*XBL HDR Tournament*

Thank you to Blue for giving me input and helping me decide the format etc for this. Alright so here’s the info:

2-vs-2 style
Post in your characters before hand
No Double characters gentlemen
Who you team with Doesn’t Matter just can’t be yourself
Winners get 800 MS points apiece
Akuma is banned
(obviously lol)

The tournament is set to start-finish in the span of 1 Day or maybe (if everyone’s schedule permits) the full weekend. I’ll collect all the participants suggestions for the date before I give a set deadline.

Okay, so Good Luck to everyone!

Tournament is scheduled to start September 18th at 11:00 am pt.

Deadline for sign-ups is September 17th at 9:00 pm pt.

I am looking forward to this. I know Mongolorobokop and I are going to do this. I can do it anytime weekday or weekend before September 20th after that I am gone from Xbox Live for a while.

This should be a good tournament guys we should get as many people as we can to join this

depending on if/when i’m available then i would try getting a partner and playing this

Hm, this sounds good. Might be interested depending on who my partner is. Is there a deadline to sign up?

“Full weekend” tournaments with variable times like this usually never finish, because people aren’t on at the same time, so it usually turns into a wild goose chase of trying to contact your opponents all weekend. The more entrants, the worse it is. It’s normally best to set a fixed time where everyone must be there, that way you can be certain everything will be done within a couple hours.

One thing that’s not clear here is what actual 2vs2 format this is. Let’s say Team A has players A1 and A2, and Team B has B1 and B2.

  • In “Pokémon format”, there is only one match going at once, where if A1 fights B1 and wins, he then fights B2, and if he wins again it’s over (A2 never played).
  • In “A-cho format”, A1 fights B1 and A2 fights B2, then if there is a winner on both A and B, they fight each other to determine the winner.

Pokymanz style fellas.

Excellent. Off topic: Your avatar made me laugh…out loud.

I don’t think he meant that its a full weekend tournament where you have to find you opponent like WWL. I think it would be a fixed time and date, but he is trying to figure out a date when the most available participants will be around to play. Everyone should just post a date when they are most certain they can be available and take it from there

Yes. This. Also I am willing to change the date if too many people are unable to make it.

I’m probly down. I might be getting a job soon so I’ll mention it ASAP if I can’t come.

…Anyone need a partner :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the invites, Lyghts and BTC, but as of now, I’m quite bored of HDR (lol). I have been on an “HDR time off” vacation for some time now. I’m taking a big break off, I recently got hooked on SSF4, so I’ll be on SSF4 leveling up my Blanka in the meantime.

ggs and have fun at the tournament

Yeah I seen that, you been rockin’ SuperIV hard. Would be nice to have you compete but all good. I will hold your spot should you change your mind homeh.

We will be having our 3.3 Ranbat that day AT Denjin Aracade :frowning:

Alright so I’ll move it to September 17th at 11:00 am pt.

11am on a Friday? That’s an odd choice.

Wtf lol. I really really thought that was Saturday. Well just add an extra day so it’ll be the 18th.

Early afternoon on a Saturday might actually work for me (real life makes these things so hard for me to play). For now I’m in if I can find a partner.

I have a ssf4 tournament irl saturday evening and I’m not even into 4.

Yeah I’m in…need a partner tho. 11am is freakin’ early! I usually do all my killin’ at high-noon! lol

11am Pacific time is 2pm Eastern time.

Pretty early for an online tourney but I should be able to make it.