Zangief strategy etc

I usually do it this way, LK and as i hit the oponent with the LK i move the joystick like this :r::uf::u::ub::hcf: and piano imput MP and HP, just make sure you finish the :r::uf::u::ub::l: part of the SPD AS you hit the Opponent with the LK so you wont jump by accident, the rest is just a simple :db::qcf: MP HP

however if you do this ( i use to do it like this when i was learning to play gief) LK :hcb::ub::u::uf::r: and any punch, if you mess up in the :l::ub::u::uf: part of the motion you will jump, so you gotta be real fast to do it that way, thats why i do it the other way so you dont end up jumping by mistake. hope it helps, i probably make a video later explaining it.

I do SPD the same way regardless of which side I’m facing. If I’m facing left, it’s df to ub, and if I’m facing right, it’s db to uf. I just use the TK motion cuz that makes the SPD incredibly easier. You can tell Eto’s an old school ST player, cuz he uses the 360 motion, but the TK motion is a godsend for me, since I had trouble doing the SPD consistently before Remix.

For st.Short > SPD, I hit st.Short and then just do the motion, kinda like st.Fierce > Hadoken with Ken, but obviously ending in uf or ub. For punishing the whiffed Jab Shoryukens, you gotta react fast, but as long as you’re comfortable doing the SPD at a moment’s notice, it’s actually quite easy. I would NEVER be able to pull that shit off in classic ST. LUVS that stuff!! Even though I main Ken. LOL

If I’m standing on the left side of the screen, I prefer the back-to-forward motion since it will keep me close after the spd. If standing on the right side, it’ll be vice versa. My overall preference is the forward-to back motion with a jab.

Hum…I kinda figured that there wasn’t any “science” to it; it’s all about the execution.

I, too, am loving the new motion, but I’m inclined to try EtotheNGSPD’s old-school method for the tick.

It makes sense: the added motion gives the extra time necessary to grab at the right moment, rather than doing it too early and getting the whiff animation. I almost always get the whiff animation or get reversed.

Thanks for your suggestions.

Yes man, you got it!!! thats why i hate that new motion, i tried it and i always ended up whiffing, why??? because the new motion is so fast that when you finish the :hcb: :r: your opponent still in hit stun animation and you end up whiffing the SPD, but with the old motiong (Full circle) you got the perfect right timing to land the SPD, but you gotta keep in mind tho your SPD attemp can be hit with a reversal.

I’ve always done spd like f,df,d,db,b,ub,up from both sides. Can’t do 'em any other way

I would think a quicker motion would be a welcome thing. Granted, you have to re-learn how to correctly time the input for SPD tick throws, but that’s not an issue if you focus on what’s constant: the duration of hit/block stun for light, medium, and hard attacks. If you get that timing down, the motion becomes irrelevant…whether you’re Negative Edging or storing or using any other character’s normal or special throw (even T.Hawk, though they still need to fix his Typhoon issues).

Am I totally off my rocker or does that make any sense? I’m not a master Zangief player or anything, but I do know ST game mechanics.

But…even in saying that, I’m glad both the old and new motions work.

Have you guys tried it with the other new motion? :db::qcf::uf: or :df::qcb::ub: Basically just a TK. That’s the one I use.

I used to to hit both fierce and roundhouse when ticking, so that I would at least get something out. Now, I fucking hate it when the bitch ass lariat comes out. Man, what the fuck. Fucking stupid two button bullshit. I guess it was easy for me to hit both since I use my ring finger, but goddamn I hate that new command.

I get a lot of green hands by mistake when doing spd. I really wish motions were consistent with the other releases.

Same thing happened to Kuni the year we had PS2 version of ST at Evo. He does SPD with Fierce and Strong, to give himself four chances (with Negative Edge’s help) to time the SPD as tightly as possible. But in PS2 version, two punches = Lariat, so he kept Lariating by accident.

I would suggesting learning to do the same thing, then, and just use Fierce and Strong for HD Remix. You’ll have similar results but won’t get Lariat.

Funny. I always end up getting SPD when trying to do Green Hand! Hahaha…

  • James

I had limited success in actual play, tonight. The main problem was that I’d get thrown or reversed, so I almost never got a chance to SPD! I think that’s timing. Nobody seems to be afraid when I’m inching close and sticking out my big toe! Oh well. Mo practice.

Green Hand–>SPD is my favorite way to do an “offensive” SPD.
To make sure the wrong move doesn’t come out, I do the fb motion for green hand and then sweep the controller backwards to ub. This assures that I won’t get another green hand.

I am having a ton of trouble hitting Blanka’s jump ins. I try lariats but every time I do it I get hit in the head. Is cr. mp the best way to handle that? Or just block into something?

Are you doing crouching lariats?

The funny thing is, I don’t piano in ST, ever. I really should though. I blame Marvel for this, or is that thank Marvel? Who knows.

Jump + down Fierce works great against everything he has, except j.Short and Forward. In that case, I just block and reversal SPD.

larias dont work, to counter blanka air to air the best weapon you got is Jumping forward MP beats everything blanka has, and 1 little advice tho, dont jump in on a good blanka player they abuse Blanka’s S. MP that simple move counter any of Zangief’s jump in attemp. just Spam Crouch LP till you get close to blanka and the rest is tick into SPD.

Can I block his jump in and be able to do SPD? I’m sure it has to be a reversal, but if that works it will keep him from doing the annoying jumps all the time.

Some ground ticks like into spd, or into spd? I’m having a hard time with those connecting I either whiff or green hand. I guess that’s what training mode is for though.

You can do the SPD reversals on their jump ins. Just depends on when they actually hit the jump in. If you recover in time, just grab for the spd. It happens to me whenever i play ST.

as for the ground ticks, say like s. mk > spd. I normally starting doing the motion after i confirm the hit. Works for me 7 out of 10 tries. Give it a try on training mode to see if that works for you.

Resently I started playing Geif( normally other chars). In training mode , I can easily do more then 60 % health with his normal hold throws(stomach/face hold). Some times I can do 80 % health. In fights againt new/intermediate players who doesnt wiggle the stick perfectly, I find it extremely overpowering. I’ve stoped useing Spining P Drive all together. :pleased: