I read the tips earlier in the topic about fighting guile but I still am really struggling against good Guile/Honda players. With Guile I can usually get up close thru the booms but he does the low kick thing and seems to always have a flash k ready.
Honda; I can sometimes stop his torpedo with c. jab but his ochio gets me every time.
Any tips that might help would be greatly appreciated. Forget Dhalsim, I swear Honda/Guile is Giefs worst matchup.
With Guile I set up at a distance where I can green hand past the Sonic Booms and catch him in a SPD. Catch him in one or two SPDs, and he will be much more cautious about throwing sonic booms and this gives you an opportunity to hop (towards + fp) into SPD over his sweeps if he is in full turtle mode. If he jumps toward you at anything other then max range, walk towards him and do a Lariat to AA him. You will win or trade, and get a knock down, which let’s you press the advantage.
Another strategy is to green hand past his Sonic Booms and cr.hk sweep his cr.mk, which will trade (in your favor) and will knock him down. Once he is down you have a lot of options at your disposal.
Take note that Guile players often like to wake-up with a flashkick, so often I will do a meaty cr.hk after they are knocked down and catch them if the miss the reversal window (which is more often then not). Once they are used to blocking on wake-up, then I feel confident enough to do a jumping knee (d + mk) -> low jab -> SPD. Another thing you can do once he is in the habit of blocking on wake up is st.lk into SPD tick. If you are close to him when he is knocked down, you can also do a cross-up body splash combo or body splash -> cr.mk -> SPD.
My main advice is to practice your green hand into SPD execution in training mode until you can do it every time and can estimate the max distance which this is viable from. That is the foundation for my strategy against Guile, and my record with him is actually very much in my favor, unlike Honda.
Remember that you have more stamina then him and do more damage, so a ‘sloppy’ match with lots of trades is in your favor. Of course, you always have the great equalizer, a SPD (or FAB) which does enough damage that it can snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, so I never really feel that I am out of the fight even when I am much lower on health then he is.
Ok, since the game game came out (HD Remix) I haven’t really played besides that first month. I won about 10 matches in a row online today, and I’m nowhere near a great player I’m probably right above scrub bust level so is Zangief considered good in this game? Upper mid even?
I got my ass handed to me by some Bison player, forgot his name. Really knew how to shut down Gief. Is this one of his bad matchups?
I don’t think Gief moved from his vanilla ST tiers. Exactly what was the Bison player doing? I think Gief wins it, but it boils down to some gross ass tactics.
Dictator is actually one of his good matchups. Zangief is considered low tier as he is even with about half the cast and gets dominated by almost the rest. He’s lots of fun tho!
I do 720 clockwise and UB for the FAB. The way I set it up it is to jump over them like you would with a cross-up body splash (you can do an attack for show if you like) and do the FAB motion in the air; as you land you should nail the FAB. This method will not work on characters that are difficult to cross up such as Bison, Blanka and Honda (because they can torpedo away to safety).
I’ve seen videos of some people using it after the green hand like you would a SPD, but I’ve only pulled that off in training mode. Take note that FAB range is no where near SPD range; you pretty much have to be on top of them to land it.
Weird that you do it counter-clockwise, SouthFLpix. It’s weird because of the bug in the game where you can’t do Gief’s FAB starting from left. Remember, 720 motion doesn’t work anymore in HD Remix. You HAVE to use the new code, and with Gief, it’s glitched so you can only do it starting from the right… unless I was wrong and you can only do it starting from the left.
But yeah, the FAB is actually hard to do now, IMO, with the new code. It’s almost like you can’t do it as fast.
Actually I typed that wrong, I do it clockwise. For some reason it works with T-Hawk counter-clockwise though, so maybe just Gief is bugged. I do the 720 starting with towards and then UB at the end and it works; I couldn’t be sure why, but it does. I’ve only played with the new motion in training mode but it seems harder.
I give myself just the right amount of distance so it whiffs and then grab the bastards. Trick is getting that distance down to a fine art - its not always possible, but once you get the zoning sorted you’re laughing. Screw it up though and you’re hosed. I had some cool matches the other night where I had my distance perfect and a jumping Ken constantly got grabbed and kept doubting the range on the SPD
Deep lariat works, but they really need to be right above you. I also sometimes use the fierce green hand from a distance, but I often trade. I get a knock-down though, which sets you up for some tick cheese.
Someone mentioned standing jab and I’ve heard this before. I honestly haven’t given this a try (new Zangief player) as I like to hit heavy and hard with Zangief. I’ll risk taking a hit just so I can grab people >:D Though this often bites me on the ass
Dhalsim is nightmarish for me. Honda isn’t too difficult, though many Honda players are scrubby mopes and I’m yet to play ‘good’ Honda players while using Gief. Work on that crouching jab and give it more faith. I’ve had rage quitters when I snuff their super with a crouching jab Yes, super! That shit is hilarious.
I’ve also had people quit when the match starts and I immediately crouch and fire off a flurry of jabs waiting for them to hurl themselves at me For some reason I love playing Honda players. Probably because he’s such a popular pick for one/two trick ponies expecting an easy win and thus spinning his fat face into the ground feels so damn good.
Still, the chip damage from his blocked hands = D:
Hey thanks ! your strategy is helping A LOT. evil laugh
Gamogo :
Yeah Dhalsim is still really hard for me but…most characters can be an up hill battle with gief but I’m starting to figure out little things that exploit other characters weaknesses. Its great because they get soooo angry.
On another note, any tips on stopping a good Sagat player? Damn low, high projectiles. Even if I get past them they do the invincible tiger uppercut.
^^So if I’m facing right, I would do f, df, d, db, b, ub, u, uf, f, df, d, db, b, ub, u, uf, f…right? And if I’m facing left, I would start with back. Is that right?
I have yet to do a FAB in Remix, and I never used Zangief this seriously in classic ST, but was still able to get FAB about 50% of the time. So far I’ve been doing just fine without FAB, but Zangief needs all the weapons at his disposal to dispose of chars like Honda, Dhalsim, Blanka and Akuma.
Guys… I’m begging to notice that 3xP lariat while holding away from the opponent beats out a lot of things… hondas dive, blankas ball, dictators psycho crusher, shotos hurrican kicks…
Should I just continue doing this? Or is it a bad idea? Sometimes when someone comes in for a jump in attack it knocks me out of the Lariat. Are there better options?
Lol everytime I win a match with an SPD I yell out BITCH! as it slams to the ground… feels so good.
I’m sure everybody is right about him being low tier but it just doesn’t feel that way. I think he has very good, strong basic tools. Sometimes it’s annoying to get in on people, but I love the lariat. I abuse it. It’s great for an anti air, to advance (I move back and forth while doing the lariat to not get caught in sweeps/pokes) and his motions are WAY easier than before. Also, F Fierce is my best friend. I LOVE this move, especially if I KNOW the low is coming (like the typical J RH, C RH from shotos).
Do you guys think he’s capable of winning a major tourney? Call me nuts, but I’m having more success w/him than I am w/Boxer. Yes, I know, Boxer is sick tier but…maybe it’s my playing style, I don’t know. I’m still mostly a scrub:)
I do not think Gief has a great chance of winning a major tournament because he has a lot of tough matches and no matches where he is an extreme favorite.