"Your fighting is predictable..." Yang Match-up Thread

Makes me wonder if they removed the throw invincibility on EX command grab just to make this match-up even worse than it already was…

they removed it because throw invulnerability on that thing was crazy. especially if set up correctly.

Dang it, seems every time I complain about a nerf there’s some logical reason why Capcom nerfed it. :stuck_out_tongue:

I wish some people were this logical when it came to Street fighter X Tekken…there’s a game that people bash without any facts to back up their claims…other than maybe auto-gems…

But let’s not get into a big discussion about that here. :smiley:

Good Honda’s always make me feel like a scrub.

nj.hp should be banned. At least cross up j.mk is an option against him

i’m pretty sure you can cr.MK xx slashes the Honda’s nj.HP.
With Dhalsim I AA those using s.HP (yes, s.HP the standing limbs) because he ducks a bit.

+1 honda sucks.

How do I fight vs Bison? I feel like lk scissors prevent me from doing anything. What do I do after knockdown, I try to divekick and I get hit by crusher. Aaaand, his st mk and st hk keeps me from doing anything. Also, whenever i’m in the corner I can’t jump out or anything. :frowning: What do?

Couple of points… if you’re in the corner… against anybody… jumping should be the last thing on your mind.

Secondly, against Bison’s wake-up, there’s no good reason to jump at him or Dive Kick or anything… You’re better off just hitting him with meaty attacks. His fastest invincible reversal that hits is a 13 frame move… meaning you can throw almost anything out on his wake-up, without him being able to hit you at all. There’s no reason to fear his wake-up. It’s GOOD, but it’s only REALLY good for escaping… you should almost never be hit while attacking Bison on his wake-up… and that’s with any character.

As for the match-up in general… I’ve got nothing… I’ve only been playing 2012 for a week…

I know in AE, this was a tough match, and I don’t imagine it got any easier. You have to play very patiently, but eventually take some risk in jumping in, or otherwise taking a risk to get something going. Bison just wins on the ground. You’re gonna have to jump at some point, or something of the sort.

With Bison, I find low divekicks within cmk range works well to continue the pressure
When they start to st mk, hk to catch your jumps at that range, it should be easier to fish for cmk rekka or sweep, or focus dash in
Also, neutral jump and mix it up with instant or delayed dive kicks
Blocked ex crusher can be ex roll kicked
Oh, cross up set ups (e.g., off forward throw, st hp > roll kicks) work quite well against Bison

How do you Stop all of hondas headbutts? it feels like you can just spam it

I don’t think you can outright stop it…I think a well timed palm works but that’s pretty risky. As far as I know the only thing that can truly punish it is EX mantis slashes, but the timing can be weird since the 2nd one won’t always connect if you go immediately into the 2nd one.

Man thats a shame :(, couldnt he punish headbutts with Ultra 2 in AE?

I’m not sure…I don’t think it could. Since Yang has to roll forward in order to get to Honda, and I believe that the start-up was only slowed for when it’s activated right next to the opponent.

EX mantis. As mentioned above, it’s somewhat inconsistent. Apparently U2 has just been made slower from anywhere on the screen, though it’s never been fast enough to punish a midscreen headbutt afaik.

What about that stupid condor spire move? most thawks throw that move out all day it also has a ridiculous hitbox.

Loses to normals.

Can’t you also safe jump Honda headbutts? against his wakeup.

Pretty easily. You don’t even really need a setup for it - shit’s like an 8 frame startup.

And i think Yang can OS dp it.