Zangief strategy etc

Not in HD Remix. It would be f, df, d, db, b, f, df, d, db, d, f + Punch. Or, in arrows:

:r::df::d::db::l::r::df::d::db::l::r: + :p:

Remember, the code was changed. Even though we still call it a 720, it’s not exactly a 720 anymore. You can still DO it with the code you listed above and, in many ways, it’s faster. The other code just lets you do it from the ground without jumping.

Yeah, to be honest, I have a lot better success with Gief online compared to even my main characters like Cammy and Fei Long. I think it’s because, though, many people aren’t aware of how to fight him. A long time ago, before the game came out, I said it would be bad if Gief was the best character in the game (and got subsequently flamed). The reason why I said that is because you HAVE to fight Gief a certain way. There is pretty much NO character in the game that can fight Gief with their normal strategies. Everything changes, and it all becomes SUPER defensive. If you know how to Fight Gief, he’s a nightmare to win with. But if you try to fight him like you fight everyone else (which is what most players online do), Zangief pretty much gets to eat people for lunch.

So while Gief IS better in this game and is good, I honestly think there is a dearth of people who actually know HOW to fight him. Once you run into a bunch of those guys, he gets far more annoying to win with. That’s the thing with Gief… if you are playing against Gief with anything less than 100% optimized anti-Gief strategy, you might as well not be using any anti-Gief techniques at all.

  • James

I think this is the EXACT answer I was looking for. You’re right, everybody does fight me the same. Everybody rushes at me and plays sloppy (online scrubs probably) and then its easy wins. I haven’t run into anybody who knows how to shut him down but I’m sure you’re all right that he’s low tier. It’s just a shame cause he’s SOOO much fun to play:(

KNow a good way to do the Half circles fast? for me its impossible

ps whats the best Green Hand :lp:, :mp:, or :hp:

depends on what you are trying to do…

  • to stuff projectiles any would work, depends on the speed of the projectile.
  • combo wise, i use :mp: majority of the time.

i tend to use :hp: green hand sparingly only to trick opponents within range then go for SPD

hm there is no diffrent at all…

I am not aware of any difference either. I use the lp green-hand so that I will have the quickest recovery if I mess it up the execution.

Doesn’t matter which Green Hand I use, they’re all the same. And you’re right jchensor, playing against Zangief is super defensive. I main Ken, and when fighting Zangief, I can’t do all the shit I wanna do, like psychic Shoryukens and massive, damaging crossup combos. But, that’s why I play Zangief too. Just to shut ppl down, and make them think twice about their strategy. Heh heh

6 Low Roundhouses in a row.

Zangief is too sick.

hey, blitzfu, as a ken user, what would you say is the best way to punish jap shoryuken spammers online. i played one yesterday that did it pretty intelligently, fireballs me, runs up and sweeps, shoryukens occasionally, when im in the corner, its a shoryuken fest. i find it hard to do anything about it since the next one starts so soon after the first. i tried playing with both zangief and sagat and couldn’t win. i usually do pretty well against most kens on scoreboard matches though, this one was just especially good.

^^I LOVE punishing Jab Shoryukens with SPD. If they do it too close, ie within range of the SPD, just piledrive em. A couple of those will stop psychic Shoryukens for good. heheh You gotta be fast tho, and you gotta be good at estimating the SPD’s range. If not SPD, then sweep or just block, as Ken’s Jab Shoryuken has incredibly fast recovery.

If you are within sweep distance, I start the SPD motion just as the DP is going up and by the time I’m finished with the motion the DP is coming down and they are caught in a SPD. I try to do this from max sweep distance so that if I miss for some reason, I still do not get hit.

You can also sweep as you see the DP going up, and you will catch them before they hit the ground. The trick is do not try to hit them once you see the DP going down even though it looks vulnerable, because by the time your sweep comes out, they will already be in the hitting frames of their next DP.

How can you stop chun-li’s jump in light kick with zangief ?!

I tend to go for reversal or regular wake-up lariat for most of the cross-ups or I find that standing close jab (the chop) works well for mix-ups BUT I have no answer to chun-li jump-in light kick from maximum distance…

she jumps in, you can’t lariat, goes into kicks… it’s free hits… HELP

Walk towards her while she is in the air and then KKK lariat the instant before she hits (the instant after she hits is fine too) and keep walking towards her the entire time. You probably will get hit with the, but if you timed it right, your Lariat will go through her lightning legs and hit her. You will also be invulnerable if she should try a (since KKK Lariat is invulnerable to low attacks in it’s first rotation) and can SPD or sweep her.

The real trick against max-range Chun Li Jumping Short is… you shouldn’t really ever be in that position to begin with. Chun Li’s Jump is pretty long, so it doesn’t take much for you to be too close for it to work well. If she can land it on you, you probably need to take a harder look at other aspects of your game first.

Keep in mind that distance that Chun Li’s Jump attack becomes tough to stop. If you get in that distance and she jumps at you, figure out ways to NOT be at that distance. Oftentimes, with Gief, going backwards can be as useful as going forward. So if you find yourself at that distance, just jump away and try your approach again. From a screen away, there are tons of ways to sneak past that magic distance so that she can’t Jump at you. If she Fireballs (and doesn’t chase it), Green Hand through it. If she walks forward to that distance, keep walking forward yourself… she can’t Throw a Fireball anymore, so you don’t have to be mindful of that in your approach.

