Yoshimitsu Video Thread

Just had a pretty good set vs lewis24. :slight_smile: It was weird to play vs another good Yoshi player that actually knew my setups and knew how to counter/punish everything I did. :eek:

Great use of alpha counter btw. It’s definitely something I need to start using more.

Anyway, hopefully I’ll be able to upload the matches soon.

Here are some I saved. I use yoshimitsu mostly as a “trap card”. If you get caught slipping, you eat a ton of damage, even more now that i worked out some good Jin/Yosh combos last night.


Cool team. :slight_smile:

I liked the pressure string into Windmill in the first video. You used Yoshi’s normals to push the opponent just enough at a distance where they would be tempted to counter poke and that’s when you threw a Windmill out to catch their poke attempt. Nice.

3 things I’d like to see you use more: Back teleport to get out of pressure, the air target combo and Yoshi’s overhead when you pressure either on knockdown or after a jump in.

Also, you can be a little predictable with EX Slap U Silly. Everytime you had 2 meters you always went for the EX SUS tag which is good but can also be baited pretty easily.

Thanks for the tips. I know i need to chill with the SUS tag, its still a crutch for me, but I must learn to control it. Secondly, Im terrified to use his overhead. I ALWAYS get knocked out of it and it leaves you -4 on block. its so easy to see, and punish, but ill take your advice.

didnt know he had an air target combo…herp to the derp.

and the back teleport kept resulting in unwanted supers…but then i realized i could use kick.

A few matches, the first Steve iv fought that was actually doing stuff and another guy using pandora extend gems just randomly activating it, probably just testing it or something the way his just does it both rounds. And fighting Vulcan Hades was really fun, Yoshimitsu mirror matches feel really weird, dealing with another Yoshimitsus flea stands is so awkward.

[spoiler= [media=youtube]y2v-VjKtxlc[/media] [media=youtube]75IX4gsn6fY[/media] [media=youtube]HBvrBgXFK1Q[/media]]

I really wish I had the confidence you guys have in Yoshimitsu. I will definitely be visiting this thread more often to study.

Dug- good shit. Always nice to see more Yoshi players, specially ones that post vids. Definitely keep working, but you’re already doing some good stuff, you got a good Jin so your team will be even stronger when you pick up some more Yoshi tricks. I liked that you were using Cr Hp on the ground pretty well, instead of just relying on windmill (one of my bad habits). Also using the ex sus is good, though I might use Ex stone fists instead because of it hitting low, and if it gets blocked you can hold back and you should be more safe than a blocked Ex SUS. Check out the oki setups thread and the tech thread for other useful info.

Lewis- wow, you are really starting to make good use of all of Yoshi’s normals. I like that you are using regular stone fists to mix in lows. I also like the meaty PB setups after a knockdown followed by lk’s into whatever. You and Vulcan do a good job of showing how Yoshi can keep opponents guessing and continue pressure even though so much of his stuff is unsafe.

btw lewis feel free to upload some of our matches because I currently can’t get the vids from my cam to the computer for some reason.

I’m going to put some up today, i actually didn’t because I thought u would.

Couple Matches from a set me and Vulcan Hades ran a couple days ago.
[spoiler= [media=youtube]KrmZCA2YhCo[/media]

Good shit. Thanks for uploading those. :slight_smile:

Looking forward to our next encounter. :china:

Great Fights. WTF at your Yoshimitsu changing colors between rounds lol.

Is the flee slide worth the risk as a wake up stuffer? I saw you go for it a few times, and when blocked, led to a full combo.
Second. WTF at teleport tag?!?!?!?!? thats dope. will definitely be adding that to my game.

What advantage does j.mp have over j.hp?

Sorry for all the questions, but you guys seem to know what your doing. I got to quarter (maybe) semi finals at a tourney this past friday (Red bank rumble Bi weeklys) with Jin Yosh. most were surprised. got shut down by grover’s guile.

Slide doesn’t really stuff wake up attacks, Flea jump does but it’s super risky and more of a gimmick I like to do to troll /mindfuck people haha. But against another experienced Yoshimitsu player it will rarely work.

Flea jump can stuff any wake up attack that comes into contact with the sword part. It also hits overhead (not the high jump version though) so it’s kind of a ghetto mixup with Slide. In my experience, the headbutt often hits if you have conditioned them to stand block in anticipation of the flea jump. But the problem with jumping flea is that if you neutral jump or cross-over jump, Yoshi can be punished with a full combo no matter if they block the sword or not. So I don’t know if I can really recommend it. tbh I think Windmill and back teleport (with kicks) are better if you’re looking to bait/punish reversals.

j.mp has more priority (better and longer horizontal hitbox) so it’s an excellent air to air normal that rarely trades. Store a counter hit, then j.mp tag cancel for some smart switch combo. :slight_smile:

j.hp hits downwards so if you neutral jump or jump forward it will likely lose to a lot of air to air attacks. It’s still good for jump ins and back jumps but it kinda sucks for air to air.

I’m not sure what you mean.

You teleported behind him, vanished while your partner ran out. let me find the mark on the video


Lol never mind, i couldnt even tell what the fuck was going on. Lewis teleported towards you, and you hard tagged. what it looked like was he teleported, ended up behind you, while juri ran out. just kind of was a visual mind fuck.

More matches
[Spoiler= [media=youtube]feeyFsKva4U[/media]

Great stuff Lewis. Mixing up your oki game real well, I never know what you’re going to do next, so I can only imagine how confusing it is for your opponents.

Always great to see Ex Suicide get put into the mix of course, very cool.

That cross-under reset in the last vid was gross, as was the near double perfect in the second video (great air-to-air confirm for the kill).

lewis, man… Why you so godlike? lol

Lots of awesome things going on in those matches. I’m definitely going to steal that cross-under setup from you. :slight_smile:

Some recent matches. Nothing fancy though, just the usual trolling. :slight_smile:


[media=youtube]TwTthIHjJHw[/media] [media=youtube]W7SdIZwEsQ8[/media] [media=youtube]NcOyt4HM-7U[/media]

I have a lot of bad habbits I need to change. I noticed I tend to be predictable on knockdowns and when I have a counter hit stored.

Nice matches, i need to try ducking under jump ins in flea stance more, its like your annoying your opponents to death which is hilarious to watch.

lol yeah I love doing that. I sometimes do it like 2-3 times in a row and they’re like: “wtf, I can’t even touch him!” So they eventually stop jumping on me and just stand there for a few seconds trying to figure out what to do about it. That’s when I catch them off guard with a slide or poison breath. :slight_smile:

And if they do jump in when I slide I go under them and can usually teleport away safely. And even if I get hit during slide recovery I’m airborne so they can rarely get a full combo on me.

Doesn’t work on all jump ins though. Yoshi can’t duck under Kazuya’s j.hk for example.