You think you're hungry? You're not

I agree with you and slightly disagree.

My point is that if you are gonna post up “SESSION AT MY PLACE” then it shouldn’t have a ban list. Dugg put it perfectly when he said"I’m not banning anyone from my place, I’m just inviting a few chill people over to play a few games. If we have a session then anyone is free to come through".

I mean honestly put yourself in the shoes of the person on the ban list. Not only do they feel left out but they now have one less option of a place to get better. We just need to talk to that person one on one and stop being so caddy. If I have a problem with you I will be like" Eh man, it’s like this and I don’t like this and you need to stop that". Internet beef is dumb especially within the Seattle scene. We are all guilty of the internet beef and the trash talk so I’m not pointing fingers at anyone, but it’s about time everyone grew up and started working together as a scene.

Goddamn…Ray has the best posts in this thread. Dude is the fucking truth. If more people played like him you guys wouldn’t have this problem since you guys have the venue and gathering situations down.

@Eman: You’re generalizing the term for Ban lists as a be all end all position. It should not be considered as a “I don’t like this person, they can’t come forever”. It should be more thought of as a tool with narrow applicability. The point being, say one person over stays their welcome, over steps their place in say another person’s home, and they are called out on it. If the problem persists and the person who is believing it is ok even after they are told it is not ok, that is where a ban list would come into play, as a way to let that person know that they need to fix their shit first and foremost before thinking they can continue to ignore your wishes in your own house.

For instance, you had a bad experience with someone at your house and then proceeded to ask someone else to not bring them again, are they allowed back at your house now or will they have to fix the cut of their jib before they are allowed back?

I’m not trying to to be a dick, but it’s just in my opinion, another person’s home is their life and spend a majority of their waking and sleeping hours at. The last thing someone wants in their house is something/someone that creates tension and draws negativity to their way of life in the place they molded to be suitable and positive for themselves.

All 'n all, do not complain if someone is on someone else’s ban list, they more than likely have been told their problem and if they choose to fix it is up to them. None of us can govern another person’s behavior/personality, but we all have rights to the denial of someone that they do not wish in their home.

^I think I know what eman is talking about…complete disrespect and ungratefulness of ones home without remorse is one thing but not being allowed to a session because that person isn’t your “homie” or you don’t like them isn’t helping the scene.

Again come this spring I will have my house to myself and will be opening everyday of the week where possible (no roomate home) anyone is welcome whether I know/dislike/hate/like you… whatever…it’s to better the scene not just to hang with people…that’s what sessions are. If you want to be competitive go to sessions and plan a good diverse group of people…I play eman and mike(has cookies) alot…but those 2 are only going to get my gameplay so far (as am I on their game) where I need to play more people and different characters.

I need help on a witty session place name by febuary/march time.

In the words of the infamous Tanaka “It’s just not right… Ok, let’s focus on playing some Street fighter.”

Frank, I choose to be a casual player because I don’t need to spend time around people I fucking cannot stand. I work six days a week dawg, my fucking one day off is not going to be ruined by fucking anybody.

I used to be cool with Mickey D when SFIV just came out, and I used to carpool with him back to Narrows. He was talking about being interested in ST and I offered to tell him all I knew. Next thing I know for pretty much no reason he is saying who the fuck are you, and you have never accomplished anything ever, and Seattle ST is weak…for no reason, I thought we were cool (At that point BTW I had never gotten less than top 7 in ST in a major). Basically saying if you are not a top player, fuck you…why?? Truly random and bitchmade, and to this day I have no idea why, I thought me and him were tight and he dropped me back off and I gave him gas money etc from narrows, and then he went online and started shit about me for no reason out of the blue. This is the guy who is supposedly all about “community”, and “helping the players” right.

My complaining about Bison in SFIV…the fuck does THAT have to do with ANYTHING? People change their mains all the time in games, what the fuck does it matter to you or anyone else?? Basically Mike gave up on helping me get better at SFIV before SFIV even came out on console, for no reason that I can determine, so it’s not like I didn’t get shitted on before I switched to Viper. And then shitted on for trying to make it onto the 5 on 5…and then shitted on for NOT trying to make it onto the five on five.

There is no way for me to play the “right way” for you people in the community whether I am tourney-minded or casuals, so I might as well do my own thing and not even worry about you.

The relevence to this thread being, your community has more problems than “not being hungry”.

This thread is funny as fuck. I want to see someone’s SRK account get banned whitin a weeks time. I have my popcorn in the microwave! GO!

You and Eman are missing the point here, for those that have a “black list” to their houses, it’s not because they aren’t homies with them. The ones at Pat’s disrespected his house/Pat, or just made the whole session not fun at all for anyone. Granted we want people to get better, but if you’re not having fun what is the point? That’s even more counter productive.

