connecting on the very first frame. Practice it without the crossup first and you’ll see how it works.

Shotos are giving me tons of problems. I just lost to a Ryu a bunch of times who just kept me lariating through his fireballs then just sweeping me when I got close. Couldn’t do much of anything else but just take it and get the occasional SPD or crossup combo if I managed to sweep/lariat him.

Whats the recommended way of dealing with shotos?

Doesn’t it also do more damage then a fierce SPD if done close enough? I’ve started mixing that throw in if I’m really close to the opponent because I thought it did more damage.

I did a weird thing the other day against Rog. I got into his headbutt grab and when he walked under me to try to do his mix ups I was wiggling out of his grab and when I landed I went for to grab him before he grabbed me and I did the super instead. I have not been able to do it since then.

We should clean up the Gief thread! I’ve spent the last week combing through this thread. It should be nice and neat like the Cammy thread haha. Especially since the same questions seem like they’re asked over and over again.

Eckostyle’s Question Edit: I bait out the sweep and try to jump it with hop and then from hop SPD or block for SRK. I also like to mix up the kick lariat and the punch lariat to throw of their timing. It seems a lot of shotos fall for punch lariat as they are doing fireballs close to you. The hitbox for punch lariat is way bigger then kick and catches them off guard.

The most effective thing for me when playing Gief against a shoto is using his green hand to get through whenever possible.
Whenever I play as a shoto it is so scary when someone green hands through my fireball. You cover a lot of ground that way and set up a possible SPD.

It feels like I could do an SPD on butt slam block, but maybe the timing is really strict. Hard to test this out online, but I will keep at it.

Also, what is Gief’s best/reliable jumping normal. More specifically, against Blanka and Dictator jumping normals? I usually get under them and green hand, but sometimes the fear takes over and I hesitate.

Wait… do you mean air-to-air move? Or do you mean anti-air? Or do you mean air-to-ground? I’m assuming they are in the air, since you go under them (and Green Hand?), but if they are in the air, you almost have no business being in the air with them. So I’ll cover all three bases anyhow. :slight_smile:

Air-to-air, if you wanna jump at them and anti-air them, Strong works good 'cause it hits early. But that just isn’t gonna work very often, especially Blanka 'cause he just Jumps so fast. You’ll never be able to react in time.

In terms of anti-air, Dictator should be easily Lariated, but you’ll have no such luck against Blanka. If he distances it right, you are Blocking Jump Light Kick, and there’s nothing you can do about it. If you can get RIGHT under him, a Crouching Punch Lariat will work. But if he gets you with the tip of his foot, you are Blocking it and you are going to like it.

If you are talking air-to-ground, Dictator isn’t really a problem. Fierce or Down+Forward depending on how far you are from him will work fine. However, against Blanka, there is 0 moves that can touch Blanka’s Standing Strong anti-air. He can anti-air you for free 100% of the time. There really is nothing you can do, so the rule is: if Blanka knows about that move, don’t jump at him. That’s just the sad truth, especially since it was a problem in vanilla ST as well. I was hoping this weakness would be fixed for Remix.

  • James

Really loving the new Gief. I’m having a problem with accidental piledrivers happening all the time when trying to go from block to green hand… anyone have any tips for that? I almost want to disable the new easy-input piledrivers since I usually do a full 360 motion for them anyway.

Also, is there an alternate way to do his super that’s reliable?

watch it 10times and more :wink:

Word thanks for the info. I always throw out Gief’s jumping strong to chop Bison down.

Blanka on the other hand is incredibly frustrating. If I find a good Blanka player online I feel helpless, causing me to be reckless. They should have added a similar buff like they did with his crouching fierce. The trials and tribulations of playing Gief build character.

That was awesome, thanks!

Yeah, Gief CAN beat Blanka, but it’s not a fun fight by any means. And by that, I don’t mean that it’s not fun because Gief loses so badly, I just mean that it’s not fun because it literally is NOT FUN. Basically, the way Gief beat Blanka is to spend 80% of the round spamming on Low Jab and slowly approaching. If you can spam on it fast enough so he can’t Blanka Ball you, you are going to improve your chances by a lot.

If Blankas start Jumping at you with Short, you really just have to deal with it. That’s why I said you’ll have to learn to like it. :slight_smile: It’s good for you, technically, because he’s putting himself closer to you and opening himself up to mistakes (like a poorly distanced Jump that you CAN Lariat). But if he plays it safe and does Jump Short and then Jumps away, all you can really do is use that to keep advancing on him.

Play a ground game with him. Your Low Jbs beat his slides and Blanka Balls, so the best move he has, actually, to beat it is Low Roundhouse. But that opens up a lot of holes for you to sneak it (Towards + Fierce or Jump if you predict it). Or if he walks up, you might be able to Sweep him before he gets to you. Basically, your goal is to walk him into the corner so he can’t run away anymore, spamming on Low Jabs, and if Blanka tries to fight back, use that as your opening to get in the damage. If the Blanka keeps running away, eventually he hits the corner and you can start play the ground game ot get in Sweeps and Running Grabs.

Unfortuantely, against a Blanka who knows what he is doing, Meaty Attacks for SPD attempts is tough, but worth trying from time to time until he can prove to Reversal the majority of the time. You can also try doing a LATE Jumping Down + Fierce against a Blanka when he’s getting up. Time it so that it is NOT Meaty, but so that he gets up with you at the height of your Jump. He can’t Up-Ball it on wake-up, then, 'cause you’ll either win or it’ll trade (trading does suck, but hey, you did damage). So if he blocks it, you at least are getting in even closer.

It’s winnable, but I hate the fight anyhow because I have to spend so much time mashing Low Jab, and I usually am so poor at it that he Blanka Balls through my Jabs anyhow. But really, if you are fast enough, Blanka should never be able to make it through the Low Jabs with a Blanka Ball.

  • James

Sometimes, I try to SPD Blanka out of his slide. It helps the tears go away. But fuck, I get tired of spamming jabs. I know it’s what I am supposed to do, but not fun like you said.

Whenever Blanka jumps on me with Short, I get ready for reversal SPD. Unless he does it really late and low, at any point after he’s halfway to the ground, it’s a free reversal SPD. Also, if Blanka gets too close to me to do cr.Roundhouse as I’m cr.Jabbing, I try to get him with a surprise SPD. It’s a gamble, but then so is spamming cr.Jab, hoping you block or predict his sweep on time.

Doesn’t meaty Green Hand stuff reversal Roll?

I love jumpy Blankas they always Jump forward LK and then Jump straight up LK and i always get them with a Jump forward MP, and then i land close to them for a standing LK into SPD woooosh.

For you Gief pro’s: Best way to do the SPD? Back-to-forward or forward-to-back?

I’m horrible at the–>spd tick, but the reversal or jump in lk/mk/whatever tick is fine. So, in this instance, in which direction should I go?

I know it “doesn’t matter”, but what are you guys doing? I ask because, disregarding the tick SPD point first, whenever I’m in range of a shoto who has missed his DP, I almost never grab him. Instead, I’ll advance forward and punch (to where the opponent can retaliate) or fuck up completely and jump back.

Maybe I answered my own question. Back-to-forward? (By back-to-forward, I really mean db, d, df, f, uf).