?Yoga Book Hyper

I have 2 copies… Why yes, it is an addiction

I got mine.

Ever since i heard about the yoga book i’ve been on a mission to get my hands on one. To this day, nothing. Question though, has the yoga book helped any you who own it up your game significantly? Please share your stories before and after using/reading/learning the yoga book

If you’ve read most every topic here, it won’t really help you much. It gives you some general statistical info (e.g. hit frames from jumping attacks, cancelable moves) that have already been mentioned here scattered around. All of the numbers can already be found in JP web sites (a lot of it on T.Akiba’s site).

It gives you some trivia that won’t affect you much. It gives hitboxes that are already shown real-time with full animation in HDR. It gives basic strategies that won’t be comprehensible if you don’t understand Japanese and which are almost entirely translated on AxelK’s website.

So is the Yoga Book Hyper really still worth it if you already have HDR and access to the net? I highly doubt it. The most valued info in it were the hitbox images but HDR gives that to you at every point of each move. It’s still a fun, quality reference book that offers comprehensive info at your fingertips though.

It has a higher value then that at least… it shows the changes made to frame rates of some of the most broken normals and special attacks in the game.

Knowing the history of a game gives you better insight to what the programmers
invisioned for the characters and the system as whole. Inturn making you a better and strong player in any fighting game because you have the knowledge to know what to look for.

And it gives you the magic key to the universe of understanding character balance and system creation that which you can use repeatedly on all of the other Street Fighter in the series.

Just post the damn scans will ya! I don’t care what they say. I need one convenient pdf or img to use, instead of having to troll forums for slight tips that could be inaccurate.

I hear ya m8

…anyone ? =(

I’ve scanned the pages that contain frame data for Ryu, Ken (N.Ken), Chun-li, Guile, Blanka, and Zangief here: http://grandmasterchallenge.blogspot.com/2009/07/ybh-scans.html

I’ll scan the pages for the other members of the cast within the next week.

Enjoy! I had to chew up my copy of the YBH to do this, so if you want to rep me I won’t complain :wink:

thank you geo :smiley:

I love how they have a huge section just dedicated to blankas neutral jump fierce.

Thank you so much dude

Thank you soooo much, dude. You are such a beastly man!!! :rock:

I’ll get a vagina so I can have your children.
No homo.


Thanks a bunch. This is a hugely useful resource.

It just happened. Thanks.

Thank you very much! Would it be possible to scan at a slightly higher resolution though? I can’t read certain numbers, like the invincibility frames.

Ok, they’re all up now at a higher resolution. Enjoy!

Link: http://grandmasterchallenge.blogspot.com/2009/07/ybh-scans.html

Awesome, thank you sir!!

You rock.
BTW, would it be possible to scan the entire book ?