?Yoga Book Hyper

The entire book is 200 pages long which would be very painful to scan in its entirety!

The good news is that the first part of the book is the frame data which I’ve posted. The second part of the book is the strategy guide, the essence of which has been translated and is available here: http://super-turbo.net/

With both of those elements on your hard drive, you’re not really missing anything of value.

I’m more interested on the pages that talk about how the engine works, (Mainly throw priority and hit stun/block stun/hit stop frame data.) since I’m actually planing on making a PC version of ST in the future.
How many pages talk about the game engine ?
BTW I can’t believe I really typed “You’re rock”. :lol:

Then I hope you’re also interested in Japanese :rofl:

Nice. I don’t have an Xbox or PS3 so This is the only way for me to get Hitbox information. Thank you so much.

I don’t believe all the intricacies of throw priority have been identified, and I doubt the information is in the YBH. Throw ranges are known because of the work T.Akiba has done, which I have summarized here.

There is one page in the YBH that lays out hit stun, block stun, etc. It is utterly incomprehensible unless you read Japanese (which I don’t), but in one of the forum threads (I forget which one), someone provides a translation which I reference in a post on my blog here (and which might be wrong - I invite people to correct me!)

Hope that helps!

Thanks a bunch, man!

Every time I click on this thread I have to try really hard not to burst into song. There’s just… so much love in me right now.

Thanks, I hope the hit/blockstun data is right.

I was looking through some old threads and CigarBob posted about it, so it is almost certainly correct.

1/2 frame air hurricane kick was funny as hell when I translate what was really happening. LOL!

Did YBH have data on the Old characters?

Unfortunately not.

For the most part it didn’t. There were little snippets here and there comparing for example, Ryu’s shoryuken, Guile’s Flash Kick, and a few other things over the course of several games.

None of which included the old characters. So if ST o.Ryu has 1 less frame somewhere in his dp or 1 pixel more range compared to SSF2 Ryu, we’ll never know.

Actually, we do know that. It’s on p. 10. The comparisons of Ryu’s jab DP denote that O. Ryu has the same 4 frames of start up, but has 4 more active hit frames, and 4 more invincibility frames relative to ST Ryu.

On p. 27, you can see that O. Ryu’s j. Rh has the same 8 frames that it hits as his ST counterpart. However, the hitbox for O. Ryu is about twice the size in height as ST Ryu, and if you draw three vertical lines to create 2 rectangles and a square in ST Ryu’s j RH blue hitboxes (where he can be hit), in O. Ryu, the blue “square” that you have created with the vertical lines, is not there. O. Ken’s j. RH has the exact same properties as O. Ryu that I have just described.

On p. 28, there are comparisons of O. Hawk’s s. RH, c. Medium, and what looks like his j. down + Medium (I dont play Hawk, sorry…).

On p. 34 there are comparisons between all of Guile’s c. mediums from all the SF games.

Sorry man, there are only snippets of old characters covered in YBH, but the ones I had mentioned, it’s all there.

That’s SSF2 character data. It’s not at all clear whether SSF2 is equivalent (intentionally or unintentionally) to ST old.

The change most folks know about are all the new cancelable moves in ST old (e.g. Fei’s c.LK, c. MP, c.MK; Sagat’s second-hit LK & MK). There’s a complex system involved in determining what old moves from Super are cancelable in ST old. Whether it’s deliberate or not isn’t clear but regardless, the difference is there and noticeable.

And the change I always mention is that whenever o.claw’s wall dive results in a hit in ST old, the opponent always falls towards the wall you dove on (instead of opposite the direction you hit them as in SSF2 and ST new).

So considering these strange changes, if Ryu had 1 more active frame or a pixel more range on his dp by some strange accident while converting from SSF2 to ST old, then who would know? That’s why we can’t blithely trust YBH to provide ST old info; it only provides a bit of data on SSF2 proper.

thanks for the answers guys!

you’ve already answered your own question with your pic.

HDR Hawk has Old Hawk’s normals, that’s why his hitboxes are sightly different.

OF COURSE! how could’ve i forgotten, somehow i assumed that the yoga book covered o.hawks. silly me, thanks though!