Zangief strategy etc

I agree with Honda being 3-7 against him, but but it’s funny I was just about to ask for help with that matchup.

It’s tough. cr.jab spamming and lariats beat Torpedos, but not hands which he can apparently spam against gief hardcore. Storing Occhio hurts Gief really hard as it almost eliminates his ability to tick SPD reliably, since youll get thrown first like 70% of the time. I guess your supposed to go about patiently nullifying torpedo and anticipating hands with jump-ins, which when it works works to great success, but is harder in practice because Honda also has amazing room for patience and eating an AA j.torpedo already puts you in a tough situation as far as damage lead is concerned. The matchup is similar to Blanka’s matchup except Honda stops spd ticks by default, at least that’s how I humbly see it. Is there any other tricks Gief has at his disposal in this match? Also is there any j. normals that done early stuff j.Torpedo as an AA? That would be helpful.

Ultra(SuperMegaAwesome)David: What about dealing with Lighting legs? I saw a player just jump in to get a damage lead and then zone and stop almost everything with lightning legs except jump in splash, but I think she can just stop doing it on reaction and block, and splash doesn’t give enough frames on block to beat easy reversal throwing on her part either. I could be doing something wrong though, definately a tough matchup, haven’t played it enough though.

UltraDavid: Zangief 3-7 against Blanka? Really?

I damn near think it’s like 1-9 if not already bordering on 0-10. If Blanka really knows what he is doing, I feel like this fight is the new Cammy/Honda (yes, I know Cammy/Honda still sucks in this game, but I feel like this is worse). If the Blanka knows what he is doing, I think that Blanka is nigh impossible to beat. Sirlin never fixed the problem that Blanka can Stand Strong EVERY JUMP ATTACK that Zangief has. And now, after Blocking a Blanka Ball, you can’t even gain positioning because Blanka practically recovers at the same time you do. And he has the impenetrable Reversal from hell for Gief, even though Sirlin nerfed Cammy’s Cannon Spike to help Gief in THAT match. :mad: AND Blanka can Jump at Gief in ranges where Gief can’t do anything about it. I want my Alpha Crouching Strong!!!

The more I play this match, the more and more I’m starting to believe it’s the toughest fight in the game.

  • James

What Akumas are you guys playing? I have brutally raped all Akuma players I have fought. I see potential, but have yet to experience it.

in on this

Okay it’s a weird thing I’ve never considered before, but does anyone have tips for Gief vs Gief. I can manage other matchups. I know what I’m doing at least, but not really sure how to beat another gief with gief that well. Does anyone have any tips for this because I seriously think it’s currently what I’m most clueless about.

When I come up against a gief I always seem to choke at some point and lose the current round pretty quickly. It’s a bit of a pain in the arse that I can’t figure out what to do. Seems weird me asking but it seems I can’t play a typical gief in the slightest and it throws me off my game a bit.

I agree that this is a bad matchup, but I don’t think it’s as bad as it was in ST. You’re right that he can’t gain positioning after a ball like he could in ST, and that sucks, but at least he can punch lariat Blanka’s pokes and kick lariat or hop over slide and crouching roundhouse, and that helps him considerably. I thought this match was like 8-2 for Blanka in ST and I think it’s a little bit easier now, so I listed it as 7-3. Might eventually change this to 8-2, we’ll see.

But yeah I definitely think Gief v Akuma is the hardest fight in the game right now. Akuma has all the excellent zoning of Ryu except even better, all the escaping from spd ticks of Ryu except better, a super that eats lariat for free (making lariating through fireballs dangerous), and if you get cornered against Akuma, you lose (unless the Akuma messes up his air fireball trap).

Jumping strong is one option but a head stomp is a for freekYs SPD everytime. They will stop that shit with the quickness once they see you grab them ( from behind mind you lol ) when they land. Just take a step or half a step as you follow them and spin the shit outta that bitch when she lands. This is assuming head stomp hasn’t changed.

I was just going to ask about matchups cuz im new to ST & i was pretty much beating everyone i played until tonight…I face a decent Akuma & man it was a tough matchup…Maybe cuz its new to me but just trying to get in close was hard…Plus Akuma super comes out super fast…Akuma roundhouse has priority, is there a better way to jump in with gief?

I struggle against
Chun Li

Haven’t face a Blanka player yet…Guile gave me some troubles too…

Yeah, same here.

I should know this, but what can I do about claw pokes? Can I beat his crouching normals with anything? In vanilla ST I usually switch to Ryu, but ranked matches do not have that luxury.

Tips for the super. Try hcb, hcf, hcb, u/b or f + P (P1 side). The super can actually be done rather slow and it seems a really helpful method untill you get it down properly (for those who are used to doing supers fast, like me)… I found I was trying too fast, after messing around I was confused why that method worked, but yeah it can be done pretty slowly.

^And yeah, it only seems to work one way…

hcb, hcb, u/b or f + P. Not hcf, hcf, u/f or b + P.

He doesn’t actually have his 720 command as far as I know, it’s just it will buffer into the same command, so it comes out anyway…

Well unfortunately Blanka’s slide lasts longer than Zangief’s kick lariat’s low invincibility, meaning that you have to time the kick lariat extremely well (more like luckily) to get around slides. I still think this fight isn’t as bad as it was in ST because the kick lariat and hop do work sometimes, but yeah, 8-2 is probably more accurate than 7-3.

Why Sirlin didn’t want to make the lariat hit 3/4 or 2/3 of the time instead of its current ratio is beyond me. Honda and Blanka are two of Zangief’s worst matchups and buffing the lariat that way would have made headbutts and Blanka balls unusable for those characters except as prayers, which really would have helped Gief out. At the same time, this change would have virtually no impact on nearly any of Zangief’s other matchups, I mean Dictator’s psycho crusher already always loses to it. This was like the #2 or #3 change on my wishlist.

Short answer is not a whole lot. The only help Gief got in this match was the c.fierce to beat / trade with a non-crossup max range walldive. The kick lariat doesn’t help him at all IME. By the time Claw sweeps invul is gone.

I’ve had a Blanka player who would only jump straight up in the corner doing RH’s the entire match…sadly I really couldn’t do much here.

You can beat that either by jumping immediate strong just as he jumps or by using your fancy new crouching fierce at max range.

I need to do that. Last night I got zoned like a mofo to a Sagat player. HOP IT OUT.

I think I played that same douchebag lol

Is there a good anti-air or a reliable way to get around Shotos who keep jumping in with RH?
I had a couple of guys who would do this repeatedly.

I had a guy who kept doing it, and when far away enough the lariat worked. But when close enough to land nearer to Zangief’s head I would get hit by that crap everytime.

^ Crouching fierce, standing roundhouse, standing jab, and block.

Ah cool thanks. The only one of those I knew for sure was block :wgrin:

I’ll have to try those out later.