*XBL HDR Tournament*

Yes the tournament is still on. Everyone that hasn’t posted/messaged me your teammate have until Friday to do so or I’m not adding you in.

Prodigy (Guile) & SMQ (Balrog)
Cvital (Chun Li) & Lights (Sagat)
Blue (Blanka) & Mongolorobokop
Jameswalton & Afro Cole
Howmuchkeefe (Cammy) & Danielx510 (Zangief)
Thelo (Honda) & Blitz (Ryu)
GJ (<3, Balrog) & Evoanon (Zangief)
Exposed (Bison) & Caes (Guile)
ImmortalBMW (Vega) & Decoy (Blanka)
Zoolander (Sagat) & Engravings (Vega)
People who haven’t found a partner yet are:

Mad Possum
Ashman NW

Oh yeah yeah, direct all messages etc to Lyghts 0ut now. No more Piston Honda x, it was temporary while I figured out wtf was going on with my orig. acct.

So how do we organize this? A chat room or something?

Alright so, I need suggestions on the prize now. Apparently they don’t make 800 point cards (like they do 1600 point cards). So, I need to know how the eff I’m gonna do this now.

@Thelo, yeah that chat you suggested is perfect. Shiiit, you should’ve organized this. Ever since my baby was born it’s been tough to think about anything but her lol, I’m just all scatter brained.

Efnet IRC

Alright cool, should I set it up now then?

Oh lol! Holy shit, thanks Blitz!

Waiting to hear back from Reno, he thought the tourney was today:facepalm:

Hah, alright. I’ll wait a bit longer to get the match-up process started then.


Engravings using claw I’m using sagat.

Prodigy (Guile) & SMQ (Balrog)
Cvital (<3 <3) & Lights (Sagat)
Blue & Mongolorobokop
Jameswalton & Afro Cole
Howmuchkeefe (Cammy) & Danielx510 (Zangief)
Thelo (Honda) & Blitz (Ryu)
GJ (<3, Balrog) & Evoanon (Zangief)
Exposed (Bison) & Caes (Guile)
ImmortalBMW (Vega) & Decoy (Blanka)
Zoolander (Sagat) & Engravings (Vega)

People who haven’t found a partner yet are:

Mad Possum
Ashman NW

These are some damn solid teams.

Very nice teams there, you guys better record this!

Brackets are up fellas: HDR 2-vs-2

See you all tomorrow at 11am pst / 2pm est. preferably in chat: http://chat.efnet.org:9090/?channels=%23hdremix

If not I will do my best to message the match-ups to the teams that can’t make it to chat.

Thank You all for participating gentlemen! :rock:

You know, that bracket is kind of rigged… my team only has to win one match to get to winner’s finals, while yours has to win three. The top half-bracket is completely full while the bottom one is almost empty. It’s like I get a double bye here.

Basically there should never be a completely empty initial “match”, and you gotta balance the byes evenly across the brackets. Here’s an example of a fairer 11-team bracket distribution:

A --|
B --|  |
  --|  |  |
    |--|  |
C --|     |
D --|     |  |
    |--|  |  |
  --|  |  |  |
       |--|  |
  --|  |     |
    |--|     |
E --|        |
F --|        |
    |--|     |
G --|  |     |
       |--|  |
  --|  |  |  |
    |--|  |  |
H --|     |  |
I --|     |
    |--|  |
  --|  |  |
J --|  |
K --|

It was random! I picked the teams out of my baby girl’s shoebox. I knew someone would be unhappy with this even though I already told you the process I was going to use.

I didn’t want to have “weaker” teams fight other “weaker” teams and spread the “strong” teams out, that’s why I drew the names randomly.

Thelo you and Blitz were the team got randomly chosen to have a bye round. Sorry, but I’m not gonna play favorites just because a couple people want to see certain teams in the finals etc.

Oh yeah yeah, I “Lol’d” at the “rigged” part LOL! Wtf, if I tried to rig it shouldn’t my team have been the one to take the bye? Or Caes team seeing as how we’ve known each other for like 6 years? LOLOL!

Wasn’t there like a big ass argument about this type of thing for the Evo bracketing? Yeah i’m gonna try to find the thread…

If there’s one team that can get two the winners finals in two fewer matches than another, there’s a problem.

No no, you don’t get what I’m saying. I’m not saying that you rigged the brackets on purpose, but no matter which teams it is, filling a bracket top-down like you did isn’t a real way to fill a non-power-of-two bracket. Just look at it, there’s 8 teams in the top half and 3 in the bottom half, that immediately makes no sense. Just rearrange them more evenly throughout the bracket, like in the configuration I proposed (where there’s 5 and 6 respectively in each half).

You can randomize which team gets which spot, that’s fine, but don’t make bigger starting differences than you need to. In a double elimination tourney, you never need to have more than 1 match of difference with other teams due to byes, so when there’s a 2-match delta you immediately know something’s wrong.

Thank You, and done. Excellent, excellent.