about corpse hop. are you SURE that you actually corpse hop?
because when i try it, it only works when they are getting up and the AI is set to limited guard (default option), which makes them try to block hop low (bug).
have you tried to corpse hop with guard off?
also, what knockdown are you trying to do it off of? sweep?
hopping over them while they crouch is no problem. i just assumed you guys must have tested with the block option set to ON since i could only do it this way, not with block OFF.
Nothing quite like turning Street Fighter into algebra to make things more confusing for everyone.
Punish Fei Longs that like to dragon kick on wake up by timing a kick lariat moving away from Fei when standing directly next to him. The dragon kick gets wiped out by the lariat each and every time… though only if you are doing it while moving away from him. Completely destroyed a few Feis last night this way.
I watched for five minutes, then got bored. Nice in principle but a lot of it was just the same idea repeated over and over. Example splash cross up isn’t going to work all the damn time, nor is hopping over the character. Good for documenting, not so much for watching… Imo opinion of course, otherwise good job…
–kick lariat is invincible to low attacks during the first rotation (out of 2 rotations total)
–punch lariat’s initial active hitbox extends all the way to the ground for the first 6 frames
–green hand recovers several frames faster (and seems to me to go a shorter distance, which is good, but I don’t think that’s official)
–hop goes way farther and higher and recovers faster
–running bear grab starts up and moves faster
–super can be done standing
–no nerfs
I really like the hop’s side switching, although I think it’s going to lose its effectiveness pretty quickly once opponents start looking out for this. Blanka’s been able to do it forever, and when you get to high level play sideswitching is just a rare shenanigan you pull off once in a blue moon because the opponent knows to look out for it and how to counter it, and it’ll probably be less useful than that for Gief, who requires his opponent to crouch and be in block/hitstun for the side switching to work. Crouching forward xx green hand tricks are good too, but will probably lose effectiveness for the same reason. That said, getting two new tricks that the opponent needs to be aware of, look out for, and know how to counter is a real nice buff for Zangief.
Edit: But I do really like the idea of corpse hopping over charge characters. That’ll probably become fairly regular practice.
Cool man, thanks. So, have his normal moves always built meter? I always remembered only specials building in SFII, then again I’ve never took the time to really learn.
To be honest I haven’t practiced it that much, I’m still just doing 360s and ticking into 720 starting at left or right like always. Is it that difficult?
One thing I am having a hard time with is the running bear grab. It seems to me like 360 motions don’t work, and I don’t find the new motion all that easy yet. But whatever, I’m sure we’ll get used to both of these things.
Yeah, Honda loses his charge, I tried it a few times today. He still has charge for buttslam, though, obviously, but he also loses charge for super. So do Chun, Guile, Claw, DeeJay, Dictator, and Boxer.
I’ve really enjoyed new running bear so far. Seems crazy fast now. If i’m going for a jump-in approach:
Jumping late d+foward->C.forward-> SPD
If I think I’m going to be too far away for SPD I just buffer a HCF and hit K when I land. It’s really great if they expect the C.forward and turtle when you land.
It’s really good for catching people off guard if they turtle on wakeup and you’re a little further away than you want to be. It’s also handy for a dizzy at close range since RH atomic suplex is your most powerful throw and it’s now HCF+K.
Anyone got any random tips for vs Bison btw? Had a bit of an arse with his standing forward today.
Also you can do super with 720 (but maybe It’s a 1080 I’m doing??) still, but it’s tricky because you need to start and end on appropriate horizontals.
Yep, they can, but the crossover hop it too fast to react to, so they can only do that if they expect it and start holding the other direction immediately. They also have to have perfect timing, because they have to start holding the other direction at the instant you hop over their body. The lesson is that you shouldn’t do this crossover hop all the time if your opponent has awesome timing.