Zangief strategy etc

Thanks, although I think from the right range, none of his jumping attacks are that effective. Too far and you’ll only trade if Claw sticks out an attack and too close you get a flip kick anyway.

It’s nice to see some guys in this forum contributing to Zangief considering how most of his match-ups suck. I still need to play you on time.

from my experience playing as ryu against good giefs like hitwari and ubercyberbeast, i find giefs close range splash pretty tricky as its tough to defend and can be followed up by tick spd, low rh or whatever. Also another thing would be to really mix up what moves you use to tick with. If you just use standing short or always two low jabs before your spd, youll get reversed pretty easily. Just my two cents for someone plays against gief rather than plays as him.

Nice to see you here orf.

I actually find Ryu as a good match-up for Gief unless it’s you.

Yeah i like the Gief vs Ryu matchup unless its DGV…


Hopefully to give this thread some life.

Here are my opinions on Gief’s match-ups.

vs Ryu: 6 - 4
vs Ken: 6.5 - 3.5
vs Honda: 2.5 - 7.5
vs Blanka: 3.5 - 6.5
vs Guile: 3 - 7
vs Chun Li: 4 - 6
vs Dhalsim: 2 - 8
vs Cammy: 4 - 6
vs Fei Long: 3.5 - 6.5
vs Dee Jay: 5 - 5
vs T-Hawk: 4.5 - 5.5
vs Boxer: 6 - 4
vs Claw: 2.5 - 7.5
vs Sagat: 3 - 7
vs Dictator: 5.5 - 4.5

I did this on the spur of the moment since I was bored but looking at it now I’m afraid I might exaggerate Zangief’s match-ups to look worse than they are to make me feel better. For the match-up against Cammy, I find her hard to play against but don’t know the match-up well at all.

Discuss anyway.

I think deejay is tougher than 5-5. He has very quick recovery like guile which makes him tough but he doesn’t have the pokes and anti airs guile does but still decent. Just my opinion. Question about t-hawk. Why does zangief have the disadvantage? And why is he at such a disadvantage against sagat? he can hop over his low shots and with sagats extended hitboxes its easier to knock him down with a lariot.

My take:


vs Ryu - 6-4
vs Ken - 5.5-4.5
vs Honda - 3-7
vs Blanka - 2.5-7.5
vs Guile - 3-7
vs Chun - 3-7
vs Dhalsim - 4-6
vs Cammy - 6.5-3.5
vs Fei Long - 4-6
vs Dee Jay - 3-7
vs Hawk - 5-5
vs Boxer - 5.5-4.5
vs Claw - 3-7
vs Sagat - 5-5
vs Dictator 6-4

I’ll reply to Echo when I have more time tomorrow but Kuroppi why do you think Ryu is slightly easier than Ken?

In general I have more trouble with Ken BUT against top players I find Ryu’s fake fireball, knockdown red hadoken and super enough to give him a slight edge compared to Ken.

The better recovery on his Shoryuken. His ability to jump fierce cancel into air-HK safely or even combo afterwards.

I agree that Ryu’s fake fireball is tough to deal with (I still think it’s the best move in the entire game). Actually, IMO I still don’t see Ryu players use it enough. Ryu and Ken have slightly different strategies but are basically about the same difficultly to play against IMO.

I don’t think Ryu’s red fireball plays much of a factor in this match. Zangief should not be getting hit by fireballs.

After a few months of playing my matchups goes


vs Ryu - 5-5
vs Ken - 5.5-4.5
vs Honda - 1-9
vs Blanka - 1.5-8.5
vs Guile - 3.5 - 6.5
vs Chun - 3.5 -6.5
vs Dhalsim - 3-7
vs Cammy - 5-5
vs Fei Long - 5-5
vs Dee Jay - 3-7
vs Hawk - 5-5
vs Boxer - 5.5-4.5
vs Claw - 2-8
vs Sagat - 5-5
vs Dictator 4-6

I think that Ryu and Ken have a slight advantage over Zangief, especially in top level play. I use Ryu, Ken, Chun Li and Zangief extensively, so I know these matchups from both sides of the fence. Not saying I’m a top player or anything, but I have an easier time vs Chun Li than Ryu or Ken. Yes Chun Li can Super my Lariats, but I can’t trap Ryu or Ken with Splash mixups in the corner the way I can Chun Li.


Ryu 4.5-5.5
Ken 4.5-5.5
Chun Li 4.5-5.5

over at, they’re saying 3-7 versus honda. at best 2-8 is what i’m thinking, and that’s if you’re lucky.

lariat is 50/50 against the headbutt and the banishing hand is too easily punished if whiffed or blocked. low jab isn’t 100% against the hhs either. on top of that, you still have to deal with ochio throw. sure, jab to get out of ochio range, but how would you even get that close against a really good honda in the first place? reverse headbutt and hhs is guaranteed against all of zang’s pressure and rushdown tactics.

someone help me out here because i don’t see it. honda is just as bad as akuma and even easier to use against zang.

You can trade or beat hhs with cr. roundhouse. Works well if all hes doing is spamming it. Watch out for the headbutt mix-ins once you start sweeping.

Some honda players are saying you can spd his headbutt can anyone confirm this? Or they doing more mind games…Damn them Hondas

Maybe in the beginning frames where he’s not off the ground (but then he’d actually have to have a hitbox, too…and he most likely doesn’t)…otherwise…if you can hit someone out of a move and it produces an aerial hit stun…

…they’re not grounded and, therefore, not throwable.

that’s what kurroppi was saying, but you can’t followup the knockdown very well. if, and by the grace of god i mean if, you are close enough for a crossup splash you have a chance to jab him out of ochio range into spd. that’s pretty much it. this best case scenario can still be rectified by a headbutt trade, especially in the corner. anything else you eat the safe on block headbutt or an ochio.

i’m not talking about the guys who spam hhs… those guys you can jab the first set of hhs, then jumpin rh-> low rh the followup hhs because they are still mashing punch buttons… i’m talking about the turtle honda who starts out with the hhs, but then starts mixing in headbutts and then just sits there waiting to headbutt whatever you try and do to “get in” because he has the health advantage.

i think at the highest level, this is all theory of course, your best option is to low jab to get the pixel lead and then try and get honda to come to you. with the lead, you have a chance at banishing offensive headbutts and spd’ing whiffs and jumpins… even then, honda’s chip damage potential would make this strategy near impossible. it’s a straight stupid matchup.

zang needs a guaranteed punish for headbutts. i don’t care if it’s on block or if the one of the lariats has dp priority, it’s the only way this matchup becomes competitive.

two frames maybe. it would be like if honda did a jumpin splash->low short into a misstimed headbutt where the headbutt wouldn’t combo if it did connect. those extra frames is where you would be able to get in an spd. you actually see honda go into the headbutt animation for a split sec.

I thought it was the same case as in Blanka’s super, where you can spd him right when he’s about to touch you w/ his blanka ball…

Yea I totally agree. I have played a good range or honda players and some rush and some turtle. Turtling is a big issue once he has a health lead. The following may not be a guarantee, but it can make him think twice about headbutt: You can punish a headbutt at the very last moment before he touches you with a fast lariat. You need to have some pretty quick reflexes if at close range, but it can be done easier across full screen. I have found this tactic works best while you are in block animation, but can be done while in neutral as well. The range/timing for this is similar to when you beat claw’s off the wall aerial throw.