You’ll find that you can end up in that distance and can’t do anything about it, though. If you block a Fireball and get pushed into that distance, chances are she has frame advantage and if she jumps at you, there isn’t much you can do. In those cases, just accept your fate, block the Jump attack, and work again. So you take a tiny bit of chip damage from the Lightning Kicks… so what? It’s really not a big deal. It’ll take 10 of those to do as much damage as one SPD. THat’s actually one very big key to Gief: unlike a lot of characters, taking chip damage is completely acceptable and PART of your strategy. I intentionally take chip damage against Guile, for example, alllll day long.

So after you block the Lightning Kick, she’s not exactly at the right distance to Jump at you again. At that distance, you can easily get under her and crouching Lariat her Jump attack. So she’ll probably do something like Jump away. Or Fireball again. If she Fireballs again, try to safely Lariat through it. If she Jumps away, use that chance to keep getting in closer. Eventually, she’ll run out of room to Jump back.

Another good example is when she throws a Jab Fireball from a screen away and chases it, then Jumps at you. That’s a tough one, and there isn’t much you can do. Again, if she likes to do that, Jumping away from the Fireball early on (because you can’t walk backwards) can at least throw off the distancing (and her Fireball will dissipate). You can even risk Lariating though the Fireball and letting her Jump Kick you and try to Reversal SPD afterwards, since it’s really hard to Combo Gief from a Jumping Short that hits him right on the top of his head.

That’s the trickiest thing about ST. It’s all about those ranges, and oftentimes, games come down EXACTLY to avoiding those ranges that cause you the most problems. So the sad part is that you can’t stop Chun from Jumping at you at that magic distance where she is safe. The good news is that, if you play your Gief right, you’ll never have to.

  • James

wow, that was the most intelligent replies I ever got to one of my questions on srk,

thanks southFLpix and jchensor

Haha, indeed. Winning with a low tier character is really rewarding, I love it. You really have to work at it against skilled players though. For me, especially Dhalsim. Easily my hardest match I think. I often feel so helpless. At least, I did the other night when I was playing a really skilled Dhalsim player. He sent me messages saying that despite having the upperhand for many matches, he was shitting himself the whole time, because he knew how ruthlessly I punished him once I got in close :smiley: Its a great way to better your Meatgief though.

Anyone seen scrub-a-dubs online backflipping in the corner and throwing jumping heavy kicks to ‘beat’ Zangief as if they’re playing the AI from the original SF2? Its hilarious.

Green hand knockdown Jump, splash, jab, SPD.

Wash. Rinse. Repeat. Check PSN inbox for hate.

Some ppl might already know this, but I just found out something interesting vs Honda. Close meaty Slaps can be grabbed clean by reversal SPD on wakeup. EVERYTIME. = ) The rest of the match is still horribly hard, but anything that can get my SPD loop going is definitely great news.

everywhere i read firce SPD got less range than jab SPD i test it myself and all i can say

  • Firce=most damage
  • Jab =FASTER

the range seem the same for me but the jab is faster you can easy notice it if you try to make sps in a row with a friend he should use jab and you are using firce

so wath benefit do you realy hafe from a fast spd since both grab on the first frame as faar as i know only better recovery on wiff

but if it did not grab on the first fram you got"VIRTUAL" range if the enemy is moving (like pushing in blockstun) but if the enemy is static the range is the same

can someone proof wich is right ? becouse my test realy show no range diffrence but if anybody could show me that im wrong i would be happy althou…

This is my mini-Honda strategy; basically I designed this around the (common) scenario that you are doing well with Gief and then someone, whom does not main Honda, decides to choose him just to counter-pick your Gief. This probably happens all the time to Gief players since everyone knows that Honda equals mostly free wins against Gief.

The main thing I try to do is score a knock down, which is not always easy. I usually stand in place and continually use the Lariat and wait for it to counter a torpedo and hope I get lucky (sometimes I lose 50% health before this happens). Other times I try to crouching jab and a surprise Green Hand, but overall the Lariat probably is your best bet.

Once Honda is knocked down, immediately Hop over to his body and -> SPD him on wake-up. He will not be able to torpedo/sumo splash/ochio to counter you unless it is a reversal, and his timing must be pretty good for that to happen (which is less likely with someone who does not main Honda). Continue this loop over and over until he manages a reversal.

Another tip; if he decides to HHS from close (where you do not have distance to jump over it), then KKK Lariat through it which should counter or trade and score a knockdown. I avoid blocking the HHS at all costs because it means easy chip damage for him and he can torpedo you or sumo splash you afterwords and redo HHS for even more chip damage. I am better off trying to trade and threatening a knock down every time he attempts it.

I still lose to any decent Honda, but the above strategy allows me to beat most of the scrubs who just pick him because they know he counters Gief.

I’d say that he does swimmingly well against Balrogs of all sizes and shapes though. Straight punch is stuffed by the Lariat almost all the time, you can actually SPD him out of his charge punches (I think I caught a Balrog, fully extended, into my SPD quite a few times), and there’s little a Balrog can do after committing with an attack. I guess the only time I get really scared of a Balrog is if they know how to do Buffalo headbutts into their combos and starts doing his grab-throw against me.