One question I have for other Gief mainers, and it’s to do with Cammy. For now, I’m just going to admit defeat whenever I fight Dhalsims… I once got cornered with a constant stream of Yoga Flames and I was thoroughly embarrassed for it. I know doing the green hand to lean in helps, but I’d rather concentrate on something more winnable: Cammy.
I don’t have TOO much problems when Cammy is doing Spiral Arrow. If she commits, I can trip her up or do a quick SPD if the range is right.
But I’m having a ton of problems with her Cannon Spike that can come after the Spiral Arrow or just to keep me out of the air, doing a Splash on her. Would the Green Hand still be effective against a Cammy like that? I’m too scared to be getting tripped by the Spiral Arrow if I’m standing there, green-handing all the time.
You’re right about Gief not having many problems with Balrog, in fact that is one of the few matches where Gief actually has the advantage. His terrible match-ups are Honda, Dhalsim and arguably Guile.
Cammy’s lk Cannon Drill (aka Spiral Arrow) is safe on block, so if you try to punish it you are going to get hit. The mk and hk versions are punishable if she does them too close, but also safe from a certain distance. The Cannon Drill is very vulnerable on top, so if you catch her spamming them, a fierce body splash combo or tick into SPD should take care of that.
The other thing you need to watch out for is the Hooligan throw. Keep your fingers on the Lariat buttons while you are blocking low and be ready to go into a Lariat if you see her come in for a Hooligan; you can counter it on reaction.
The Green Hand is useful against Cammy, but not overly so since she can just sweep you out of it on reaction. I like to use it to punish missed Cannon Spikes or from a great distance away (out of sweep range) as it will occasionally counter jump-ins.
For this match-up another good weapon is ‘the Hop -> SPD’, since Cammy tends to poke with her fairly often. Cammy does not have anywhere near the stamina as Gief, so as long as you capitalize opportunities, then you should be able to win your fair share.
the jab spd definitely has more range, for example if i try to spd after a blocked j. rh, fierce spd will probably be out of range, i’d have more luck with jab or strong. it’s hard to notice when the other person’s moving, but if you go in training mode and just inch towards them trying to spd you should notice a difference, its not huge, but it makes a difference
What do you guys do to prevent the Akuma cross-up air fireball and J. kick? I have no idea how to block it as the fireball seems to hit me from behind and the j. kick hits me from above at the same time. Once I got knocked down it was pretty much over as he kept doing the same thing lol.
Hey guys, earlier today I was practicing HDR when I got the idea to try and find out what differences in damage different moves caused. I then learned that even when performing the same move, the amount of damage taken away is not always the same. I took some video - sorry about the poor quality - that shows exactly what im talking about. Does this happen to you as well? I suppose one can argue that its not a super huge deal, but I do question, what if you’re in a match where you’re low in health and you perform a move you believe takes away 10% health and it ends up taking away 8%, he gets a chance to retaliate, and beats you. Could be a big deal to some…
Edit - if you see the video, I overlaid some graph paper with markings to make it easier for me to distinguish the difference in damage taken away
I set the practice dummy to “never block” and “standing.” Also, I had em cornered and I walked up to em and pressed “Jab.”
I’d appreciate it if you guys would try this out and confirm if this happens to you guys as well. Thanks
That is because there is damage scaling in effect. Basically the lower you are in health, the higher your defense becomes and the less damage you take.
As far as dealing with Akuma’s air fireball into cross-up, I actually have not had anyone try to loop me in that fashion yet, but what if you block the fireball standing up, does he still get a cross-up? What about if you Lariat as the fireball is about to hit, do you trade?
That’s actually not the reason. The damage from all of the SFII games IS randomized to a degree. There is a base damage to every move, but it fluctuates within a certain range. There are times when certain moves will look like they do a TON more damage than they have before, and other times when it looks like a move did way less when you thought it should have killed them.
I’m almost embarassed that I need to ask this but…
I was playing a fairly shitty chun yesterday backed her into a corner and she started with the lightening kicks, and kpt going…and going… and going…
So naturally I’m like, NICE I GOT THIS NOOB…But I couldn’t get through it.
I tried all the specials, and normals…nothing even traded with me, just kept getting hit. The fucker beat me since after he realized he couldn’t get through, he just did it till he won.
that totaly wrong i gues my test was right BUT if you go in a MOVEING ENVIREMENT JAB SPD doese make a diffrence becouse in a static movement all spds have the same range it must be somethign else!
Jump over it with your knee (d + mk) and then jab -> SPD her. Or if you are really good, then Lariat in place until you have your super, then jump over it and get her in a FAB. 75% damage means she’s not going to be doing that too often after that.
I tried blocking by pressing forward or back I get hit no matter what. The fireball is behind me as I get up and the j. kick is on top of me already. Maybe I’ll try to cr. block as the fireball hits and then stand block the j. kick. Kind of hard though as they seem to hit at the same time lol. Try to play srk member ‘minimize’ and ask to play your Gief against his Akuma. See how it goes.
I’m fairly certain that Zangief vs Akuma is a nightmare scenario especially if the Akuma player knows the air fireball game. Usually, I actually beat Akumas since they EAT damage, but against an expert air-fireballer, there doesn’t seem to be a reliable counter measure. The best I can do is hope that I jump at the same time and do the slapping, forward+jab. That actually trades way better in terms of damage. But it’s so hard to time…
vs akuma airfire ball
if they jump straight up and down you can greenhand in and spd right when they touch the ground. Good akumas can reversal dp you when you do this. If you greenhand the fireball early you can actually stand there, then they land, then they dp and miss, and you can spd them. Mix the “on time” and “early” greenhand up a bit to throw them off. If this causes them to stop jumping regulary (hop up fireball, hop up fireball, pause, pause, hop up fireball), you will actually be able to jump in with something like rh when they pause. Since blocking the airfireball or getting hit by the airfireball takes off so little, just keep at the greenhand hand. Once giefers gets in he causes big damage on akuma.
General Akuma air fireball antics I can deal with, but it is the specific crossup air fireballs + j. kick as mentioned in my previous post. He did this as I got up from a knockdown. It seems you have to block from both directions…
Greatmole, I don’t get this “air fireballs + j. kick” you’re talking about. Once Akuma throws an Air Hadoken, he can’t do anything else till he lands. So you must be talking about crossup Air Hadoken, he lands, jumps again with j.kick. If so, just block the Air Hadoken first, meaning the regular way, not as a crossup. And then block/punish whatever else he does next.