Count me and Deluxe Norieaga in on this.
11am pac time is what EST for you guys? LOL.
I’m interested in this as well. EGO, I’m not as worthy but if you need a partner, I’m here for you baby.
i probably won’t play in this, but posting what character you’re going to play beforehand is stupid. match making is already double blind, and being locked in with one character sucks. just saying.
Moocus you gotta play man, partner up with Synco. Do it for GGIIIMMEE THEE DIICCCKK. Posting your characters beforehand is usually done in live tournaments when its 2v2 so I thought it should be done here to?
I’d love to enter this but I don’t have a partner. Anyone?
I’ll partner up with you old man.
^^^ Sorry Zoo, he I think wants to win… :razz: j/k
Would be nice to have a list of players that have already signed up. Just so others know who not to ask.
i forgot it was 2 on 2 when i posted that, heh. i’ll be sleeping anyway. that’s where i’m a viking.
I have work that day, so instead of playing that tourney, I’ll be watching netflix at work.
So confirmed teams are:
Super Sharizord & Deluxe Noriega
Prodigy & SMQ
Cvital (<3 <3) & Caes
Blue & Mongolorobokop
Jameswalton & Afro Cole
Howmuchkeefe (Cammy) & Danielx510 (Zangief)
Thelo (Honda) & Blitz (Ryu)
GJ (<3, Balrog) & Evoanon (Zangief)
People who haven’t found a partner yet are:
ZoolanderUNbeast (what about that huh?!)
Ego (<3)
Decoy (I think you wanted in right?)
Mad Possum
Ashman NW
Skankin Garbage
You better put every letter of my name is caps bitch!!!1111111111!!1112
/internet rage.
I’ll join up if I can get a partner.
If it’s still Saturday morning/afternoon, I’m in. Need to find a partner.
I’ll be teaming with danielx510
Team Blitzfu / Thelo is ready.
Ready to blitz some fools while holding down back. LOL Are we supposed to announce our characters? Also if Jason Cole is in this, I am SO hyped!!
My money is on Thelo and Blitz, depending on who Genei partners with.
Count me in Gamertag: Ashman NW
Its a team tournament, who is your partner?