?Yoga Book Hyper

INH no longer prints it (which means they no longer make any money from it as well), and it seems no online stores have it, so I guess there’s no reason to not scan it now.
What do you guys think ?

Yes please!

It’s a guide that’s included with the Insanity DVD - THE STARTING OVER HYPER STREET FIGHTER II that contains frame data, hitboxes, and some extra info.
It’s said to be the ST bible. Getting it scanned (and translated) would help the community a lot.

hit boxes would b ehell yes.

pdf it up, then torrent it

Not everyone can use torrents, so I think it would be a better idea if it were uploaded on RS/MU.

right on

Oh wow!!! (Double-check with the mods before you actually post it so you don’t get infracted.)

People have done similar things before and didn’t get banned, so…
Ah, fuck it, I’m PMing NKI.

If it’s out of print, I have no problem with this.

But keep in mind that the four bosses (MrWizard, s-kill, Ponder, and inkblot) have the power to veto.

Well, I know plenty of other mooks have been posted here in full before.

I know I got the “All About Vampire” from the forums here. I’d really like to get at the frame/hitbox data in the Yoga Book again. A friend had one and sold it a while back

also want this badly!

as long as no money changes hands, and the book isnt available to buy anywhere, we are fine with it.

Ohhh hohohohooO!!

I couldn’t find any for sale. I would probably buy it for a reasonable price; in addition to downloading it for free.

It’s a nice collector’s item.


I’ll happily host it on www.streetfighterguide.comli.com under it’s own section.

I can help with translation IF someone gets decent scans, PM if you have access to the book.

Also: I’m looking for other out of print guides, like the US made Alpha2 one. Help? PM please.

Put that shit up!

Oh, love the new avatar, Wiz :rofl:

Like I said - i’d love to host the Yoga Book translations on www.streetfighterguide.comli.com. I’d even give em’ their own section damnit!

PM or email me, it’s my username here @ hotmail.com

Everybody wants to host it, but nobody wants to scan the entire thing :). btw, does somebody actually have the book?

I do.