*XBL HDR Tournament*

how long until this starts?

15 minutes.

Record matches people!

I think Thelo and exposed are recording.


this whole tournament is a joke, prodigy is DQ’d because Cvital didn’t show up on time to play our match and Cvital’s character hasn’t even been listed down here so he can just pick anyone.

Prodigy and Lyghts out agreed that Prodigy will play later and of course none of that matters now because lyghts out isnt even running his own tournament.

just lettin everyone know not to take this shiv serious, its only been on for a few minutes and already its out of control


Ok i won my match against lyghts, so i said i gotta go out to dinner with the fam. This tourney is lasting allweekend. But me and pup can still play when i get back. But lyghts am i really DQd? Cus i agreed with you id play pup later tonight.

Thelo is running this now and he messaged me saying u were DQd and I had to play both lyghts out and cvital, he didnt even know u beat lyghts out.

i tried to tell him u and lyghts agreed u will play cvital l8r but he didnt even bother listening and just kept repeating that i had to play or we were both disqualified.

im pretty sure lyghts said cvital was going to use dhalsim but he used chun li instead and of course cvital’s character hadnt been confirmed yet so he could go with anyone.

furthermore according to thelo this tournament has to finish tonight which is why he said WE had to hurry up even after cvital didnt bother showing up on time.

like i said, this tournament has already gone to pot.

LMFAO, i just looked at the bracket and Thelo has let GJ go through past me and Prodigy without even messaging us with our opponent on Xbox LIVE. He told me I wouldnt be playing for a while and now just decides to bye this guy even tho I have been sitting by my Xbox this whole time and have recieved nothing. WHAT A JOKE THIS TOURNAMENT IS.

Messaged Thelo five minutes ago and no reply…

THIS IS BULLSHIT MAN!!! I beat lyghts! and Now its vitals turn. Seriously thelo get on your shit if it has to finish tonight alright but cvital has to fight me and Q. Lyghts will tell you himself…

Il be back in 30 now i gonna handle this shit cause foreal this is some fishy shit…

this tournament is a joke, Thelo can’t run shit.

Thelo left around 5 PM EST/2PM PST, if you went into chat maybe communication could gone through a lot smoother. XBL Live is crap for messaging. This really had to move on, changes had to be made and people who weren’t ready had to be cut. Yeah it sucks that you guys didn’t get to move forward cause you’re both really good players, but I don’t think it’s fair to make 5-7 people wait for 1 or 2. Maybe next time.

That being said, I’d say cut Lyghts some slack since it was his first team HDR tourny. It is actually quite a chore to manage even something as small as a 12 man online tournament with one person behind the reins. He’ll take it as a learning experience and if he chooses to host another one next time, it will be better for everyone. My advice to you Lyghts, whether you take it or not, is to host these online tournaments with control. Get an extra person (aka Thelo) or 2 and have one control the chat room, and one for XBL content. You’re gonna need to make decisions that are not going to please everyone, but you have to do what needs to be done if you want things to move along smoother. Try scouting out when people are usually available, and schedule a tournament around that. Decide exactly how much of a grace period one person has if they are late, what the consequence will be, and make sure to clearly state it in your opening post. Plan ahead and think of what scenarios could occur (i.e, no shows, partner late, etc.) and form rules around what will happen in each case. These are just a few things I think you missed out on in this tournament. Things happen, but now you know. You should host another one, I think you’ll do a better job. Good luck.

Good games to everyone I played; had some really crazy good matches that had me fueled up.
Thanks and job well done to you, Thelo, for maintaining things in the chat room and salvaging what you could for the tournament.

this tournament is soooooo bad, prodigy gets DQd cos his opponent turns up late then Thelo gives GJ a bye past us in the losers bracket without even notifying either me or Prodigy about the match. and isnt this a 2 v 2 tourny? wat is a single person entering this tourny for anyway. and cvital doesnt even list his character so he is free to pick either chun li to counter balrog or dhalsim to counter guile depending on who he had to play in an obviously rigged match-up.

this tourny is soooo bad, learn to understand basic english Thelo then learn to run a basic tournament with only a handful of players in it.

Thelo was only messaging me through XBL and never told me to go to chat once. And I did not recieve a game invite from GJ nor a message from him so either Thelo is a jackass or GJ lied to Thelo.

And Lyghts 0ut deserves no slack, he is not even the one running this tourny, he abondoned it and didnt even tell Thelo that Prodigy beat him or that prodigy and him agreed that prodigy would play cvital when prodigy gets back online and that they would wait for prodigy.

Lyghts didnt even bother posting the names of all the characters people would be using and he knew what he was doing because he obviously didnt write Cvital’s so that cvital could choose either sim or chun to counter appropiately. ps. he rigged us to play his team.

And please dont thank Thelo for ‘salvaging’ the tournament, he didnt run shit properly, he didnt know what was going on and who ends up suffering? WA, just like lyghts 0ut would have wanted.

I thought the tournament was fine. If people can’t make it and they have to leave, they just shouldn’t play. That is all there is to it. Nothing against you SMQ but it sucks to wait for that long, immortal and I won all our matches and were sitting there for an hour waiting for you and your partner to figure stuff out. It was lyghts’s first tournament and I think just the fact that he ran one is awesome. Sorry I had to bail but I told someone I would meet them around 2 ish I didn’t think it would take this long to get it done. who won by the way?

i think its still going. daniel and keefe vs cvital and lights.

… wow. That was exhausting.

Grats to lyghts and cvital for winning the tournament, thanks to everyone who participated, GGs to everyone I played and special thx to danielx510 for teaming up with me - you did excellently! :rock:

EDIT - oh wow. drama

You get in return what you put in. If you were taking it seriously you would have checked this topic to keep up to date and pop into the chat room at least once. After my game, I asked around to see if you and your partner were still around to play and I was told you were DQ’ed and to move on. You can’t expect everyone to revolve around you. Why didn’t you invite me if you knew we were suppose to play?

Seeing as how it was his first time running it, I’d say he deserves the slack. No one is perfect.

You’re being too paranoid. Not everyone is out to make you look like a fool or trying to trap you in whatever way. Cvital played Chun all the way through and did a fine job doing it.

Don’t take offense to this, because I’m not meaning to insult you or anything, but you are being too obnoxious and arrogant. Thelo couldn’t have known the full scale of what was going on because it wasn’t his tournament, he was just trying to move things along because no one was stepping up. And no, it wasn’t just WA that suffered. Everyone who had to wait hours for even just one match suffered. Those who took time out of their weekend to participate only to end up leaving after waiting too long suffered. If you didn’t want to be screwed in the end, you gotta put in the effort to have your voice heard clearly.