Zangief strategy etc

Guile’s a bitch to play against, you need to punish EVERY mistake (whiffed flash kicks especially) with SPD to win, and play faultless footsie.

Running grab also works well if you anticipate he is trying to charge down-back, campy Guile players sometimes freeze if they arent sure whether they can flash kick yet.

If Gief is losing badly to a guile, its time to switch to dictator.

I haven’t played a good Akuma yet, but he takes so much damage from Gief’s jumping and crouching rh its crazy - I actually ended up with a big life advantage, which made him spam fireballs, which mean I had a better chance of predicting with green hand.

Honda ruins me. Bloody hand slap!!

Blanka seems to destroy me every time unless the opponent is a total beginner.

Blanka ball beats both lariats and is unpunishable even when blocked. None of the usual anti-air seems effective: lariats, cr. fierce, st. roundhouse. I also seem to get thrown out of lariats all the time as well.

Any pointers?

I thought cr. jab beat blanka ball?

his jump ins are nasty, but someone posted about beating them earlier in the thread.

^^ low jab spam to hit the ball which causes a reset walk up low short pause spd. not fool proof by any means but that when you mix up it up.

they’ll generally try to slide at you when they see the jabs, so jab a little then block and punish.

if they jump in with early shit, block it then spd there ass. if they jump in with something timed to be able to combo afterwards (late timing) lariat or ST jab should at least trade depending on distance. if you guess wrong thinking there gonna go late but they go early, react and spd there ass when they land even tho you got hit, they cant jump in early for free unless at max range or they have a srk or some sort of reversal move that doesnt require a charge.

also its been awhile and i cant remember whether blanka gets reset after jab or it knocks him down… both are good.


The kick lariat beats horizontal blanka ball everytime

I enjoy playing Zangief because I don’t think there is another character that demoralizes opponents more than Gief. It’s completely satisfying seeing someone throw their gameplan out the window after getting punished a couple of times with SPD’s.

Sure it takes more effort to get inside, but once he’s in he absolutely wrecks shit.

Doesn’t ever seem to work for me… :mad:

On a related note, how do you deal with Honda headbutt? Lariat and jabs also lose every time.

I played a guy who us T. Hawk & he mostly just did the Hawk Dive…Is there a move i can use to punish this? I tried lariats, standing jab, standing roundhouse, crouching fierce & it beat me out all the time…Any tips?

The match was a bit laggy so im guessing that could be a reason…

It’s all about the range for Gief. At most ranges, a properly timed standing roundhouse always beats it, and so do neutral jumping and toward jumping roundhouse. Punch lariat beats max range dive too. For close dives, especially ones done from high up, just block, because Hawk will land so close to you that you’ll get a free 360 out of it.

You know, I haven’t thought to try this yet, but try out the new crouching fierce and new jumping strong as well, they both have stronger hitboxes now and might work better than they did before.

Is it just me or do lariats seem nerfed compared to ST? It feels like a LOT of stuff that used to get eaten alive by lariat now beats it consistently. That and getting thrown out of lariats all the time, WTF?

Annoying as FU*K.

Hey, by the way, is it possible to do a wake-up SPD through Chun’s 100 leg kick?
I’m having trouble SPD’ing on wake-up, in general, but these damn Chuns chip the crap outta me and I wanna make em pay.

You can, but you HAVE t oget perfect Reversal, which isn’t easy. But it is very possible.

  • James

Yeah wakeup SPD through legs is doable, a bit of practice and you’ll be nailing them soon enough. I’m sure it pisses them off no end.

I’d like to ask for tips specifically against the Sumo headbutt and 100 hands.

With Torpedo Lariat loses more often than trading or beating, green hand works if I pre-empt, but incorrectly makes me eat a counter torpedo in most cases. Seems Honda has free-reign to spam torpedo and completely shut down gief as torpedo seems to push honda back out of punish range regardless of a block or a hit.

Close range I can’t seem to do anything in the slightest against 100 hands except block and take the chip, jumping just prompts a torpedo punish and I can’t seem to do anything directly from the front to get him to stop.

I’m quickly beginning to believe Honda is way worse than guile, for all his sonic booms and priorities guile is actually pretty flimsy when you get in on him, but honda can effortlessly dominate gief at any range.

If anyone has any other options on how to handle this stuff I’d appreciate it. I’m currently at a dead end on gief honda because of it.

Same here, Honda is currently a brick wall.

I’m in agreement, as well. Honda is a beast. Even scrubs can mindlessly spam torpedoes all day and have a good chance at winning.

My technique is to punish an errant butt-bomb by either SPD’ing (if reaction is good enough; usually it’s not) or doing repeated splashes. If you get close enough to cross him up, deal some good damage by doing a cross-up splash, cr. forward, cr roundhouse. Repeat.
The splash will beat or trade with the torpedo.

The rapid low jabs can stop the torpedo but it can sneak through. Jumping down+forward (knees) is an excellent counter to the torpedo if you have time to do it. Just make sure you hit him with the knees towards the top of your jump.

You can do rapid low jabs to stop the strong or fierce HHS as well but you can’t be too close to him when he’s doing it. Watch out because when the Honda player sees you doing this, he might start going for standing RH trips because you can start to frustrate him if your jabs are stuffing his HHS and torpedos. When you see him walking up to do the RH, this is your chance to jump in at him because he’s not charged.

Low RH trades with HHS but it’s a good trade because you do slightly more damage and you knock him down.

Bleah. I WAS gonna post ways to stop the HHS, but kuroppi beat me to it. Damn you, Painter!!!

  • James

You can also try cross splash, cr. forward XX green hand, SPD.

James, I feel like a traitor by posting strategies on how to beat Honda. :wink:

I just played vs a few hondas today and I think (%90 positive) I c.RH HHS. Kinda like how you can c.RH blankas electricity with the tip of the foot, same thing. So when that Honda come at you with HHS, TrIpZies.

I also c.jabbed his super =)