This thread is so golden it absolutely deserves a bump. I do not want any diehard ST players to miss out!
For anyone looking at characters’ normals, after a lot of thinking and searching and comparing, I’m 100% sure that THE CIRCLED NUMBER is the damage inflicted by that attack.
So what would someone think about uploading a torrent of the Insanity DVD included with the YBH (if anyone even has it)? I’ve been dying to see those matches for a very long time. A lot of them are on YouTube, but not all; not to mention I’d also like to see the AE and ST casuals.
Anyone know what those 3 blue boxes are for above the frame data windows? Like one says “SC” and there are two others. Sometimes they are grayed out. What do these mean?
I’ve got a few questions:
-i quickly compared yoga book hyper framedata with T.akiba page,and for dee jay i noticed a few differences,though the whole thing seems similar roughly
ex;deejay stand roundhouse.
-for certain moves hitting frames are split into 2 parts in t akiba,why?
ex:dee jay far stand strong
-also the yoga book hyper does not mention recovery frames for jumping moves,why?
-and anyone can tell me how many invincibility frame on theses moves,i can’t read:sad:
Machine gun upper,jacknife kick,super
thanks in advance
Does anyone know if YBH has been transcribed? That is, available in selectable text?
Reason being I’m learning Japanese and figured what better way than to go through the guide and try to translate things for myself. My only problem is deciphering some of the kanji from te PDF scans. Also, for the kanji I CAN make out, I don’t have a good way of entering them into a dictionary or search engine. Anyone have any advice?