Yoshimitsu Video Thread

Hhhoooo Mai gahd, that ex pb> Lk xx ex suicide reset was fucking amazing.

Also I thought that might be your tag. Already put one of your videos in the team synergy thread if you don’t mind.

Woah, thanks for the vids guys. They’re giving me a lot of ideas to improve my Yoshimitsu. :slight_smile:

One thing you guys made me realize is I don’t use Poison Wind Steel Fist enough. I always try to fish for the overhead counter hit but never follow the overhead with MP tag cancel. So I miss a lot of opportunities to land good damage because of this.

I also liked how that japanese player added a standing jab to his BnB just to get the timing and spacing for his ambiguous cross-up/safe jump.

This. :smiley: So beautiful to watch. I never tried to land it in a real match but good to see it works.

Dumb computer fell asleep and didnt upload the rest, they’re on their way though.

also that Ex Suicide reset is doubly amazing because Ex suicide does soooo much damage.
EDIT: added a few more, might record some more tonight, if not then sometime this week.



That cr.lp anti-air surprised me. :slight_smile:

Also good use of the cr.lp, cr.mp, cr.hp chain to create some spacing.

Here comes another batch, I’ll keep adding as they get uploaded.


These next two look the same but are two different fights.
This next match is great, especially the last round:
This is me playing with my Yoshi/first day Cammy. Felt a little too braindead playing Hei and wanted to use those fast normals to bring Yoshi in more often.

more of my matches




That first video is great! Awesome using the poison breath ending to set up the air target combo.
That second round was pretty much perfect.

A few more matches.






I never noticed how little chip windmill does, and how do you make you post to where people have the click on spoiler to open it?

That last match, last round was spectacular. All those air target combos.

As for spoilers: (spoiler= whatever the spoiler is)(/spoiler) but with brackets []

Thanks i dont want all of my video post to take up so much space.

Recorded an assorted range of Yoshi partner videos to add to the synergy thread when I feel like updating it. Will be 11 vids total when I’m done uploading so if there’s less check back later.




A lot of neat things going on in Lewis24’s matches. :slight_smile:

Those uses of Yoshi’s target combo inspired me to come up with a bunch of new setups for it. And I’m also working on some setups for Yoshimitsu’s overhead and windmill. Still haven’t tried them in a real match but from the looks of it I think it could be really effective. :smiley:

Might post a vid later…

edit: haven’t watched mugetsu’s new vids yet…

They arent anything special really, just collecting replays with as many partners for yoshi as possible for the team synergy thread.

Cant wait to hear those setups, my Yoshi needs all the help he can get!

That third match from mugetsu is the one i saw online where the guy block while in flea with the gem.

Got another batch here, even got some Lei action if you guys were thinking about picking him up when he comes out. This is like the first time I’ve seen gameplay of a DLC character where the players were actually going at it, and the player using the DLC char actually knew what he was doing. Also more vids of that Boxer/Yoshi player now playing Nina/Yoshi, and others.



A couple of Vulcans as he starts to incorporate his Air TC setup options. He has much better videos of him successfully trolling with flea and the like but I’ll let him put up those when he wants. His movement is getting really fluid and crazy. I thought were good games (specially the last round of the second vid). Also Abel is dangerous.
This dude gets mindfucked a few times.
And some of mine. In this first vid I land one of Vulcans Air TC setups, woot woot. Too bad it’s on another Yoshi…and too bad it’s a random jump fest, but whatever, progress is progress. Not enough people quickstand BTW…no fun. Got those 2x jump crossups for rolls though.

Vulcan matches are funny to watch imagining what the other guy is thinking, that Lei video was pretty cool to see, i plan on trying half of the DLC with Yoshi when they come out if i get a chance.
I wont be able to play much in the next couple weeks so i just uploaded this video showing that crouching in flea avoids a couple characters jump ins and i think whiffed jumps have recovery to them, so anyways i think if you stand up at the right time you can punish them and that combos into the sliding flea attack but i forgot to put the combos into the video. When he is rising it also seems to beat some moves that would usually hit him or trade in this situation. I might be missing something here so i was seeing if anyone else would mess with this. Also if you block a cross up and do a back teleport with punches super will come out, they need to fix this.
[spoiler= [media=youtube]Sw0IY9j90-A[/media]

I want to make Yoshimitsu/King work but I can’t seem to win consistently with that team. I struggle too much with King defensively and on wake up. And both Yoshimitsu and King have some trouble with zoning characters… I also started playing with Yoshimitsu/Hugo but again it’s the same problem. I get blown up fast vs Ryu/Guile/Sagat/Chun Li/Raven/Dhalsim teams.

@mugetsu: lol I like the fact that in the 3 videos you chose my new Yoshi setups never worked once. :stuck_out_tongue: I don’t know if people are getting smarter but I see a lot less quick stands and rolls. I think people are starting to realize that normal recovery presents slightly less risk than the other 2.

Yeah don’t feel bad, that 0bp dude was the only guy that I got to quick stand for my setup…-_-

Do we have normal recovery tech in the oki thread? Gotta go through that again.

And yeah my pal has King on his team and has some trouble. He wanted to main king but he ended up maining Law since he has a better game overall and has answers for zoning. Plus he has a Fuerte alt (my pal is Wander from the Fuerte forums, been maining Fuerte since vanilla unfortunately for me).

Well here’s recent match.


Skip to last round for some sweet anti-Dhalsim technology. :slight_smile: Someone left a youtube comment mentioning how effective EX Windmill is in this matchup. It’s funny I never even thought about using EX Windmill to whiff punish Sim’s limbs or fireballs. But I think those 2 tricks can help bring this matchup much closer to 5-5.

That last round is hilarious, i have yet to try that against him but i think it because my Akuma seems to always be out against him.

We should run some matches if our connections work. I played one guy before in Canada and it was playable, or anybody else on xbl who whats to play.
tag is lillewis24
i wont be on for a couple weeks tho.