Zangief strategy etc

So any tips for actually landing the splash? I never find my self close enough to attempt it most of the time, it’s just too risky unless I’m right in their face…

I play a pretty good Chun user and noticed the matchup wasn’t entirely hard. Lariats seem to work great and it seems I can get in pretty easy on her. Is the Chun doing something wrong, or is the new STHD Gief better, afaik from before, this matchup was in Chun’s favor

I think the Punch lariat is pretty terrible now. I don’t know how chun and ken can cleanly beat it repeatedly with a walkup standing RH

HD gief is better now. The biggest thing is that situations where the lariat would flat out lose or trade, it either wins or still trades. That’s a big plus imo because now it’s easier to hit jump ins and he can hit her out of her super more consistently.

With the bait and trip, I need to work on the distancing/timing more because too close and I’m forced to block and too far… well they probably wouldn’t dp.

I was interested in the kick lariat because I was wondering if it was a hard counter to close proximity dps. I hope not. I spin enough as it is. :looney:

I believe they can counter the corpse hop by switching the charge direction on the exact frame as Gief’s corpse hop. Which is bad news for us! :confused:

it actually got improved: the initial frames have a bigger attack hitbox now, as Sirlin mentioned. nice initial buff, but ken’s always been able to smack the lariat with his standing roundhouse. just wait for the initial spin, then smack.

There is some really great information here. I am coming from a Soul Calibur 4 background (been playing that 6 years) and HD is WAY more fun and harder. I originally started off with HF about a year ago, played Boxer. Now in HD Remix, for some reason I started off with Zangief (my favorite char is Dictator, but I’m too defensive to play him) and I was told over and over he’s “bottom tier”. Is it just me, or is he AT LEAST mid now? His hop is money, his banishing fist is easy as shit, and his ticks are piss easy. If anything, he seems like easy mode now? What are your thoughts?

Add me on PSN so you guys can kick my ass and show me some good stuff:)

I won’t say he’s “easy mode” now, but I will say he’s got more tricks from the hop, and even new combos stemming from the new Banishing Flat motion. You have checked out Vodka Stuart’s tricks vid, right? fun, fun, fun.

…and easier standing 720 (instead of only having 2 people in the world be able to do it, lol) is so sexy. :lovin:

No, I haven’t yet actually. I’ll look at that for sure. Is s short to SPD still a tick setup? Or am I thinking of HF?

EDIT: Not sure if anybody else is aware of this, but crouching jabs seem to stuff Cammy’s Cannon Drills completely, doesn’t even trade, just flat out wins everytime. Anybody else notice this? I’m sorry if this is 14 years old, cause if it is I’m gonna feel like a tool

yes, far standing short xx SPD is still a basic tick; just have to be wary of reversal experts…if they are, just bait.

Yea it’s pretty much basic knowledge. Other moves you should try to randomly jab are:

honda’s hands
honda’s headbtt
rogs rush punches (especially low rush)
blanka ball
blanka’s slide
sim’s limbs

oldie but goodie; Pony raping everyone at X-Mania 2k2:


…much of it still applies.

Yep, I can confierm this…

Although, I can never get the opposite direction to work… :confused:

chunli 1 already posted that a page before.

Did Giefs SPD in the corner alway leave you in range to tick again? I don’t remember (haven’t seriously played ST in like a year +)

How would you guys rank his matchups so far? Obviously this is just preliminary since we’ve had the game only a few days, but I think it’ll be interesting to gauge what everyone thinks and see how different we end up ranking everything in the future. Here’s what I think:

Ryu: 6-4
Ken: 6-4
Blanka: 3-7
Guile: 4-6
Chun: 4-6
Honda: 3-7
Dhalsim: 3-7
Hawk: 4-6
Fei: 4-6
Cammy: 4-6
DeeJay: 4-6
Boxer: 7-3
Sagat: 4-6
Claw: 3-7
Dictator: 6-4
Akuma: 1-9

I’m an avid Zangief player and consider myself above average with him. Chun Li is definitely a thorn in my side though, even from garbage players. I can’t see to find an answer for simple jump kicks or head stomps from her, she seems to have more priority than my lariat or standing jab counters.

What’s the general strategy to dealing with Capcom’s 2nd favorite character?

Honestly, there’s a range where if Chun jumps at you and you’re grounded, you just have to block. Solution? Don’t stand at that range. From farther away your new crouching fierce trades with and sometimes actually beats her jump-ins, if you’re in the air your new jumping strong will beat or trade, and if you’re underneath her your jab and duck into lariat will beat or trade. As for head stomps, block the first head stomp, then jump strong her right after.

Thanks for the response. I gotta settle with blocking in that situation, she just eats me alive. It’s hard to settle when I can usually counter the jump ins. Thanks again for the solid advice.