Another guideline is feedback from other sessions I’ve seen/heard/talked to people that have had issues with people when they went to their house. Those play a big factor in regarding on wether people want to have that person over to their house.

I will say this, for the Freedom Bunker, it’s a collective opinion between three people. Tthere will always be a majority at least 2-1, one of us could try our best to fight for said person, but in the end I’m not trying to cause no drama for my living situation.

I will say that there are 2 people I don’t want at my house period. I’ve seen/heard more than enough to know that if I invited either individual over it’s going to be nothing but bad.

Other than that every person that I somewhat know in this scene will be welcome in my house as long as Jared and Dugg are cool with it. But this is a little different that TW’s or anything else, this is my house. And to be straight up blunt, I’m a fucking Bitch when it comes to my shit (who do I let play on my sticks besides Mandel? Practically no one), and if shit goes sour, I will NOT have a problem to tell anyone to leave. Now you know the chances of that are really fucking slim, nor will I be running around like a prison securiy guard waiting to bust someone’s chops for some stupid shit. It’s common sense in the end. Respect the person’s house, respect the person’s rules, and most importantly respect the person’s decision on who can or can’t come out. Chances are the reason they can’t come out has nothing to do with them being homie or not, but how they acted at other sessions.

This thread was never hear to blame anyone. Additionally, this thread wasn’t about my own personal standing’s in the community. I’ve never once said that I’m the king of Seattle or ever wanted to be. If you take this thread as a statement that I want to “rule” Seattle and it’s scene, than I can’t help your reading comprehension issues. Besides, I wouldn’t ever lead a scene that would damn me for doing so.

I’ve gotten a lot of hate towards me because of this thread…and as I said in the beginning, it’s what I expected. None of you wanted to hear this, and I’m the only one who’s got the balls to actually do it. Maybe you saw it, but you never did anything about it…I’ve seen more action in our scene to throw sessions or tournaments in the past 2 days compared to the past 6 months, all because I even opened my mouth to say this, yet I’m the bad guy? I’m fine with being hated in this community if it actually pushes the majority of you to actually play and learn how to work together as a community.

If you have priorities that aren’t towards gaming, that’s not a problem, everyone has a life and I don’t expect people to play just because they’re in the scene. No one is to blame about the competitive issue in our scene either, and when you start putting the blame on each other, you’re only hindering the learning process as well. How can you ever expect to grow as a community when all that ever happens is blame and empty words? Thus my reasoning for saying “Seattle isn’t ready to become competitive.”

This thread wasn’t made for drama, personal recognition, bashing other players or anything like that…I wanted to bring up an issue that if fixed, would push the scene into growth. Although as I’ve said before it’s obvious that the greater community isn’t ready for that due to self righteous ego’s. For the handful that IS ready…come see me and lets get things headed in the right way. Truly great things only happen when people start to come together and act in a way that will benefit their community, not just themselves.

Elias challenged me when I said that Seattle isn’t ready to be competitive. He asked me to help people see why this was the case. The reason why Seattle isn’t ready to be competitive is because of all the reasons listed above. There are far to many members in this community who deter the majority from actually learning. By blaming each other, boasting about self inflated ego’s and more importantly by being content with mediocrity…these are the reasons as to why Seattle cannot be competitive. Let me ask each and everyone one of you this question…Why do you play Street Fighter? Pretty silly question right?

Most likely your answer will lie in the “I play to have fun” area, and if that’s the case, I feel that. That’s something that I can value and appreciate. But when you put in hours among hours of game play to improve…when you put money on the line time after time in tournaments or travel out of state just to play a GAME…when you had that fire and motivation to become one of the hard hitting players in our scene…somewhere along the line, that motivation dropped along your journey. You might have priorities that got in the way, or maybe you were content with the skill level you were at, but the point of the matter was that whatever happened, you never had the competitive culture to keep you in check and keep you hungry to become better.

I hope to see you on Saturday, and I encourage you to talk to me if you’d like to further discuss this. I’ve taken a lot of heat for this, but I must say that even for the lashing’s that I’ve taken…at least it’s pushed you towards the right direction.

EDIT: Blake…grow up dude seriously? Drop your ego and throw away your self entitlement…or maybe you’re not capable of doing that yet. All in all don’t talk out the side of your mouth, bring it to me PM if you’ve got a problem.

Like I said before, a “Ban list” is a term being misunderstood. In my personal/professional opinion it is a last resort to showing someone if they choose to ignore the warnings/information they are told that they are doing wrong, that’s their choice, but it is also the choice of those holding the session(s) who they allow in their home.

I’ll explain this from personal experience that contradicts your statement from Counter-strike. I’ve seen quite a few 5-man teams with the BEST players of North America, South America, parts of Europe, and parts of Asia come to the US and live in a house together to simply play CS. The thing is, those players will only be able to play/stand each other for so long until someone has had enough. The problems tend to start showing their true colors after a couple months because the hype will ride for about that long while they are “clicking”, but after that, shit rolls down hill faster than a mudslide and creates the permanent issue where a team member or team members will eventually quit, or cut the problem out completely and create the void where they NEVER play together again. At that point, 5 of the best players in the world may or may not have improved individually or as a team just went to waste. That’s what I’m seeing if people continue the idea in believing it’s “okay” for someone to not fix the problems they are forcing on others.

Honestly, I played CS for 5 years, a game where I had to play with racists, assholes, douchebags, and even in some cases child molesters. I realized after long enough, I could not enjoy playing and it really effected my drive to even wan to get on to play the game. I am saying this right now, my biggest draw to the SF4 community up here is the camaraderie I saw back in April-July.

I will not continue playing a game where people think it’s okay to disregard someone’s behavior because of their skill, I wouldn’t give a fuck if it was Daigo in my house, if he was being a dick, he’s getting the boot. I have come to the decision that I cannot, and will not, be drawn into another game where I have to deal with this bullshit again.

You all seem to have the understanding that the only way to improve is to become and egotistical asshole, but that’s not the case. It requires Dedication, Discipline, and Desire, as long as you have those 3 things in mind, nothing else will improve your gameplay in strides as much as those virtues. Please believe this is not a joke, I and a lot of other people ENJOY playing the game competitively, I enjoy improving in something I do competitively, but I do not let that interfere with my ability to remain respectful, courteous, and friendly in any aspect.

To no one in particular: But don’t let a game dictate your personality/mentality, you are the one playing the game, not the game playing you.

It was never about characters. It doesn’t matter who you use or who you play, if you aren’t playing with a passion behind it, hell if you aren’t playing period, it helps no one. Especially if you’re telling yourself and everyone else that you’ve got the hunger to become better/great at the game. It’s easy to see who has the drive to become better, and it’s the people who actually enjoy playing this game. That’s who this thread is targeting. I can use a lot of different characters in SFIV, but if the people I’m playing aren’t being pushed by those characters then what’s the point? That would almost be no different from sandbagging because they certainly aren’t benefiting from it. If they aren’t pushing me, even with me using secondaries than what’s the point? That’s what this thread is about. Here’s what people need to understand…

A-While it’s SFIV centered, it’s not SFIV exclusive. This is a problem that more than likely affects every non Marvel game that has a scene here.
B-Mickey isn’t blaming anybody by stating that he doesn’t have a drive to play because of how the scene is. Cause if he did that, it would be no different from someone of years past am I right? Also, along the lines of “drive” guess what? I don’t have it either. If it wasn’t for Frank convincing me to join TW, I wouldn’t be playing SFIV right now.
C-No Mickey isn’t telling you what games to play, nor how much to play.

I don’t wanna post anymore. DON’T REPLY TO ME PLZ!:hitit::hitit::hitit:

Mickey is not the high allmighty when it comes to learning SFIV, granted he is a good teacher and is willing to give advice and talk turkey about the game. But there are other outlets, you could’ve talked to ME about Bison since I play him. The point of you bitching about Bison wasn’t about you bitching about Bison. It’s about how you would be super hyped to learn and get good at SFIV on Tuesday, then come Friday you would act all depressed and talk shit about how dumb the game is. I said it before and I’ll say it again, how can I take someone serious with that kind of attitude.

I think the big issue with the community is that it’s still young. You might think otherwise, but look at how many new people we have for SFIV and compare it to Marvel. There are A LOT (Riki, Ghrrk, Pat, Jacob, Josh, Bokkin, Mikehascookies, Team Jurassic, Ceramic Sugar, BowflexMike, Duggish, Jalapno, the list goes on and on), as new players, they have a lot to learn. What they need is some kind of guidance, I’m doing the BEST that I can do to do that. I haven’t touched upon everyone yet, but there are a few individuals that I’ve spread knowledge to (Dugg, Jared, Ghrrk, and Riki prior to EVO is one great example). These are people that I see that are wanting to get beter (and have since the first time I saw them), and more importantly they listen, not just to advice but just about other things relating to fighting games. The old cats from Seattle can’t do this shit forever, but Team Seattle will always have a place in my heart, no one fucking spends almost 10 years of their time towards something unless they actually really have a passion for it, and I want to make sure that when my time comes to bow out of the scene, I know that the scene will carry on and be as strong as it’s ever been when I first laid my quarter into the SilverCoin MvC2 cabinet so many years ago.

^Jared … that was not what I was referring to…I understand not allowing a person to be at your house because they disrespect you home and self without remorse or care…but to plain not let them even try and some over because a)you don’t know them b)you don’t hang/ are buddies with them…is kinda wack and not really in my opinion good for anybody…Me and Mickey may not get along but hey if I had the opportunity I’d play Mikey FT50 or FT100 any day I could. When I start to have sessions he’s more than welcome over as is anyone until they do what first mentioned. If a game changes you that’s weird…I’m just crazy competitive that’s how I’ve always been and I don’t care who you are I’ll play you to better me or you…either way practice is practice.

edit: Frank I know you just recently moved out but sometime in the future (month or so) if I could play you and talk mind games that’d be awesome (I ask you this because we are on sorta the same schedule :midnights: and think it’d be pretty easy to do) if not that’s alright just that’s a huge aspect lacking in my game and I need someone experienced (lookin for anyone) to help

So I didn’t show up to some stuff two years ago, give me a break. If I was in a position to hold sessions at my house, I would.

This thread is probably going to be closed soon lol

That’s not myself misunderstanding it, the point needs to get across that if someone has done something wrong and needs to fix it, they need to fix it, plain and simple. The other thing is, for myself at least, if I get on somebody’s nerves while I’m at their house and I can sense that, I’ll lay low for a little while because if they don’t tell me, and I can sense that there is tension, maybe I’ve been forcing too much Vitamin-jalapNo down their throat in a short period of time. I’m like a time-release supplement in this analogy, I’m good in small dosages, preventing an OD of jalapNo is the way to keep things straight. It doesn’t mean the person doesn’t like me, or isn’t my homie, it means that I need to take it down a notch.
I try to be very self-aware in all public situations, keeping myself in check at all times when in the presence of others because I know I have ADHD that I don’t take medicine for. I have grown to the point as an individual that if I can’t keep myself in check, why would I force an unchecked jalapNo on others? It’s rude.

The point being for example, Frank, Dugg and myself live together now, but we ALL understand boundaries and space. We all are VERY respectful of each other’s personal property, personal time, and personal lives. We see each other everyday, and play the same game every day. It’s not a bad thing that we give each other space or time away from one another, it helps preserve our relationship as friends, room mates, and team mates on Team Seattle.

We don’t have to be homies to play SF4, but we do have to be homies to kick it. I don’t want to kick it with someone who is being a dick/disrupting my flow of chakra, that kind of shit gets you the Kaoken x50 treatment.

Good and Evil, Love and Hate, Happiness and Anger all work mutually as Yin and Yang do. I believe there will always be assholes where there are good people, but the free will and choices I’m allowed to make are made in the best interest of my own well-being.

We got off-topic: I’m done discussing Ban lists and having them constantly misinterpreted, especially with me trying to curb/quit smoking, the lack of nicotine will more than likely slam me hard enough to snap if this continues.

If I end this on any note, let it be this: You do NOT have to be an asshole/douchebag/angry mother’ucker to have drive and improve. You do have to be a respectful/nice/genuine person if you expect other’s to do the same and kick it.

How can a person improve if that person has no one to play with? I can’t simply say it’s their problem if it’s everyone saying the same thing? It’s not a conspiracy against me, it’s them trying to let me know my own personality flaws that I should squash before I can mature as a person and as a player.

Plus all Keith’s work you never put up. :rofl:

wow jarded that post had some quotes…vitamin jalapeno…chakra flows…wow i’m impressed but I guess we’re on the same page…just saying it differently.

For sure man, I’m not just trying to better myself as a player, but also as a person. Because at the end of all this, what happens if/when i stop playing SF4? Are people going to want me around anymore?

I don’t want that, not with the people I share common goals, interests, and built a relationship with.

fuck hungry, jared i hope youre thirsty! saturday, 10 long islands, you can do it!

mickey and i say this a lot, WHAT ARE YOU PLAYING FOR? try to figure that out, and dont lie to yourself.

its not about just playing hella, watching videos, knowing matchups/frame data and going to sessions/tourneys. any jackoff can do that, and say they wanna be the best. seek out the competition, gain the knowledge, practice what you learn, spread the knowledge to try and help everyone you play get better and evaluate/reflect on your game if you wanna be competitive. as captain planet said, THE POWER IS YOURRRRRRS.

i do not represent anyone but myself with my continuing statement.

the desires of man differ from man to man, so if you guys aren’t hungry, or mickey’ d isn’t hungry but you love the game… you can make yourself hungry play a second character. if your ryu/sagat/gief/gouki is so godlike sf4 is easy as shit you aren’t going to forget but it’s not going to help the scene if you just stick to your mains the whole time. honostly if you have love your hungry if your hunger is suppresed find a different meal. if it’s worth it you’ll find a way to be hungry.


i play 3s i don’t care if no one here does i will drive to sunnyvale california for a fucking tournament if thats not hungry i don’t know what is.

so like i said if you don’t like whats on the menu change it up.